We asked questions – for ourselves to ponder – for later.
PROGRAMMES . . that middle circle that is the ‘human’ – like a computer we need a programme to run . . .
This is the ‘Bonsaiing ‘ of a person – see the line above again – we are all programmed.
Leaning tree – cannot grow a intended as the environment dictated otherwise


To catch your middle circle out . .
Who/what is running you?
What happened to me?
My usual story
Whose was it? (which relation implanted this)
What did it work then?
Does this fit in your life ? Now?
What would have happened in your life, had that not happened?
Make friends with . .
Who am ‘I’?
Who was I to every person in my family? (What did my presence do?)
I don’t believe it until?
(As in – what changes our mind??)
I now make friends with the mother within . .
Birth of the mother within – death of the maiden
I recorded some of the me talking sections.
I have not listened word for word – but sampled bits of all of these so you may have an idea of where to go to ..
Why are you in this class?

What lesson did I miss?
Choice Edith Elger
What is the treatment programme?
Autism centre
Sonrise and the Option Institute
8.50 – Fairy tale – write your own – Dr Carolyn Myss’s workshop

11 – My beginnings
15 – Lenley – no interest in maternity. .
16 – One line would make all the difference ..
19 – Why I am STILL in the maternity area . .
Women need help.
20 – minutes – losing Kathryn – and Mary’s picture
Mary at Medjugorje – early 1980’s – prior to the war in Croatia
Story of Kathryn and being found sleeping under her picture in the back of the cupboard – for safety
22 – Rainey’s version . .
23.30 – Georgie’s version
What are we here for?
(On the planet)
29 – Bronwyn and her voice
How we got to be in our family of origin
2nd session – mother is the ‘wind’ (see the tree at the top of this page) that shapes us. (38.20)
How we are made . . . mother is the most crucial influence ever
BIRTH SHOCK – we all have – (Personality effects of early life)
Please ponder your own story . .
Beginning – the role of mother in your entire life.
FIRST BREATH – look to what Dr Shen wrote about ‘personality’ types being set in initially.

4 – PAUSE and write down who you were in your family’s life.
My early life story . . . mum birthing me and other daughters.
How was YOUR mother and her experience of birthing – as mum is who we are . . . as below.
20 – The role of the older woman . . how do we know anything?
22 – Death of the maiden – mother needs to shine through
24 – Programmes playing out when there are blended families.
FOR ALL LISTENING – PAUSE AND WONDER – how /how was I in that family?
25 – In my case. .
28 – After mother died. – How we are at that time. Dying in general .. how we all feel at this time
33 – Who are we in our sibling’s lives?
YOUR job in this training – to discover who you were in their lives.
‘What does it mean to me?‘- is the lead question
Role in your birth family
Please ask gently
1 – What YOU think it was.
2 – Maybe – ask them individually.
AND do it again for now – 3 – Is this still ‘online’?
This is a large thought and will bring up stories galore . .
My role – the meat in the sandwich/go between
Maybe start a page – with what was said to you – my mother would say . .
(Mine – give them enough rope)
Difference between two women with 4 C sections . .
The tale of 3 C-Sections – and what happened in their 4th
Dr Michel Odent also here Written so many useful books around the human condition and birthing.
His site – WombEcology
Also Primal Research Institute
Interesting articles – eg The Future of Suicide
What story (do we carry?)
The bricks of the business – US – being self employed
25 – my birth stories – and the canabis experience – how we get taken out
39 – how is running the world of birthing? The Golden Month is a necessity Blood needed
41 – NEED play time.. .
Stunning setting

What we are all holding within – misogyny
Julia Gillard 15 minutes – please watch)
Meditation – beings of Light

The mediation work over time CAN . . . clear (The Soul does the work) Deconstructing the personality cage (beliefs)

What makes a difference? INTENTION

NZ and the 2 women