2022 – Towards Living Ligaments #4


Reminder – this is self paced and we are on an intensive to finish . .
Number #3 is here
VERY USEFUL PAGE – Jing pages and the moves in diagrammatic format
Checkersfound in this page and also see here – we will get to – O.S.L. – to be explained
Demos of some moves on people
Demos of me on bellies

Revision: note the dates are Southern Hemisphere. I think I have them right. .

Beginning (20th July) VANESSA, JENNA, LENLEY, JOSI
1 – The start – what are we doing? – Coccyx, sacral alignment FIRST ALI, KELLY (briefly) GAIL, JENNA (28th July)

2 – Ovarian whirlpool and uterine rake (we did not get the actual practical recorded) – but it was set up well.
What /why we are doing (2nd August) JENNA AND GAIL – RAINEY for some of this.

3 – (3rd August)
Covered – Why/HowGlut Slides, sacral smash, under bum and hippy shake. Another sacral page to look up close.
Also – fire cupping links – and Kelly’s testimonial. LISA, VANESSA, GAIL, KELLY, JENNA, LINDA

4 – (9th August) We aim to cover what we have done – then on a body – catch them up with the front and back work (ex Mercier) to go onto new moves – heel to bum, roll over and taking leg for a walk

5 – (10th August) Intend to explain the O.S.L. – review pelvic anatomy to do this please.

Here is the beginning of the moves (see here)

Moves – heel to butt, after we have done all to date. ovarian whirlpool and uterine rake FIRST then taking leg for a walk – repeat uterine rake

Heels to bum FIXER

  • What it is – a good stretch
  • Origin? – Don Elijio Panti
  • Why it is – we have been working in different areas and this helps balance out the front and the back.
  • How to do it – gently take their lower legs back, your right lower arm as the ‘bar’ – and at the same time press towards the end of the table, with your left hand on the sacrum – so that also gets a good stretch.
  • What it may feel like – under your hands/fingers – go with the body – do not force it – you will feel it let go – do maybe a deep breath – they also may and that makes a big difference. .
  • When to use – in sequence – as the near to end. .
  • When not to use – if they have had recent hip surgery or some other structural major – also not necessarily indicated of very pregnant – unless you are very proficient and this is done with them lying on the floor in a nest of pillows.
  • What to do to set it up to win – be aware that all are so very different and be respectful – it is a stretch, not a war.  Do warn thm that this is a stretch and that they could breathe into it.

This is after the entire sequence almost . .

We have constantly rotisseried the person.

The O.S.L. will have been looked at as a checker when we are through this section – every time – so YOU get to embody what this work can do.

Taking the leg for a walk – after much belly and back work

Sacral moxa fan/SLQR

Belly moves from the soothing in selfing.

Reconnecting finishers – the peritoneal untangling and the jelly belly’/leg shakes.

Sacral/coccygeal moves – ever deeper as we go in.

Eventually the combination of my Moving Blockages and ex Mercier BACK moves – sacral rolfing, the sacral edge slide, the glut slides, the sacral smash, the under bum . .

Not yet done – the heels to bum.

Return to SLQR and all else you feel needed – at least to loo and some food . . We now begin in earnest.

Adhesions and releasing the STUCK stuck in the lower belly.

ex Mercier FRONT moves – ovarian whirlpool, uterine rake and taking leg for a walk.

If you are using pricklies – very often there is a pause, whilst the tight and refusing to budge GB 30 area is undone – with GB 41, 31, 34 and some Sp points. . (Mating Stems of Unlike Branches)

Leg for walk – FIXER (see above)

