Good question . . .
If we keep running the programmes that served someone else?
That is the question . .
Do you wish to be more of what you came here to be and do?
Join a questing bunch as we investigate how we were set up
Family of origin
Especially our maternal lines
How is this so?
We ARE our mothers – her programme – she made us.
Seed planted – YES – and then we have . .
She was our major bridge to the world.
Let us first reframe what we think life is – then – are we in charge?
Of our own being here?
Who is “I”? even.
If this intrigues you and you wish to understand how come you keep on revisiting the same old – in different relationships/ stages of your life. .
MAYBE you could join us this weekend in on line (unless you can drop everything and make it up to my place in Far North Qld – and stay . .
Self Discovery (CLICK) to learn more..