2023 – Mammalian Maternity Project


Although this was produced as part of a DVD set in 2007
and internationally distributed,
it is as pertinent now as then.

It is my talking around the subject.
The ‘actual’ meridian info was after me setting all into the context of women’s lives.

As written/published by men and the dominant academic culture
(with the ‘Gold Standard’ of ‘evidence’ has little meaning in a real life.

Women’s Lives in Maternity – from 2007 – The Role of Eight Extras in Women’s Lives and Maternity

Life view – what is a person?, what we are doing as ‘therapists’?
Factoring in their life – not JUST the one hour we see them in means real changes may flow.

Her past .. and her context
RAGE – what is driving the body not working well?
What is a person?
Using the tools I have developed. . . Heather’s ‘take’ on the world.
Difference between ‘evidence based’ and life based . . I use the three circles. . car and the driver

6.00 – Dr Shen’s model and case – baby needing adopting out – 3 not 2 C sections (she did not tell me about the one adopted out)
10.00 – H, E, M. .
14.00 – H’s paradigm – soul based . . .using ONLY the energy model – not biomedical . . blue and red pill existence – The Matrix . . .
16.00 – Breaking through ‘The Story’ . .
17.00 – Dr Shen – 4 times in a woman’s life. Jing shifting . .
19.00 – Educate mum so SHE knows that her life could be vastly enhanced for ever after.

22.00 – Biology – what is happening NOW?
As opposed to as we were designed to be- how many periods/children . .and over estrogenisation.
24.00 – Explore this online yourself. . . HOT BLOOD right here.
And Body Burden.
24.30 – Baby spacing naturally and Survival of the Fittest
25.30 – Modern women’s lives as opposed to what we are designed.
26.00 – How a woman FEELS – we are watery . . .
28.00 – Pre menstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) ENRAGED STUCK Liver Qi. FESTERING – from the past . . .not ‘hormonal’ – that is a biomed excuse. Go back to the electrics . .tooth grinding . . .see my Jing Markers chart. – Health report.
33.00 – Stuck women. MOVE it – and magnesium – correlation SLQ

36.00 – How to release SLQ in a life – towel vs anti depressants – they are really pissed off and important in their lives.
39.00 – NOT mentioned – rape/incest from the past – how are herbs/needles going to help? They need to move through.
40.30 – Men’s business – what is written in the texts – we live in it – we need to be real.

42.30 – patient aids – education – actual books. . .
2001 – Living As (though we were) Energy . .
2002 – Living In It
2005 – What Dads Can Do

44.30 – Favourite point – Liv 2 – antidote for rage
46.00 – THEY need to undo themselves – as opposed to being in control

44.30 – Favourite point – Liv 2 – antidote for rage
46.00 – THEY need to undo themselves – as opposed to being in control
50.00 – Time line?? CASE – investigate – what happened when /before . .. and suppressed motions.
(Thirsting and wasting disease . . ).
50.00 – STUCK BLOOD _ fibroids/endo/adeno etc .
CASE – her SLB – her’s was not sexual – but sense of sovereignty breached.

54.00 – Option Process was used.
(‘What Does It Mean To You?‘)
No judgment – no right or wrong
57.00 – They need tools – it is their life.

Suggestion – online self-help courses are designed for this – and are instantly downloadable
More on depth? SELFING – See the combination of What Causes Health, Soothing (belly calming) and Peristeaming (Delicious self help)
Gentle Self Discovery and the rest of the offers I have for those who are serious about change = healing.
There will be a gradual 2023 re release of all . .