
To be here you may well have undergone the ‘sunroof’ option
We all have many stories. .
Some are more affected and even STUCK in them than others
Some are so grateful to still be here, that what is left as life residue is maybe not even acknowledged
That would be me.
In my case – in my last pregnancy – I fell onto my pregnant belly and a large clot formed between me and the attachment. Had I gone into labour – death was totally likely. The clot was likely to explode, if any change happened. (Like contractions)
I choose life.
I had a C Section – instead of the planned home water birth as my last baby’s entry . . I had NO idea that this would be my life’s work – effective healing. I had been working with everyone else’s C and other belly scars as a very experienced maternal acupuncture worker. I attended o my wound my way – and needled it within 2 weeks. Even so – after all that had happened in the surgery (I survived stupidity) my belly was growing adhesions. I was not happy with the skin pain I had.
AND over the past 28 + years – it is still a gift that keeps giving. Hence I have the adhesions page, and the online Unblocking Scars self paced course – for you to take NOW. You may choos ealso then to help yourself further. Go onto the online self paced Selfing workshop . .It contains the peristeaming, belly soothing and the paradigm shifts you will find – energy not physical only – will make such a great change for you
The woman in the clip below had had years of me needling and clearing and moxa-ing Plus she had followed my advice diligently and used castor oil packs and much comfrey cream to assist continued healing. See the undoing your own scar course here . . .
The video below is from my 2005 – WDCD package as found in my What Dads Can Do work.
In the woman below. – much work already. She volunteered to come in.
Her (ex) husband nearly knocked out the ‘butcher’ who created this mess. A lot rides on the damaged inflicted – forever after.
The C section you have if you have to have one
Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume.
Above is what I did up for those who are resistant to baby being cut out and in their arms because a ‘normal ‘ birth is needed.
(my word for trauma of all sorts)
Those unexpecteds that may have happened. . .
Here is what Bonny said . .
There are so many others over the past 45 years
Undoing so flows can flow again (thus there is no pain on any level)
Beyond Pain? see more here
Opening the baby gate – so no need to know about C sections .. .
Do invest in my Easy Pregnancy Solutions so you have all at your disposal . .(all the eBooks – in-depth photographic essay or the basic model. The easy pregnancy/birthing ‘What Dads Can Do’ kit – all you may need – invest immediately (Easy Pregnancy Resources)
And/or – learn more on why I did this and how it works and get the entire package.
C section? Likely was orchestrated – not sufficient nutrients to run a pregnancy and also – a past that upset you . .

1 – STRUCTURE DETERMINES FUNCTION – which birth worker checks you sacrum and tailbone for ideal alignment? I know that this is the key and why the opening the baby gate site was born = I was horrified that ALL levels of birth carers had not wondered why there were FOUR breech babies – totally obvious when w e undo the story held in the body – a badly broken coccyx in teen years – the roller blades – some it is a horse or a stair accident . .
2 – LIFE IMPACTS – Maybe the past scars, adhesion and emotional charges from any sexual or medical frights or incidents – they block flows so well . . .
3 – INPUT – Not only food and drink – everything that you let in – and often what it s doing inside your head. . .
4 – WHAT YOU DO WITH IT – CHOICE – what we can do with what we have within. Git function being only one of these challenges.
Back to what happens when you DO NOT insure easy pelvic opening – you must have heard of so may ‘war’ horror stories – this is why Heather’s Gentling Ways exits – so have I – for decades – helping women cope with what they were not expecting . .


Bonny’s story
When Nothing Else is Working, You Haven’t Seen Heather
To say that the birth of my first baby was traumatic does not begin to describe what my husband and I went through in the hospital system. After medical incompetence that lead to an emergency c-section I was heartbroken and shattered, emotionally and physically, but at the time could only focus on the relief I felt holding my healthy little boy in my arms.
It was in the weeks and months that followed that my body finally allowed itself to begin feeling the shock, pain, and grief that I went through. I experienced intense, crippling pain around my scar site and womb for over a year and a strong inflammatory heat radiating through my vagina and abdomen. I was prone to sleeplessness due to constant discomfort, and was absolutely certain I would never have another baby and put myself through that trauma again (despite my husband and I initially wanting another). The thought of being intimate with it leading to conception was terrifying.
I saw physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, and masseuses to try and ease some of my physical symptoms. I spent thousands of dollars. Nothing worked. There was zero relief of any symptom, and I had a heavy, hopeless feeling in my chest knowing that this was my new normal, that I would have to get used to feeling this pain. It was at this point, where I had essentially given up on healing, that I had the opportunity to meet Heather Bruce.
Immediately upon meeting Heather I felt safe and at ease. After a mere handful of gentle questions I felt wracking sobs come upon me and I was taken into a warm embrace that led the flow for the remainder of our session. Through her several decades of experience I trusted to fully release myself into the care of Heather, and it has been the most miraculous and life changing thing I could have possibly done for myself. Through her gentling way, my body responded. I relaxed, opened up, and trauma that I had been holding not just from childbirth but for years was released through her gentle hands. Her soft tones walked me through each step of the way, and I felt as nurtured as if Heather was my own mother. I could feel the heat leaving my body and the pain fading away. To this day, months later, I am pain free after a single session. My husband and I are intimate again. We are considering our second baby and I look towards this without fear. “What would Heather say?” is our new favourite phrase in our house and I feel incredibly blessed to have been fortunate enough to cross paths with this incredible woman. I cannot recommend her enough, and if you hold any doubt in seeing Heather I can guarantee they will immediately fade the moment you meet her. With love, Bonny
Continued Healing

Scar workshop testimonial – After a traumatic C-section which led to over a year of physical and emotional pain and the miraculous healing that followed from meeting Heather Bruce, I have continued my healing journey by undertaking Heather’s course “Unlocking Scars”. At this point, I am halfway through and already can say with absolute certainty that it’s worth doing. I love it! The modules are bite sized pieces of information with videos that give you clear, simple, and easy to follow instructions and guides to continue your own journey in healing without any overwhelm. Heather’s experience shines through and by already implementing only the first few steps I have noticed a huge difference in my overall health and wellbeing and a continuation of the healing around my C-section scar and various other scars I have collected over the years. With some modules only 2 minutes long, it’s easy to work through whenever I have a moment throughout the day without feeling like I need to sit and dedicate an afternoon to the learning with a toddler in the house.

What if something goes right?
FREE courses to see if you are on the same page. .
Being Woman – again a free taster . .
What to do to undo this so NEXT time pregnancy/birth and life after is easy Easy Pregnancy Solutions
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