French class 2018

Welcome . . .


Loved this class, being there and being translated!




Waking up the heart chakra – getting pinker – prelude to Stuck Liver Qi Release

And shake it off – ask them to feel the difference between the ‘done’ and the ‘undone’ sides




Ovarian SuspensoryLigament teaching how to . . .

Showing the Ovarian Suspensory Ligament ‘findings’/poking to correct


(Aline (filming) having fun .. .)
Respire/respire/breathe/breathe . . .

  • Figure of eight of calm it all down . .’Then ‘findings’ again.
  • 2 .00 – We correct (demonstrate)
  • Can feel this up to her shoulders . .
  • 2.50 – repeat x3
  • 4.30 – Shakey Shakey
  • 4.40 – Deep Stretch . .- and can feel between her shoulder blades again
  • 5.30 – Sacral stretch – gradually come off this.
  • 6 – pull the untwisted side first –
  • 6.30– twist leg around – she could feel her pubic bone
  • 7.10 – gentle shake
  • 7.20 – Hippy shake
  • 8.45 – Other side
  • 9.40 – Fixing children – easy – she is over 27 – has calcified . .need to feel the sacral changes
  • 10.10 – Coming off the sacral Vee ..
  • 11.30 -protect your knuckles – lots of pressure. We are undoing adhesions
  • 12 – breaking sacral adhesions –
  • (need moxa sacral fan to start with) – this is hard work – for both of us – and after that – castor oil packs
  • 14.30 – Guard your knuckles – sacral gouge again
  • 15.05 – Shakey shakey
  • 15.30 – Heart opening = can be deeper and harder now
  • 15.45 – SLQR – a lot harder this time . .
  • 16.20 – SLQR always go to the other side
  • 16.35 – Flick off what we have gathered