  • What it is – a way to unhinge all the stuck ligaments/trapped lymph also – when you do this in the midst of all else – do not start here.
  • Origin? – Dr Jennifer Mercier
  • Why it is – so easy to get so stuck as this is the gall bladder meridian and the resentment we all carry is phenomenal.
  • What to expect  – often deep resistance – so you get to think and act creatively. Must start slowly and very superficially on women as they carry almost all their inner accounting here. Can be really a game changer – as this usually then kicks up all they have been hiding – hence we are NOT starting here. Maybe tears, rage, all sorts – or deeply relaxing. Be warned – must come back to do this many times in session – as with the SLQR and so many other moves – is all why it works so well – we go through layers, and they MUST be led with breath and with hydrating – and fed when needed and of course – all the vibrational work done.
  • How to do it – They are up against your body – right on the edge of the table. You are going to take their leg for a walk – and in ONE plane – not lifting it also – straight back – most important. Warn them of what is happening – and to let go . . can’t force this. If too stuck – go back to this – after more massage, get them up to GB bash, steam, needle – whatever . . Take a breath. Working hand starts on the edge of the hip.
  • What it may feel like – under your hands/fingers – If it is far too rigid – stop and fix that first – how ever you can.
  • When to use – to loosen off so the eventual womb work may happen.
  • When not to use – If in pain. IS A MUST otherwise. . and fix why they are in pain.
  • What to do to set it up to win – lots of GB meridian work first . .

PRESENT – Vanessa, Jenna, Gail

Start – catch up = how are all going?
2.20 – Swiggles on paper . . ADD IN
4.20 – Pattern vs dynamic . .
5.30 – Intention and clarity . .
7.30 – Jenna and being compartmentalised
8.50 – Fractured way to teach – we have to do what we can..
11.00 – Potted history of how LL happened . .
15.00 – Jenna content questions . . sacral smash with knees?

REMINDER – Sacral smash (see here)

17.30 – Jenna’s partner felt taller afterwards . . (always change WILL happen)
18.00 – How to? Take a breath in and on the breath out – start the solid pressure . ..
19.40 – ‘fine’/’ok’ is not helpful= asking q’s as we need to know .. keep checking .
21.00 – jiggles, wobbles, shakeys – have to feel it – and let go a breath . .
22.40 – Breathe, offer water and gradually change position. .
24.00 – Adhesions and breaths . . |
25.00 – Levels of beingness in a body . skin – bones
26.40 – bricks – You are NOT their banker . .
27.30 – Economics 101 – three bricks
29.00 – Lovely life in service . .
30.45 – Teaching selfing and before that – watch as many selfing weekends – so it becomes second skin for you.
33.00 – We will be tested .
36.00 – Walking you through a person – shut your eyes and listen up.
41.40 – What people say about the Mercier moves . .
42.20 – What people say of the Arvigo work.
44.00 – noting the difference sacrum – all said less puffy- we are moving lymph.

48.30 – Jenna getting it (right).
Counting off three minutes – (we paused)
51.00 – the trials of being online and not being able to feel what I am doing . .
See this page – under bum. .
54.00 – In between moves – we soothe
54.30 – me trying to work how to translate a move into action . .

NOTE – I forgot the second part of this – the left hand is to be on the sacrum and go towards their feet AT THE SAME TIME as you are bringing the heels to the bum. Gentle stretch.
58.00 – Back stretch – for both of you.
1.03.00 – Getting the person up from lying prone
1.04.30 – Off to the loo as next is VERY DEEP lower belly.

1.05.00 – Setting up to do the deep work = we do not go straight into this.
1.08.00– Lymph moving touch-ups.
1.09.30Peritoneal untangler – another adhesion breaker . .
1.16.00- Instructions as reminders to look after selves and others as you work.
1.18.20Ovarian whirlpool
1.21.00Uterine rake – new pics to look at before you go on please
1.23.30 – Must be a arms up move – not you moving across the skin but an elevation – in the other dimension.

Straight after this Zoom session – I got to see what I was teaching – and got filmed!

1.25.00Taking leg for a walk do watch all on that page first please.
1.27.30 – First part – leg pivoting back – you need at the waist – IF they let you . . GB stuck often needs addressing first.
1.38.00 – Return to uterine rake – after the leg for a walk . .
1.39.00 – MOST IMPORTANT INSTRUCTION – finger pads . .
1.40.00 – Vanessa’s re[port on working with /on Aidan.
1.45.00 – We dd not do as I intended with bodies as a ‘base camp’ needed to happen.
1.46.30 – Reminder – see what is in WDCD.

REMINDER – for the pelvic opening #5 after Men Matters . . next Monday

Number #5 is here