Hard cases – peripheral neuropathy


People come to seek help as it is not being provided elsewhere. PAIN and dysfunction.
The more medically orthodox ‘health’ workers are leaking their ‘scope of practice’ all over the place – splinter skills.

It is all presenting differently as the template is thoughtlessly ignored/ broken.
Start with ‘You Have Been Gifted A Body’ – owner’s manual – woman tides 201801will stand in for the one coming.
Owner’s manual – owner and fixer versions . . (We learn through working/embodying our own stories stuck in our own vehicles).

This is a clear matter for thinking as a mechanic would. The human vehicle is no different – except hat it is designed to NOT give out – (in planned obsolescence – post factory template) – unless you factor in the sickness industry that is owning EVERY body.

Jabbing in extras, and medicating with non nutrients a great place to continue the body burden, and non clearing of life residue.

Holistic Multi Modality Transformative Energy Body Mechanic – the Gentling Way – nutrients and circulation.

What happened to begin this?
How did it first show up?
What has been done to date?
Where are the gaps in the logic?

As .  . .

  • Bodies heal themselves.
  • They remember everything that has ever happened to them
  • Structure Determines Function
  • Energy follows thought
  • Flows have to flow.

Hard cases: this is sparked by Tanya’s case

‘We are improving the pain in the peripheral neuropathy in his feet, but only to management level. Still no change to numbness after 6 months treatment. He feels difference from abdo and sacral massage. Would like to improve circulation more. Working on cardiac scar currently. I’m frustrated with lack of progress. I did briefer gentle version of under pubic bone and the twist today.’

Thus is no different from ANY structural issue – or in fact anything anyone walks in with – so this elderly gent stands in for ANY patient – and your body also . .
It cannot fix itself.
WHY NOT? – We move blockages.

Bodies heal themselves – why is it not?

  • They remember everything that has ever happened to them
  • Structure Determines Function
  • Energy follows thought
  • Flows have to flow

Beginning again . . .

Peripheral (at the extremities) Neuropathy (nerves not working properly)

Why? Nutrients not getting to the places needed.
Wastes and sludge likely impeding at least secondarily.

What to do? Uncover why not and fix it.

Peripheral . . . Liver governs circulation
Blood – quality and Qi – to move it there.
History – his story – cardiac surgery  .


I – Last flu jab? Shingles?

2 – Is he on statins? (that will take all the fat soluble vitamins and minerals out)

2 – Recent medical interface?
3 – Past accidents?

4 – Past chemo/radiation

No diagnosis needed – we know what he is upset about. Body can’t work well anymore.

Obvious question is why not – not what does the GP say?

This is is a classic case of why we Move The Qi

  • Lymph
  • Liver Qi
  • Cup out cold – rescue the Yang
  • Replace the Ooomph
  • Sacral Wakeups.

Sequencing – natural order

No needles needed initially – do need to bake the cake first.

Clear out your workspace – no micromanagement needed.

All Qi medicine is the icing – or decorations – the cake needs baking first. . .
Restore FIRST – then – do we still have a problem?
Seriously – it all goes back to Undo the Life Library.

Your/their health report is the Jing Markers.
AND – what they fuel life with – see Life Recipe

What I did template

P 249 intake form

Serrapeptase Information-2


General Order of business  

How a well body works & breaks down

food folder

liberate your butt

Tanya to provide
  • 1 – History
  • 2 – What happened so far.
  • 3 – Reaction to last session.