2023 – Pricklies Rescue Revision #6 GUT


We are only here by virtue of our food factory . .
This is a follow on from #3
If it is in trauma/not working well- we cannot go past trying to cope – which is no way to live.

MUST know the electrics of digestion – that is in the 12 eBooks in the ‘What Causes Health?’ online project – within Selfing.
You MUST be paying attention to life enhancing – for you – as this is the basis of life.

Covering – our own gut issues and those of our children, how Q lost 50 lb in a year – so far . . Megaspore, Terraflora – gut helpers, Ki 9, KI 8 Sp 6, allergies, parasites, addictions, what upsets gut? What STUCK looks like- see what adhesion breaking breaking can do – Patti . . appendix help, inflammation, halides,

The energy of digesting . .

Pricklies #10 – Gut rescue (CLICK) Vanessa and Josi were on this one
Covering – how a gut begins and how to nourish.
What IS /physiologically normal? Blood and its manufacture – heaters, HHS, Moon phases, microbiome, biofilm,

LIVER QI allows all to flow – and when not – we get vast physical problems – auto toxicity also ..

From Gut Rescues (2022 – part one Points – Vanessa’s sister tailbone – so how to fix (she would not let her) and part two) -Discussion about all sorts of life rescues /ingredients ALSO – leaky gut solutions for 2022 USA segue class

GV 1 and Bl 57 – anal point.. . Bl 62
No specific points – was the sequencing and how to actually HEAL . .holistic – and investment
LIFE ESSENTIALS online course FREE LINK for you

Present – Hilary (NZ), Vanessa (Grampians, Vict, Beth (FNQ), Josi (SEQ), Lenley (G.C area), Quesha (California), Kelly (Sunshine Coast)

Listen for /to my questions . .

Start . . . Lenley – own gut issues.. . And Bodhi‘s gut issues. .
Everyone sharing their own gut issues. .
Everyone seems to do better without grains and dairy AT LEAST . .
Lenley, Vanessa . . Josi, Kelly, Beth,
3.20 – Vanessa. . underlying damp and mold. . processed stuff . .
5.30 – Quesha arrived. .
6.30 – Josi – stress reaction .
8.30 – Kelly – if she stays in her lane. . gut was OK till on AB as Charlie was 26 weeks – many different antibiotics
10.30 – Beth – OK also as long as she only ate what she can . .
12.20 – Hilary and her gut – and Rachel’s . .
15.14 – Quesha and stopping all fruit and rice . .she followed instructions . .
17.30 – Q lost 50 lb . . .when lose ‘weight’ – will be liberating the mercury itself . .
19.00 – To get to USA – needed 9 jabs – did notice these upsetting the kid’s guts .
21.30Mega spore – now I use Terraflora . .
23.30 – saying NO to a research project – we need to hold a container safe. . . saving babies after 24 weeks – and why THIS should NOT be happening . . what is creating the drama??
25.30 – Ki 9 – find it . . and Quesha needs to find Ki 8 and if that is NOT sore – Sp6. .
28.00 – WHY I will not help those who want to keep not good enough growing (does make $$$)
FIX THE NOT GOOD ENOUGH ideally before conception . .
31.30 – Need to have great water, and nutrients – and right temperature – gutbiome.

32.30 – Role of the appendix . . Kelly – feed it . .
34.40 – Parasites? Protective function of Yang QI should have it.
Allergic to what we are addicted to. .
36.00 – What does bread mean to you? Josi – HOME and Quesha – what rice means to her? HOME. . Me – hot milk drink – HOME. . .


