Answering the question:
Why does it hurt to be a woman??

We can use this table and variants to explain most things. . .
What started me off in this?
What started YOU in this?
Helpful to have an intention – besides bringing the clan togethe . . .
Where to now? We consolidate
Why does being a woman hurt?
My beginnings . .
4.00 – Structure determines function – we also have body remembers everything that has ever happened to it
5.15 – Trish on Avigo and armouring and Mercier – is all abut move it about
7.00 – Aura Soma being used in the class . . Hilary arrived
8.00 – What I did next.
10.00 – Shen to Shen connection
11.00 – Hilary and why she took this on
13.00 – All now RAPED – out of order – our lives now.
14.00 – H’s learning with baby birthing . . .
17.00 – If periods not perfect – pregnancy and birth (baby factory broken) will not be either. . .
18.30 – MUST watch the Women’s Lives in Context DVD – is on the bottom of that page. .
20.00 – Energy follows thought

21.00 – Flows have to flow – and then we have the 6 ‘T’s’ – and why have we cold everywhere?
22.30 – WDCD – need a partner who cares and wants to . .
24.00 – Georgie arrived. Energy follows thought – as the PAST is up for review..
25.30 – Lisa and what she does to walk people into birthing & how navel cupping is evolving to step back from the story –
body does the work. –
Birth Story Medicine – Pam English – kicked out of her own organisation (they went woke)
27.30 – State of great reverence needed for the hara area.
28.30 – H’s grandmother story34.00-
30.00 – Lisa and what she has discovered with moxa.
32.00 – I am inviting you to undo yourself whilst you learn the tools .. .
33.00 – Grandmother Heather speaks . .broken baby not precious princess. .
35.00 – O.P. avoidance and correcting back pain . .
36.00 – Lisa Kelly taught herself about childbirth ed . . roots of spinning babies. .
40.00 – Birthing positions. . . Q and Lisa experiments.
43.00 – Heather Alderslade. . .and will find the 1986 version of my notes on easy birthing and adhesion and lymph work . .
45.00 – HEAT IN THE BLOOD – me in gyne.. . heat in the blood and heat in pricklies JING and what that is about https://heathersays.heatherbrucehealing.com/healthy-life/good-jing/
47.00 – Precious puberty . . from the 2007 neurological – JING defects – see here
48.00 – Age of puberty/sexual interest . . .
50.00 – Hilary and seeing the veins.
54.00 – Need ingredients . . .to make BETTER babies. .and keep mum together. . .
59.00 – Early fertility work in Brisbane
1.01.00 – Mercury and big breasted women . ..
1.02.00 – Self Care package . . totally different than theSELFING package
1.04.00 – Georgie and what she got out of the Selfing workshop..
1.06.00 – Vanessa– and her self awareness from the self development . .and why she did Hawaiian massage and then Arvigo.
1.10.00 – Why not hearing what was happening to her with he children’s birth . ..
1.12.00 – Lisa K and everyone’s trauma decomposes at different times. .
1.14.00 – Vanessa and the process
1.16.00 – Hilary – what brought her into this work . .
1.18.00 – US as a light in the dark . undo our own timeline . .
1.20.00 – Initiations and rites of passage.. Hilary and being an airport worker.
1.21.00 – At what point in your story did you have your hurt ?
1.25.00 – Quesha‘s fibroid story . .and continence then feet felt like they would burst. .
1.31.00 – Q – ‘A brand new woman in my own body’ – ADD ingredients – how quickly they are run out in the body.
1.33.00 – Q‘s mum and her human guinea pig . .. heart rescues
1.36.00 – Vanessa and her dad seeing the holistic vet. O.G.F.’s ? – Glutathione acceleartor
1.39.00 – Vanessa and Vit C and losing 10 lb.. and sugar
1.41.00 – Selfing and INGREDIENTS – the need for the gentling trauma relief. .
1.43.30 – what is YOUR story . . . we nee d to clear it all out – STUCK . .
1.45.00 – Question – WHO is driving your ship? Abundance . . .
1.47.00 – Sugar and what causes the inflammation and the heat in the blood – see WDCD and this HEAT IN BODY
1.51.00 – Hilary – keeping passion alive
Georgie – refresher
1.52.00 – Vanessa– how it – takes something really big to get people to maybe change. .
1.53.00 – Q and ingredients
1.54.00 – Trish -reminder of resistance and who she really is
1.56.00 – L need minerals – esp Iodine
End – please – all go and throw out the old self – we need to move rapidly forwards – not back to comfy
Feel their heart song!!!
Maternity – we are we all here because. . .
Pain? Something is stuck.
Back pain? The case studies are here – and so easy – all is in the Easy Pregnancy Resources package . .
and the Easy Pregnancy Solutions have so many eBooks
Written prior to me going to Arvigo
Next week we will go into all the connective tissue breakdowns . .
Cold exposure is one aspect – as is the Liver Qi invading – but as with all things – nutrients and flows. .
Please go through the free links you have on email ad also the Healing Power of Touch part of the Self Care course, also on email
Foundational Moves is also part of that package- see here as using this link it is cheaper if you wish anyone else to access it by purchasing . .
If you are interested in discovering how much more there is to healing using Heather’s Gentling Ways, the USA Intensive Immersion. this page has given you a taster. It forms part of the tutorials accompanying the online component leading into the hands-on practicals – either in Southern Iowa in 20-24th September
Or Far North Queensland end of October