2023 – March G.C. – L.L.I Catch up #1


Keeping our heads up . .


What we ended up with ourselves


My maternal dramas – STILL in this body

Role of doulas vs midwives

General page –
PAIN – gyne obstetric

Wendy is feeling wonderful – and poohing heaps .
Cleared lots emotionally
4.30 Georgie gives update. Feeling more – and is OK with this – not hiding away so much.
Allowed herself to experience – as hearing Wendy – she felt to let go . .8.00 – What was on board to fix? Back and adhesions . .
9.00 – Half her finger is numb – neck? Acc Recall needed?
9.50 – Ear points – for the spine. . Wendy was a lot better the ear points for mid back . .
12.30 Lenley – not all were affected (pain/too hard) with Mercier only on the Sunday . .
14.00 – Peri menopause – and LL’s sweating  ..
15.30 Josi – had written lower back – added in what happened after the Mercier work – and then Bron did the pulling down on diaphragm work – maybe? We did not get to wombs and this we did get to see what happens when we do ‘the move’ and not set it up . .
17.00 Trudi in NZ and she totally dislocates her coccyx. . TOO DEEP
18.30 – B warned. . . coccyx is attached to 42 – things . .
20.00 – What took us out of alignment. . like all the yelling -need to let it go . .
21.00 – Josi update. ..


22.00 – Stephanie
23.00 – Stephanie going to TWO acupuncturists . . – looks so much better after the one session she had with us. .
24.30 – Steph’s ice baths in teenage years. . . . and history of this pregnancy . .
26.00 – She feels a lot better and leg/face better .
27.00 – Baby is not ideally placed – I see this a lot – go from breech to ROA . .
28.00 – Bree – and how she is now. .
Sent to her on Tuesday
ME – love to have a brief update on how your scar feels, whether the castor oil is being applied (with wadding from Spotlight – not just out it on and leave it) on sacrum, on scar and internally – and if not – please do this as it is your rescue – you have a mission to get that scar normalised. VIt C – a little often – all day every day – to allow the connective tissue to be repaired and be more elastic. At least 10 grams daily please – with bioflavonoids. https://solutions.heatherbrucehealing.com/vitamin-c-2/ Vit D3 is needed – and you NEED TO GET 50,000 iu in daily for at least a month prior to birthing . . Then maybe 50,000 iu a week . . Sunlight is NOT enough. All have been freaked out about cancer yet- you get it from LESS Vit D3 . . If you are in pain, or have had a C section – there needs to be much more in your ‘inner bank account’. AND EAT MUCH MORE FAT . . When Vit D3 is in depletion – women have more often C sections – any cause. Abundant right ingredients – when these are sorely missing, body will warn you. Medicos do not run a common sense model, but a spending your money with what is in their rescue box one. https://solutions.heatherbrucehealing.com/essential-vitamins/vit-d/ You will not hear of the studies done (3 x more like to have a C section from whatever reason due to low Vit D 3. I say it has to be above 150 n.m/ml and the tests we use in NZ and Aust *were they ban supplementation from more than 1,000 iu daily) is about 80 n.m.l . . If everyone had better blood levels – most medications would be unnecessary. That business is taking over all aspects of our lives . .. Take internally. Zahler 50,000iu caps is easiest and cheapest. supposedly being available (acc. to blood test). The vast majority of ‘hormonal’/cancer/depression and bodies not working right – including catching viruses, bacteria and infections generally and any form of – diabetes and PCOS etc – would disappear with only this. . Anyone ‘believing in’ the medical religion is against not only common sense, but also of life and of science . You cannot prove me wrong here – this is what saves all my people – when they come in with woeful issues. FIRST – what are you making that by with/breastmilk to come /sanity? Next CAN your pelvis open? Not only the ligaments not being nourished by good quality Blood energy – and back we go to the gut function and NOT having had hyperemesis/bad nausea. . And if not – FIX IT – that is why all the WDCD work I have done – and especially all the charts I did up in 2018 and that are available in this package . .
32.00 – Needs support on all levels.. .
33.00 – We need to open the baby gate – not natter about feeling distressed by our mothers this is grown up stuff!!
34.00 – Need sexually amazing time end of pregnancy – bonding . .
37.00 – Awful story – Dr Shen’s 3 crucial times line applies. .
39.00 – Josi – and Camy’s story . . need to have a happy ending ..
40.00 – Josi seeing the emotional response and the physical – a circuit – must work with one to deal with the other.
44.00 – Arvigo and pregnancy work – what problem are they trying to solve. None of their moves will not help these women . .
54.00 – And then there is – is there a placental accreata happening in the background? Scan? (I am usually the one to say no scans).
58.00 – their own ‘table’ BAGGAGE that gets in the way totally in being a mum – not only birthing ease.

1.01.00 – Heather’s maternal woundings
1.05.00 – No one so far has had the skills to help – except the very hard work Georgie got to do with me. .
1.07.00- Lenley left All that has befallen this body in the pelvis is STRUCTURAL ..
1.08.30 – older women have serious problems – and need to have this all sorted – as who else has the vision to know this ?
1.10.00 – Need to give such compassion as all are in a mess. .
1.10.30 – My version of the role of a doula. . need to read Spiritual Midwifery – Ina May Gaskin – and use something (I used Bach flower remedies) to alter where she was stuck in each minute/contraction – as this is the key . . . be mum’s midwife – OUT OF WHERE SHE IS STUCK – so baby can come through . . pelvic opening . .

Please read all on this page
The C section you have if unavoidable – we always need to face our resistances so if it happens – we have dealt with whatever –

1.11.00 – history of me as a doula prior to there being such a thing . . and training dad to be useful . .
1.13.00Why I wrote WDCD . . . GEORGIE LEFT
1.18.00 – Josi – now she sees the role so much more – education . . do not want mum bonded to the midwife/doula . .
She ensures that at eth end of it – easy happy fa,mily – at teh end of this – what is ooutcome –
1.20.00 – Josi wanting 1:1 support – and needed to now – including – what if . . . advocate
See my version of the C section that you may not want make it so . .
1.23.00 – MUST go through what we do not want – so we may not need to redo that again . . C section avoidance – look at all pages
1.24.30 – Josi’s healing after birth
1.25.30 – me and the bladder is the aftermath of all that was done to be in 20’s – 30’s . .
1.27.00 – Hyperemesis woman in Adelaide – and the saliva production issue .. Inner HEAT and the ice to put it out

This is Jade and Camy’s ‘doula

Doula . . one offering https://luvamama.com.au/s
Her ‘contract’ services/ Client/ Doula Agreement
My agreement to you is

  1. To Support you and respect your choices.
  2. To give you helpful information, gentle emotional support, and
    quiet confidence in the practicalities of childbirth
  3. To listen to you, and let you determine my role to best suit your
    family’s needs
  4. To provide you with evidence- based care as much as possible
  5. To alert you to anecdotal evidence and show you the difference
    between these
    Also to assist you to develop skills in;
  • Communication
  • Decision making
  • Assertiveness
  • Baby care
  • Coping with change and motherhood
    Your agreement with me is to
  1. Develop your understanding and innate skills in birthing and
    choosing what is right for you
  2. Listen and learn to use your intuition and natural instincts
  3. Be open and honest about your needs
  4. Practice assertiveness
  5. Determine what my role is according to your needs

Me as a 21 year old mum-to-be – and hubby, a friend with her 2 year old daughter – the photographer and the doctor, and his off sider – he was showing off his skills – plus at least one midwife – none of them were actually helping – all were WATCHING. .