Pricklies reconvening . . .


We had a break whilst I made some sense of the books/papers that arrive – plus there were holidays for all.

Intention for Pricklies
Me – to download what to me is common sense
You – to understand what is driving your ship, and more choices

The wiring that gives the instructions that the physical plays out. This is not arcane – easily accessed and with fingers – not only needles. We will start again – as we always have to – each day we begin again With every person we see – it is a new beginning – AND the there is what life has devolved into.

LOST First Do No Harm

We will endeavour to work WITH nature.
I have no idea where this censorship will end but please take as much as you can as you can fom me.
No one knows what is ahead . .

On the spirit of this I offer.
You Have Been Gifted A Body
Being Woman . .

To undo the clutter – in all levels of being will allow clarity.
Calm and safety so important .

Let us begin . .
Life Recipe (CLICK) maybe look over again?
We need to breathe.
How to help this
Open chest . .
We do checkers and then we move the Qi . .
Simple = the lymph (CLICK) – as we are (could be) 70% water – let us ensure the wastes do not pool about and the good stuff actually makes its appearance where it is designed to go. Lymph manual here (CLICK)

How to do this?
Scars . .

If we only focused on this – not diagnosis (that is retail driven – from whatever modality you are in).

Kelly wondered what gems for the woman she will be seeing tomorrow – who wants to get pregnant.
What do you http://Duncan McDonald 08:47 (6 hours ago) to me I said?
NATURE – sex makes babies. . .if not – why not?
You know what I would have said – where is the Mr Infertile we have to deal with?
That is the issue – King Henry VIII th all over again.
Even if she had blocked tubes – he still needs to be Mr-At-Least 50% Looking Normal and the bar was lowered in 1987 for men to be letting loose with half rubbish . . Now where more to fall . .

The stair incident in a wee course (CLICK)

There is so much that we could do.
IF we accepted that we live in a body of Light and the under the line work that is within this spiritual war is wearing . .

STAIR INCIDENT – maybe go through this first?? (CLICK)

Start – Lenley – instant result with prickles – chronic is more touchie.
Acute and niggles – pricklies
2 minutes practical pricklies is NOT protocol/recipe – but is practical . .
3.20 – how did it feel as a primary carer? Knowing what to do?
4.30 – 40 years of my onsite thinking . .and a master at work. (Do what you are told). 
5 – Kelly came in
6. 30 – Vanessa . .who has pricklies been?
Really great addition – and more on dogs . than others.
Tweaked up self care.  .a different adventure of learning
10 – What Happened To Me – and who would I have coped without pricklies??
11 – Two regular pricklies classes already and new one starting – so we need to start with
We are Gifted A Body and We Live in a Body Of Light . .
Jing wears out . .or our time is up . .
12.20 – Walking in . . I can’t find the article s I want – here is another to start off with

13.30 – White picket fence – and the personality cage – we need to care for each other. . can’t wait for the knights in shining armour . .
15 – bottom circle – JIng and 7 year cycle . . and modern life is easy.
16.20 – Vanessa and selfing assistant . .
17 – Vanessa – the awareness of looking after myself. .
And was in a way – but each level – has gone in deeper.19 – has more of a choice now ..
19.30 – Me and stairs  . .
20.30– Lenley has done self discovery and Vanessa – HWH . .
The spark of Light we would not interfere with other’s lives – and as a personality – we HAVE to – as we need to feel .  . whatever
22 – contaminants – how can we live well?
24 – Living as Energy – and 4 F’s – fight, flight, freeze and fawning – masks etc . .
25 – Back to soul transfer . .
26 – More than you think – of YOU.
27 – Clutter versus clarity – and how to at least give a taste of this. It Is As Though – please add this into how you look at life. .
Thy Will Be Done – as in top circle – not personality – we are here to help what is happening on the planet . .
29 – I am here to teach…Put self first . . .

Selfing course (CLICK) – Kelly and Ali. . . it starts mid May – contact Lisa or me for more info. .

30.20 – Ask – ‘What would Heather do?’
31 – cow and car – then ocular shingles.
I did not die.  .

The white Brahman cow appeared out of nowhere – left side – and bounced onto the bonnet and spread right across the windscreen then was flipped away – no blood, no stopping teh car – I kept going straight ahead . . 10 km maybe?

Vit D3  . .my levels were 350 ish – and thus only #nose – direct impact . .
33 – Biofilms and the ‘we don’t know brigade’
Flexnor Report (CLICK)
34 – me and stairs. . . no idea how or what happened. .
35Co 4 in  .  .major point for helping head/face
36 – Getting me back together . . .

37 – what we did in pricklies 2022. GV 26 – what to do to rescue a person . .
Ding Shen – for madness . .
39Ki 1 – and cold tiles – is a rescue reserve tank . .
40.30 – Sp 3 – stop fainting  not invasive. . .given the earth more earth – give the Shen its home again. .
43Heart rescues (CLICK)

44 – Breathing . .Ding Chuan – Pc 6 – Ki 27 –

44 – Ding Chuan – difficult breathing
48 – Vanessa gone
49 – Causes of Diseases – ‘germs’ – no – is the Yang Qi – and Declutter – pull out the shock, then cold and sort out the scars. .
Flows have to flow. .
50 .30fingertip – rescues (CLICK)
Co 4 . . pain . .
52 – dead bit of lip . . . healing  . .
52.30 – Kelly gone.
53 – Caretaker came in  not the usual H there – and took over. . .
55  Ethics.  . .in 2016 Playing the Fix it Game – need now
Losing Your Religion will happen next . .Beliefs Vs Biology.
56 – Lenley and Ki1 and Jing . .
57 – Takeover also of H body – to sort out Ryan’s birth . .

59 – No idea as to real cause of disease – David in kidney stones
Scope of practice – theirs’ – is death avoidance. .
1.00.00 – and Lenley – what is placebo . . think is the mind in different paradigm
Look at what Ted Katchuk says. . The Web With No Weaver . . FIVE BRANCHES UNIVERSITY – free pdf if you look . .
It is STRAIGHT TCM – not what we are using – but MAYBE helpful
He as answering a question – he did not want to be a spiritual healer – as it seemed. . and Ted’s story . .
1.05.00 – Not being aware of the pain I was in . .

1.07.30 – Granny medicine needed – fingertip rescues.
Set them up to win . .
1.09.00 – GOT to undo the inner circle – Self Discovery – personality . .
1.10.00 – Three stages after the basics online – needs to be on FB one hour a week on with a small group – relating in a very different way.  .
1.11.30 – Vibrational and Acc Recall . .

1.12.45 – Clear yourself – body remembers all that has happened to it . .in utero?
Gentle it away. .
1.13.30 – Dr Shen’s line
Beginning as with Undoing Life’ Libraries. . .online teachers – ?? Lenley and Vanessa to start with . .
1.14.00Making Peace With the Mother Within
1.15.00Meeting and Releasing the Children I Never Met
Then – Getting Onto My Path . . (soul mission here)
Is all different to Healing the Wounded Healer.  .
is a retreat – and assistants and is in a safe place. .
1.18.00 – Gentling Trauma relief  and leading into It Happened To Me and What I Did About it. .

1.20.00Preventing Precocious Puberty (CLICK)
1.22.00 – need the tools to undo yourself – Life Library .
1.23.00 – Some of us have NEVER been a joiner – so Group Formation is not for us. . do have to undo other middle circle . .
1.25.00 – Needles needed for me – by others. .

Being Woman – intro (CLICK)


Selfing online only the three intro courses (CLICK)– for anyone – they can then go on to the workshop /challenge (CLICK)