Following on – Nathalie 18th April


Accident Recall and navel cupping on little kids/diastasis

Sorry about the beginning issues – was in a rush to get there on time.

We start with Accident Recall (CLICK) questions: AND P.V./ P.A.C.E. (CLICK)

Flinchlock and horses (CLICK)

See Contact care (CLICK)

Gilly Johnson (CLICK)

  • 14 .00 – my own Acc Recall on original second session. Circumcision
  • 17.20  wait for the breath
  • 17.50 – Need to do intensives – so the body IS to shift its balance
  • 19.30 – Mandy arrived – Mizan (CLICK)
  • 22.45 – Linda on the Selfing workshop
  • 25.30 – Linda and the use of ‘just’
  • 26.30 – SUBMISSIVE is what ‘just’ does.
  • 28.55 – Linda and womb after workshop
  • 31 – Nat – so easy to care for others instead of self. This brought her to where she can accept herself (and emotions). Deep connection with self – and would recommend this weekend to anyone who wants to get back to themselves.
  • 32.30 – Me asking Mandy about Bushra’s lead-in
  • 35.30 – Finding out about what Mizan starts with – belly – innards – not only the womb moving –
  • 38 – Megan and her gifts – actual womb
  • as Don E.J. did and taught. PROGRESSION THRU GW (CLICK)
  • 39.25 – Mandy and Tracey working with the basics.
  • 40.30 – Tracey’s paralysed people – vaxx damaged
  • 42 – Mandy – need clarity before the Acc Recall
  • 43 – Acc Recall is profoundly moving – if not holding – not fixed why in the first place – eg wee boy and eye problem. Moved into the emotions – to clear in acc recall.  Vaccine Safety Manual (CLICK) – thymus gland and liver/spleen – not the vaxx site
  • 47.20 – Linda talking about her experience with the acc recall and trying to hold the arm up.
  • 49.20 – Nick’s story – being returned into his body after Acc Recall
  • 51.30 – Linda being resistant trying to make her arm strong . . (remember only using 2 fingers – no a test of strength
  • 54 – Shayla

    Go to Selfing course – and download all the resources there – how to help YOURSELF!!!

    Progression through the Gentling Way