Heather’s 2021 Natural Fertility Guide



A new life awaits you. .

Reminder . .

Life expects replication
Sex is to make babies.
We need to understand how to make this as easy as it was. .
And as simple also.

Health is your first wealth

Often forgotten – is where it came from:
Your forebears, PLUS how well they grew you – initially within their bodies, then in your home of origin and the rules you were given to live well. This is sometimes lost in the mists of time.

Throughout this programme I will be reminding you – and your body of what it needs to easily grow your family, whilst keeping you in top form.

Are you baby ready?

Let us find out. We will introduce these possibly new ideas in this section . .

1 – Health – what is it?

Way more than not in pain, or not sick  . .
I use this definition – ‘the ability to adapt to change’.

So much is shifting and what you thought life was may never appear again – and yet – the drive for babes in arms . .
It is likely that a lot has happened to both of you, and there is no more storage space left. The excess residue is getting in the way – and we need to pare back to basics . . when we do this – life will be so much easier.

Over the past decades as a natural health problem solver (finding solutions when all else seems lost – even hopeless), I have used life and its template to undo what tangles lie before me – in the lives of myself, my students, and those who have sought my assistance since I opened my own health clinic in the middle of Brisbane city in 1979. Before IVF (then called in vitro) I easily reversed even blocked tubes, using nature’s ways. Now after IVF is having massive issues – even getting ONE good embryo hat lasts to become a bub in arms – there is still Nature. Shall we ask a different question?
Not – “where are my babies?”but ‘why are they waiting?’ and ‘what do they need me to do first?’

Process? We do need to work out why Nature is presently stopping healthy robust version of you appearing.

How? Go back to the beginning. . As a farmer would – great stud. – Is he is in good shape even?

What is needed? Strong sperm to make the cut. Strong egg to take the project forwards . .A ripe nest to grow the seed to fruition. A happy harmonious couple to thrive into parenthood.

2 – Jing – far more than DNA

A new concept that is obvious when spelt out. This comes from the acupuncture model of life. Very easy to follow – all humans have. Life.  Jing is your life capital. The quality of your experience in a body. How you can live.

Basically. when you run out – you die.  Jing quality is gifted by the strength of your parents, their parents  and what they bequeathed. Are you ready to make the foundations of another – and their children and their children? Would you wish to do the best job possible? That is what Nature is nudging you  – saying NOT YET- by you being here.

This is not a ‘medical’ issue – but one of life.

3 – Health report – your Jing Markers

Here are some interesting forms for you to fill in. Please download (are pdf) and print out. Keep handy . .

Jing Markers-Women   Jing Markers-Men   jing_markers