39.30 – LIFE HAPPENS . .and Vanessa writes the note – sounds like my boy’s life. .
ADDICTIONS all Dr .Gabor Mate has on this also . .and Chasing the Scream . . .- smoking – this page stands in for anything. . .
42.00 – Young lad with steaming and his rectum back inside his body . . steaming . .for all ..
44.00 – Men’s problems – and not only steaming but faja. . MUST calm everyone down – as the body will not work well if not.
46.00 – Use herbal if have – or SALT . . .and this is steaming – for all of the gut all cultures used water, plants and heat . .
47.30 – Look to the LlFE Essentials- as even Vit B 13 – look for it. .
49.00 – Part 1 – is pulling out the cold PART 2 – is needed – moxa. . .and need to educate – with my posters and the gut rescue that will happen eventually . . BODY HEALS ITSELF – if you stop breaking it. What worked – always does.

53..00 – Patient with extraordinarily upset body

NEVER had normal gut.

This is where we need to be recipient of care focused.

Not ‘we did the ‘right thing .

56.00 – Maybe all get used to what they have been told is not fixable .. BUT – body heals itself. . PULL OUT WHAT IS BREAKING FLOWS . .

58.30 – Lenley and her recent float – and could feel what was NOT working – flowing . .
59.30 – Hilary left group.
1.00.30 – Lenley needing decluttering .. . massive shifts. . including BROWN sweat
1.02.00 – Her float tank experience . . .and the points to drain away ‘stress’ – she things head to gut .. need patience. .
1.03.00 – Need to have a WARM environment . .
1.05.00 – DO all differently – at least three changes at once . .
1.06.00 – MUST do the Selfing and the Challenge projects – often . . . SELF first . .
1.07.30 – The usefulness of the Arvigo form . .what are they eating? Usually is the key – addicted to . .?
1.09.00 – Plants are not happy about being eaten – we have to take the gut upsetters OUT to eat them. As all traditional cultures did. .
1.10.00 – Use to have hospital garden and hospital cooked – and invalid cooking – junket. .
1.11.30 – NOT MADE WELL – Mr Precious . .. parasite in mum’s gut taking all nutrients – and then broke his nose alive through anal clear soups – 3 months . . Then lorry gets hm – then black mambo gets him – he was still alive – and
1.14.30Josi – loves the questions
1.14.30 – Kelly Ki 9 – and Triage and self outcomes – what drives what goes in the mouth . .
1.16.30 – Quesha – and the vaccines – how that would have damaged them . . and the role of food
1.18.00 – Vanessa reflective and seeing other’s quirky patters. . .and steaming and after selfing – and taking food straight out of the fridge. ..
1.20.00 – Beth – the questions . . .when did it start . .

Appendix repair . .
1.21.00 – Kelly
– and inflammatory not GB as such – worse pre period- STUCK LIVER QI.
1.23.30 – Causes of ‘disease’– one of the 3rd category – ‘Miscellaneous’ – bugs. . . why I still use the Arivgo form – it IS invasive . .
1.25.30 – Saving a 11 year old’s appendix . only hands – very very gentle lymph work.
1.27.00 – No needles needed – Amanda and her body being temporarily fixed – with the easy gentling hands on ways . .
1.29.00 – Quesha gone. .
1.30.00 – FIND ST 36 and find the extra appendix point. The Qi -Cleft point – St 34 would also be appropriate one instead – and leave this extra point – as a checker . .
1.33.00 – Colon 4 – clears heat and wind . ..and if is your grand kid – and use DISTAL. . . reflexology chart – ear points – and need the ileo cecal valve working – for all we touch – is a problem after this is taken yet – is why we declutter – and deal with all levels of scars.. . .

Patti’s footage. . after the adhesion breaking – 2nd session – and as soon as completed – all this started up.
Not the needles- but the flows started.

1.37.00 – Beth leaves . .
1.38.00 – Need to have special people about (Bowen/Emmett etc) to look after YOU
1.41.00 – INFLAMMATION – sugar, preservatives and more water. . . and living as per the Life Recipe
1.43.00 – HALIDES – so obvious and embedded in all levels of ‘govt’ assistance . .. . .
1.50.00 – Awesome thing about watching the Selfing participants – they have their lights turning on ..

These end bits are massively important – waste taken out on rubbish night – or left to rot?