2024 Accelerated G.W. Problems ‘Down There’

Genital issues – if we look at this from a male /biochemical viewpoint – did not just arrive – there will have been a long history of self not good enough to get to where the boundary issues come into play. In this case, rape, baby and now ‘problems down there’ with another pregnancy in less than sensible situation.
(Joyful, though random sex with an un-jabbed person living n Sydney – her on G.C.. He dd not sign up for fatherhood – but a good time).

What lies beneath.
Anxiety covers this up – as does all mentioned on this page


Sample woman – randomly ‘picked’ as she is ‘current’

Wants the scar on her vulva to not hurt when sexually active.
(From past rape of her first born’s father and 3x Bartholin’s cysts as a followup gift – first surgery ‘botched’ somehow
Also episiotomy 3 years ago – that is not the issue.

The story of the young woman with Bartholin’s cysts and now pregnant – we did not get into food – I wanted her to understand that until she deals with the 6/7 different raping partners – the likelihood of the Liver energy actually playing the game of healing is not much.

So why she is eating as she is not the question.
What is – is what to do about the various and family patterns running.

She said herself after I asked what would she have found helpful at 11 when her step brother did this (for 2 years) – “to know I could say no”.
She had no idea what was happening . .
Her mother had had a similar story and was NO HELP .

ReminderBeyond Rape

13 weeks pregnant so the steaming can’t happen
Castor oil can – and Drion pads.
AND undo what is STUCK in the Liver channels . .
AND/BUT is pregnant so NOT Stuck Belly Blood protocol (PRICKLIES) .

Bartholin’s cyst? – huge amount of info here. .

STUCK – we need to flow.. .
A different perspective would help. . .

This is partially why regardless of your background, we all need to be on the same page – I have always taught as a woman who is living a woman’s life ..
And as a body working Qi mover (classical beginnings)who is also aware that food is medicine and that we need to do Triage before any ‘diagnosis;’ is made – especially as the 5 tenets of the Gentling Way need to be respected – we cover a lit of ground to be

PRICKLIES is a way of seeing life – not needling – but may include this) helps all so quickly to resolve. .