Living Ligaments I – Feb 2020/ Jan 2021 Atarau


This is a combo – two different L.L.I. classes – in my teaching retreat — Atarau.

A recap for some – new for Evelyn and Belinda in the second class.

Small groups do make this easier . .
And being at my place is wonderful




We were busy with patients – had Del at her place (Friday evening).





Del on her journey with Heather playing with her stuck areas.


C section damage – x 2 (CLICK)
Shannon – came x2 with his neck/back (CLICK).

This is a different L.L.I. training – but is in here for revision /context purposes for anyone (esp those going into Yeppoon).

Sunday – reflection as revision – beginning of L.L.I. 2020

Me taking you through how this work evolved.

Why I do this this way. TO ADD IN What worked when . . 70’s to now.

  • 7 – Different modalities that you and other’s use – and what medicos look at – with numbers – as end result
  • 8.15 – Body warnings – ‘how a person knows’ what is happening. Need an owner’s manual (elder’s knew).
  • 10.30 – Need to live in the temple (body/Jing)
  • 13 – Timelines of products
    • 1999 Reunion, 2001/2 manuals/posters, 2005 – WDCD – 2006onwards – eBooks 2016 – online courses.
    • 15 – Heather’s signature system was from the start – Moving Blockages. All from the 8 Extras work
    • 15.30 – why do people find us ? Tense and in pain . .and not getting relief/answers from orthodox – AND – touch and connection.
    • 18 – How I started in my first clinic – calm them first – block the sore points on the back (structure is blocked – thus function also – lymph drainage on all – and all with moxa. All had the soft tissue and cranial work.
    • 20 – HAVE to fix their sore neck – is the end of the session.
    • 23 – Evolution of the acupuncture work – The Human Matrix/now called Woman Tides. Men’s way – versus yarning circles – women natter.
    • 24 – Evolution of the Apps – and ingredients and method – me working in GV – and what is in the recipe? Chestnut flour? Do you have it – if not – can’t make. .
    • 25 Energy Follows Thought. Method also needs to be . . asked Kassandra – she is too young to know.
    • 28.30Shane and Sue making bubs (CLICK). (Their story half way down that page).
    • 32  – Me deciding to hand over.
    • 34.30 Life Recipe (CLICK)

    • 38 – We are now ‘off the rails’ – being Bonsia’ed as when early life is not ideal (epigenetic) – we are broken.
    • 40 – Need Clarity – go through the Life Library – Self Discovery.  JIng Markers – the life report card.

    jing_markers (DOWNLOAD AND FILL IN FOR YOURSELF) Jing Markers-Men (CLICK)  Jing Markers-Women (CLICK)

    Also your life library Exploring Our Inner Libraries2 (Read it up)

    Exploring Our Inner Libraries-short (FILL it in)

    Exploring Our Inner Libraries copy(Fill it all in) do also for all your children – and maybe your mum

    • 44.30 – all non needling was written out of the journal article on male fertility and the multi modality – see Shane and Sue as above).
    • 46 – Committed people only – qualify them.
    • 47 – Doreen and the IVF stats massaging . .
    • 50 – Sex all the month – not when medicos say so. .
    • 52.20 – Guard your heart story – mum was only drinking diet coke – 10 cans at least a day. !! Horror.
    • 54 – Medical framework NOT following nature.
    • 59 – My motivations (as a mum). Jaundice and Vit K jab at birth.
    • 1.01.00 – We have to FIX problems – and their habits that created them.

    Different owner’s manual will be You Have Been Gifted a Body.

    In the middle of the training – see 7 ‘L’s (CLICK) as we are now in the Liver energy

    After seeing a lot of ligament animations

      • 2 – Has to all flow. – Have to be happy and not storing cold
      • 2.30 – The average ‘hard’ case: a culmination:Liver Qi (CLICK) & WDCD – see more there. wdcd 44 (CLICK)
      • 5 – Inner work as an acupuncture student . .  and how it all falls down – progression as life happens.
      • 6.40 – Easy births – WDCD
      • 8 – Living as Energy living_as_energy (CLICK to download)

      • 13 – Women being Blood dependent – and it must flow.
      • 14 – Need to moderate the temperature of the oven
      • 15.30 – Me being ‘off track’ – following what was written as younger.
      • 16 – Do your own Stuck Liver Qi Release  – safe to use on cancer (CLICK) . .?
      • 19 – Why them/ there and now?
      • 19.30 – Women bleed as we have a surplus of Blood – and if not – trouble ahead.  .
      • 20 – Signs of Stuck Liver Qi in women= stop /start bleeding and sighing – plus all is stuck. Including IBS.
      • 22Normal periods (CLICK). and all the mischief that happens when we ignore the ingredients and circulation – need to go to Love Your Body Better
      • 26 – Interesting over bleeding case – and shows that acupuncture theory works!! HOT BLOOD (CLICK)
      • hot_blooded_baby-DTB_Summer2006-07 (CLICK to pdf)
      • 28.30 – Normal periods – and I will get the app content on courses online soon.
      • 31 – Stuck Liver Blood – missing organisms with sex (P/P below 2009)
      • 32 – Strange case
      • 34 – Normal – we need to know.  . me – decades of watching the loss of what women knew. .
      • 37 – Follow Nature – stop breaking yourself  . . . need owner’s manual
      • 38 – ‘Strong opinions’
      • 40 – Hot Blood and bleeding on safe intimate care (CLICK)
      • 43 – Depleted Blood – Reading from page so WDCD p 56/57 (WDCD – Blood energy – page 30)
      • 46 – Womb not hydrated, get lymph moving, breath better – and then emotions sticking it all up. 
      • 47.30 – Body fluids include all that ‘yin’ (CLICK) covers  moisten, hydrate nourish .. and then get circulating – need our gut.
      • 48.30 – Utte telling us about her toxic soil on her growing all their own food garden.

      Busy at work (L.L.I. – Utte, Vanessa, Caryl and Heather in picture – Kassandra and Hilary on the tables.