2023 – Pricklies Rescues Revision #5 – Yang Rescue


This follows on from #5
If you have time – please watch the two 2022 classes before watching what we have below – 2023 class

No points – all a matter of live according to the old Wives’ Tales. . and Reset Your Metabolism


Setting the scene
Cupping out the cold – rescue the Yang.

Hilary – NZ, Josi (bne area) Vanessa (Victoria) Lenley (G.C.) Beth (FNQ)

OVER VIEW – Check all regions of the body = use temp gun.
Thighs/bum, different legs, feet and around pubic area, lower and upper belly
5.00 – Mercury on body – so apparently hot all the time. .
7.00 – They like cold – as they have Yin depletion – as in ‘false heat’. – as wi
8.30 – the Yang depletion – where cold wastes it – Yin Qi is wasted/destroyed by heat. (And lack of fluid).
MUST get rid of the cold so the Qi can flow.
10.00 – How we get cold/or live naturally


12.00 – Lenley – her temperature instantly changed when her attitude/paradigm shifted – subconscious programming was acknowledged .
16.30 – Clinical observation – when people change – what they get also does. EMBODIED – personal.
18.00 – What would it mean to you if .. . applies. E.g. me and people wanting to stop smoking .. and my own lungs due to my father smoking inside all of my life. Teenage life – exercise in the outside to get to school and not eating well. . COLD invasion . . .
22.00 – Cold entry – how is it happening ? Sometimes need to go to their house and see what they do. All cultures state – avoid cold.
24.00 – Bells palsy – see my page here
28.00 – Sleeping in a breeze – fans, AC – all over night will upset the body.
Health – ability to adapt to change
31.30 – Vanessa remembering sister’s Bell’s Palsy
32.00 – Me with a case . .

33.00– My text book is not written yet – Moving Blockages to Healing – in between the ears
35.00 – Me in new house – and backache as cold coming up from the cold floor – middle of hot summer at that.
36.00 – Cold in – miscarriage likely.
38.00 – Morning sickness – and rescue the Yang . . metabolism ..

41.30 – Intention of cupping cold out – DO NOT USE A COLD CUP
43.00 – Hilary‘s dog Frank.
44.00 – Rescue Yang point – CV 8 – not cup all over the belly.
44.30 – Scarring moxa in China pre Western medicine. .
46.00 – Hyperemesis case – her BBT is 36.4C as 38 weeks – she is a slow moving train wreck without vastly more cultural support.
Ginseng and Longan . ..powdered her s- build up Heart and Spleen Blood
51.00 – must work on the electrics.
55.00 – Bronwyn with her 25 C belly – to start with . .
56.30 – What bodies need – the Chinese clock
57.30 – Feeding young kids – when they need to eat – not when adults do.applies . .
59.00 – Josi and life as a kid in Germany – all went home for a cooked lunch – NOT working mothers. . .or all came home to do that.
1.03.00 – Josi relating to her self sabotage ..
1.04.00 – Hilary and working it out – depth fo currently what she calls ‘inquiry’/what is the root cause??
1.08.30 Vanessa very cold – and me talking about cold /yang with life – ‘hot yoga’ etc. . .
Not able to get the 50 kg woman who was dead lifting 150 Kg .. .huge adhered lower heater – and jabbed husband . .
1.12.00 – Sita – importance of eating on time and eating warm food – and covering kidneys. –


Her past .. and her context
RAGE – what is driving the body not working well?
What is a person?
Using the tools I have developed. . . Heather’s ‘take’ on the world.
Difference between ‘evidence based’ and life based . . I use the three circles. . car and the driver

6.00 – Dr Shen’s model and case – baby needing adopting out – 3 not 2 C sections (she did not tell me about the one adopted out)
10.00 – H, E, M. .
14.00 – H’s paradigm – soul based . . .using ONLY the energy model – not biomedical . . blue and red pill existence – The Matrix . . .
16.00 – Breaking through ‘The Story’ . .
17.00 – Dr Shen – 4 times in a woman’s life. Jing shifting . .
19.00 – Educate mum so SHE knows that her life could be vastly enhanced for ever after.

22.00 – Biology – what is happening NOW?
As opposed to as we were designed to be- how many periods/children . .and over estrogenisation.
24.00 – Explore this online yourself. . . HOT BLOOD right here.
And Body Burden.
24.30 – Baby spacing naturally and Survival of the Fittest
25.30 – Modern women’s lives as opposed to what we are designed.
26.00 – How a woman FEELS – we are watery . . .
28.00 – Pre menstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) ENRAGED STUCK Liver Qi. FESTERING – from the past . . .not ‘hormonal’ – that is a biomed excuse. Go back to the electrics . .tooth grinding . . .see my Jing Markers chart. – Health report.
33.00 – Stuck women. MOVE it – and magnesium – correlation SLQ

36.00 – How to release SLQ in a life – towel vs anti depressants – they are really pissed off and important in their lives.
39.00 – NOT mentioned – rape/incest from the past – how are herbs/needles going to help? They need to move through.
40.30 – Men’s business – what is written in the texts – we live in it – we need to be real.

42.30 – patient aids – education – actual books. . .
2001 – Living As (though we were) Energy . .
2002 – Living In It
2005 – What Dads Can Do

44.30 – Favourite point – Liv 2 – antidote for rage
46.00 – THEY need to undo themselves – as opposed to being in control
50.00 – Time line?? CASE – investigate – what happened when /before . .. and suppressed motions.
(Thirsting and wasting disease . . ).
50.00 – STUCK BLOOD _ fibroids/endo/adeno etc .
CASE – her SLB – her’s was not sexual – but sense of sovereignty breached.

54.00 – Option Process was used.
(‘What Does It Mean To You?‘)
No judgment – no right or wrong

57.00 – They need tools – it is their life.

Suggestion – online self-help courses are designed for this – and are instantly downloadable
More on depth? SELFING – See the combination of What Causes Health, Soothing (belly calming) and Peristeaming (Delicious self help)
Gentle Self Discovery and the rest of the offers I have for those who are serious about change = healing.
There will be a gradual 2023 re release of all . .