2024 – Catchups #9 – recharging women’s bits

Beginning . . .

Lines – Yang and Yin
Three Circles
Who is “I”?
What rules are we playing by? – The 7 ‘L’s’ again

That is what she thought . .
Medical profession? Anxiety – you decide ..

Education – when the student arrives – thirsting for more. . be there with them.
She was in a very different state after my 2 hour session.

What did I do?
Listening and the usual – calm belly, do basic soothing then Mercier front stuff – this time for retroverted womb with over use injury – from 2 last births – not usually picked up – key (I heard after session when she was talking with Yvonne) – she was in a weird position to labour leaning sideways to the right a lot.

See the general reconnecting moves – which i did none of a the I.C. valve and H.H. S.moves were not needed.
No scars to attack . .BUT – in on talking her through – the nice veneer holds so much – and I am not sure what code ‘we are working through’ – suspect marital discord (large transgression).
Mum is a home schooler – they are a one income breaks family – no tax b thus no govt assistance (not jabbing kids).
Thus they are running the man provides all – he does as a financial planner course writer – their apartment has been freshly renovated as in the flood a while ago only theirs’ was flooded – and the body corporate and insurance have been creating havoc as well.

As her sister being out through with heart racing. pains to convince her she was dying .. . add all that in to mix of being in the Coast and being at home with distressed sister in the recent political climate. . . to the police, and being bullied, being part of the legal challenge – so she still has been paid, had severe PTSD and is expected to go back into the force to do reprehensible to her (sister) things.

And in the midst – Rachel has decided to move ‘home’ to Bowen – and sister has to stay at the ‘cop shop’ that she can’t face working in – and is being paid to wrangle with them still.

In the last pregnancy she got very stressed, strange pains and in past 2 years (post baby – who was assaulted with nasal swabs, screaming as a new born in hospital – as the (did not tell her she was jabbed) home birth midwife was discharged one the due date, a lovely doula helped,. birth OK – hospital appalling . . Mum very upset – and the heart stuff and womb ‘squeezes’ were worse with all cycles – leading into period – key question – do you get angry before a period – – is often volcanic rage that they are attempting to be nice through . .
The body CAN’T thus shows up differently – in her case, the heart racing, anxiety attacks (thinking dying) and heart racing ..

I asked her prior to coming in – what she was up to – as we had done a Zoom consult – she had bought the Chinese herbs (Pro Creation D as a blood tonic, and the P.S.Calm to clear the cortisol rushes) she had them unopened STILL – but – BEING GOOD had not started them as was on the homeopathics – FOR A YEAR And still in this mess – helped temporarily

We found out why – the peritoneal untangler did it . .

all symptoms of ‘wrongness’ gone – all sensations . . .
a crinkle in the thick ‘glad wrap ‘ that covers all to slide and glide in the pelvic cavity . .
This is what makes the difference – filling in gaps, offering a paradigm shift.
Being there. . .And having tools that WORK – and explanations when things seem to be going awry . .

7 years cycles as a Bell curve . .
Need to live a woman’s life – and ignore what all men say about how the body works – as they have not been bleeding.breeding/living as a woman in a world where we must look after survival/being a prey animal – and thus – our version of life is SO tied into being ‘nice’ – thus having Stuck Liver Qi and what that does to/for us. – riles us up and creates Liver Fire that can rage – and before that – is causing an inner war . . (Stuck Liver Blood)

Organ consumption – not muscles. .
Eating animals and imbalancing self if NOT eating a bit of everything – tastes as well.
Sugar is NOT needed in a body – not nourishing . . ‘comfort’ maybe . .

The beginning of getting hands on – and starting herbs after this.

What did I do?
The Maya inspired/soothing belly work followed by the Mercier belly work – and nothing else – as this was shortened first session . .