This follows on from here – Accelerator #3

We start seriously on undoing what is holding the womb hostage . .
Pre work – FIRST . . .
This is not where we start – but in the cases we will have this intensive – I will attempt to get everyone ready .
Welcome to Your Lady Bits. .
My Arvigo site on the subject
This a continuation of the Ligaments – please go through this PRIOR to watch the womb page here.
Jacqui Ward is offering her verison of Claire’s fertility work in Bne soon – Claire was a student of Arvigo
Bushra who developed Mizan work is also.
There are many others who have gone off on their own paths . .Heather’s Gentling Way is different as it is not a deviation of from the Rosita work, but is a combination of what I found that worked on patients within my own Moving Blockages and the Mercier work – as we can. It Depends 3.00 – Refer to your Mercier ages
We are not only doing feel good – this session explains how the ligaments are involved (intimately).
Reconnection Bao Mai and Dai Mai – covers Light, connective tissue, fascia and adhesions then scars.
Mercier manual is biomedical – with its focus on ART (artificial reproductive technology).
5.00 – Me attempting to show where ovaries are – but her diagram/explanation does not match real life. .
7.30– Where Hortence’s point is
10.00 – Where different ligaments attach (acc to Mercier)
13.00 – Beth and Rainey arrived (briefly).
14.00 – Yvonne arrived
20.00 – This is pre 2020 – as who knows what a genetically modified inner body will do with anything now?
21.00 – Mother them up = FIRST . . . as they need the nutrients to do the work we are asking the body to do FIRST
23.00 – There is a person living in that body – so we do the classifications of moves – and we need to let them catch up.
25.00 – Looking at the Arvigo manual – and see things you would not always consider to be womb related ..
25.50 – FLOWS HAVE TO FLOW – so we will take out the shock, cold and undo the scars – as Triage must happen first . . womb held hostage
27.00 – Numb weak legs? Where is the Vit B12? Maybe womb out of alignment .
29.00 – MUST start with moxa and then the sacral work – separate to Raynard’s syndrome – we will cover another day . .
32.00 – Aligning everything BEFORE we move the womb is needed . . WOMB CENTRIC WORK
33.00 – Easy pregnancy/birth comes from the baby factory working perfectly . ..example of the cattle/dairy farmers and what happens with and birthing heifer – medicine seems to miss the broken maternity process .. if birth tricky – all others wll be – flows not flowing . .clear this
35.30 – Cases from the G.C. weekend – and the horror stories of living in bodies that had C sections – Bree‘s C section story
36.40 – Lenley and Georgie’s palpatatory experiences of a SHUT baby gate . And Camy‘s story
39.00 – Really good example of lack of support – can they afford (in $$) to fix this though? Who seems to care – free birthing . .
40.30 – MY version of easy birth setup
Ligaments have to be happy . . See Accelerator #3 – when people come in with back ache . .
41.30 – Hysterectomy. Ligaments left dangling – and also with tubal ligation – all sorts of lack of flows – can’t slide and glide.
44.00 – Low back pain – being womb centric . ..

We need to undo STUCK – and the recipients of care need to do their own work . .
47.00 – Bladder infections constantly
48.00 – How did Georgie feel? Confronted – but this works – released MY bladder/prolapse/adhesions problems.
49.30 – What about all the other women? We are a gift to older women – who like me have had a ‘life; of incidents.
50.30 – Prolapsed womb is obvious to spot. (there is a gap where she is NOT). How did this happen? COLD invasion and all fall down..
51.50- Keep payng attention as this is LIVING logamenst and I am doint this THIS WAY as I was asking a very different question – why doe sthi sNOT work? When teh manuals and prtocol say to. . .there is alwa-yas a =nindividual story.
53.00– Jen Mercier manual tells you which ligaments an each move – see the notes – I worked it into purple . .
54.00 – Georgie had a break through. Beth – nausea – Sp 4 – master point of the Chong Mai – will help clear the nausea – or CV 24 – on chin.
57.00 – What all got out of this – Yvonne – adhesions bladder and womb – me – need peritoneal twist – and Dr van Burnen – use St 25, Cv 6 – this will allow the belly hand work easier. .these all work and St 30 = you will feel the instant shift with your palpation if/when you do this.
1.00.00 – Georgie – understanding how everything is SO attached – STUCK needs letting go . .
1.01.30 – Lenley – how is all connected and the Liver meridian is running through all of this.
1.02.30 – GV and the aliens within let go . . .as we were working in Sheryl . .
1.04.00 – Wendy reaction – and me having the space held so she COULD let go . . . Bl 62 – master point of the Yang Qiao meridian – that let what was stuck in Dai Mi and spine – let go . . shows why we are NOT doing fix it fix it fix it – and we take time . .. and in bundles of care.
1.09.00 – We all need to let what is STUCK – go.
Need to have the ingredients and we need to have all around you so you CAN use these tools.
1.11.00 – Even if physical womb is gone – the spirit and the energy of the womb is still there.
Do turn the sound UP and feel those
women’s hearts!!!
Look through this work as we did last year in S.A. – no needles and so changed!!
MIDWIVING PEOPLE – not women pregnant – we need to let them OUT