Reconnecting us to the work



What next?

Initially – this is a wee meeting after we had finished the last lead-in Zoom to my revision class into the weekend Living Ligaments I – where do we go now? After The Pause.

  • 2.50 – Lisa L explaining what is what with her life
  • 5.00 ish – ‘What Dads Can Do’ how to get it – (and all the charts FREEE) and site and what id in the wings – waiting for teaching .  . splinter skills – who is ‘qualified’ to be part of this referral network?
  • 7.30 vaccine damage and me
  • 8.00 – grandchildren – and the pretense of all is fine – not.
  • 9.10 – Too much other work I am called to – not all this gyne/maternity/fetility.
  • 9.45 – after Mercier – why don’t we fix why they need bio identical hormones etc . .
  • 10.15Liquid activated zeolites and Glutathione accelerator – all need to start HERE as the mess we are dealing with is
  • 11 – hair analysis – have to be discharging it to find it in the hair . .
  • Dr Russell Blaylock – Immuno excitotherapy vaccines harming children’s brain development
  • 12.30 Simone and born to die of leukemia
  • 14.00 – You are in the revision class – tagged on . .(Sorry sound got terrible there).
  • 14.30 – trying to sort out sound . .
  • 15.45 – Me and the Vaxxed bus .  .and I need to get back to this. I do know what to do . .
  • 16.35 – Me moving away and getting paid for it – who else to join??
  • 17 – member ship site set up to get me paid for all I have even doing to set this up  .esp all the courses that could be done immediately.
  • 18.10 – we need to be paid at least as much as the house repairers . . .at least as much as the plumber, electrician etc – as in this culture how much you charge equates with what worth it is to them. 0- No sob stories ..  They have o learn to prioritise first.
  • 19.30 Lisa L – charge more – peoepl pay for their health care they pay for themselves . .
  • 20.20 – who IS our market? Maybe those older women – post cancer etc ..
  • 21.40 – Me looking (and sounding) just like Rosita’s step mother. .
  • 22.15 – need to charge a lot of money . .
  • 22.30 – How much Jennifer Mercier  ..
  • 23.30 – What Dr Mercier promises .. need men – thus up the success rate – I have courses – for you.
  • 25 – Scandanavian countries – a huge following
  • 25.45Jennifer’s site – you get to pay for the film – I will see if I can find where I put it – C Section recovery
  • 25.50Adhesions .  .
  • 26.40 Serrapeptase – enzyme from the gut of silk worms. Also more here
  • Serrapeptase Information-2
  • 27.30 – Gut needs t work – back to adjuvants needing gone –
  • Liquid activated zeolites and Glutathione accelerator – as a naturopath myself – I start them there – not supplements as this will not now work (Roundup killed off our gut bacteria Shikamate pathways)
  • 27.26 – Declutter .  . must s=do the same moves as the women – for the men.
  • 28.20 – This is structural work –  work through the front . .
  • 29 – How I am doing this . . recorded . . and there id SOOO much online with filming and each move in bits.
  • 30.50  – Need to be with a person – there is sufficient with me on line
  • 31.20 – Sacral smash – how did Trish feel –
  • 32.20 – Trish and I worked only on each other . .
  • 33 – Me and Aura Soma to calm al that came up down . . not even steaming – or continuity . .
  • 33.50 – no extras .  . .all about the therapist
  • 34.30 – Her market.  . In Sweden – P.T.’s a big hit . .
  • 35.20 – Men – they are the key . . more here
  • 36 – we do have courses that can be taking through the Gentling Way = fertility =etc  ..
  • 36.40– Gentling Way – will have them safe to undo selves. .
  • 38 – Alien abductions and so on – be thankful not your reality – non judgement
  • 38.40 – Where are the Arvigo Self Care teachers – some surely??
  • 39.30 – Need more to disseminate . .
  • 40 – How this bunch (3 on site) got in front of me . .
  • 41.45 – Set them up to win . .
  • 42  I felt my uterus pull off my sacrum . .
  • 43 – What the Arvigo stuff had not touched . .
  • 43.30 – How they feet? No words .  . how did the same thing – expansive – ADHESIONS let go.
  • 44 – Russian gymnast – and feeling opposite ovarian ligament
  • 44.50 – need to look at ingredients. .
  • 45 – We set the container. Eg IVF – and what they had to do  .
  • 46 – How Lisa L was setting up –
  • 47 – Let us do it all the Gentling Way. .
  • 47.40 Men and how to get them in? Men rectal BBT – how their metabolism is working – hot balls? Killing sperm
  • 48.30 – Desperates – must NOT undercharge. . .do not devalue the training . .
  • 49.30 – Trish charging more . .
  • 51.30 – How Lisa Levine does her intakes
  • 54– Louise Crokett castor oil – I can’t find at the moment .
  • 55Barbara  Loomis and steam video? Can’t find either.
  • 56.40 – Bite sized pieces . .
  • 57.40 – People need connection (No idea where the noises coming in from).
  • 58 – It takes time – work out what your time is worth.
  • 1.01.30 The Great Sperm Race
  • 1.02.20 – What we do in couples sessions – knit them back together  . .
  • 1.03.00 – Boundaries . . .the container . . . set them – agreements – MUST do them – for all of life.