Prolapse returns after a fall – in pregnancy

Life happens  ..

Listening to the story – you may wonder – what ARE the professionals doing?
The womb being the centre of a life – AND nutrition

We met Amy here

14 weeks pregnant with number 6 pregnancy – 2 were not tied into sickness and were lost at 5 weeks.
Eldest is 6 1/2 and the youngest 2 2/2.
H weaned himself as she ‘dried up’ a month ago.
Has been fainting – and on the last faint (no warming  she just went down) she came to with a sore back – she had hit the table on the way down. Physio no help gave her exercises , ,and she s now allergic to the tape they used to strap her.

No mention of magnesium – and from the fall – took maybe 10 minutes to empty bladder and sciatica a lot worse and numbness on the top of her foot.
And too  sore to be able to function.
Physio – said – “wait for the body to heal.”

Here we are – womb is the centre, she is malnourished (pregnancy nausea/vomiting will do this to a person)

  • All her pregnancies – she lost a vast amount of hair after bub born.
  • Fingernails now no good and her hair now falling again.
  • Not able to eat – except a banana in the morning and may keep lunch down – will likely be fine for the last meal of the day.
  • Vegan – and been so for years.
  • Bladder ‘hesitancy’ and prolapse
  • Heaviness in lower belly/vagina
  • Painful back
  • Generally feeling really ill.

What we did
Triage – normally would be shock first – but her belly was cold so cupped navel.
Whilst cup on navel I recorded what to do about the food issue.
This is big as I know she thinks all is well . ..being vegan all through this baby making and breastfeeding.

Audio files are here

Vegan stories from the trenches . .please listen as you may get some tools to assist those who are similarly stuck

After the cupping . . . Took an hour as I went through a lot of stories on vegan pregnancies

Then St 24 (R) and Liv 2
Eventually – after some lymph moves and chest gouges – Ki 9.
Bridged the navel ring scars – could not feel around then ad added in St 30 as was the point Dr van Buren said to use when any trunk operation/scars – to reconnect Chong Mai.

Needles out – and here we have what I had tried to teach Evelyn on my body – see here.

Whilst we were waiting for Ann Marie to appear I spent the time answering the question I had posed to myself when Belinda had mentioned about the Lu 10 point in FB group and how it magically got better when she did the I.C. corrcetion . .
I obviously was not clear enough – learn the basics then the exquisite changes.  .
IC valve info is here ..

We pop the viscera back where they are to be.

  • Beginning – HH correction
  • 1.05 – recheck

What really happened?

Discovering the problem (it is not pregnancy)

  • 0.40 – Recent sacral break – can’t pee
  • 1.20 – sacral shovel
  • 1.38 – Why 7 ‘L’s’ – acupuncture model needed

Ideally sacral moxa fan first

Sacral yanks/wakeups/butterfly spreading

1.14 – Check needed – how do you get the sciatica to happen?

1.30 – wobbling whilst I have a think

Decision – based on pregnancy/recent fall – O.S.L. – can’t sacral smash – even though I have protected the pregnancy – by feeding her to start with – can’t work on an empty stomach – esp when we are waking up her slothful metabolism – popped in /Ki 9 and done navel cupping – temp bter – we rescued her Yang Qi first.

We do the work – finally – all else was set up

  • Beginning – decide I slide off – so is Anterior . .
  • 0.50 – swap over hands – was on lower – now to do upper torsion release
  • 1.20 – wobble
  • 1.30 – Stretch
  • 1.45 – cup sacrum
  • 2.10 – Stretch and wobble

Important to warn them what you will be doing

  • 0.40 – Twist and pull
  • 1.15 – Wobble, wobble
  • 1.27 – Stretch
  • 1.50 – castor oil needed

Finishing off 

Warming up to do the next bit . .

  • 0.30 – coccyx sore?
  • 1.25 – under sit bone
  • 1.56 – Wobbles
  • 2.00 – Shake
  • 2.40 – Shake again

Towards the end 


I forgot to ask her – sciatica and numb foot – gone and nearly gone

Seeing her again and hopefully will be filmed a week later.
Progress report?
Not vomited yet today (I sent her the Qi Inversion caps which will sort this out)
She has been taking the Blood tonic caps – Pro D
And loves the miso and ginger drink.
No sciatica and no numb foot – peeing fine. . .
A little bit of prolapse yesterday – fine today.

 Cannot under estimate the role of food. Here is what I sent as info for her to work through

Download and print out and pop in a plastic folder

Pregnancy sickness.  .. What to do.

Do get miso and use in hot water – a tsp full.

Get a slice of ginger (raw) and poke holes with a fork and add to the miso and pour not quite boiling water over it.

Start each day with this??

Moxa – see the WDCD manual

Also here

Fainting . ..


Her progress report

“I’m so much better today! I can actually move freely. And I can pee properly now. Prolapse isn’t noticeable”.