
Today we are revising where we are at.
In the light of my stair incident, my brain is a little less than I am used to. PLUS add in . . life
The constant traveling/treating and shuffling gear is interspersed with us packing to move . .
We only ever get out of what we invest ourselves in.
Suggestions to make this alive for you . .(Not only self paced, but also – self invested).
Life is so diverse and having spent the past few months reeling as to changes – we all may need a breather. Finding points. What we are doing. Do we need to use pricklies to be able to be in this class? Do you want Q and A? What have you done with what we have? Can we do it differently? In the wake of my being into a house that may or may have internet that I can used even? All unknowns.
Here is the list of what we have done to date
#1 – Introduction – Emergency points (KEEP ALIVE)
GV -26, Pc 6, Sp 3, Ki 1
#2 – Was to be pain, but we went into asthma – (KEEP BREATHING) and also into pain in labour
Co 4, Bl 60, Liv 2, 3 Sp 1, 4 and Ht 7
#3 (CLICK)– we covered GB and Liv issues – being more than somewhat ‘peeved’ by life and what we need to do to undo the results – Liv 3 Liv 14, GB 34, Ex GB point
#4 – Intention – Shen clearing – (BRINGING SOMEONE BACK). (look also to Accident Recall (CLICK)
Damp (CLICK) – obstruction – lack of clarity/consciousness . . .
St 40 is the point all think of with damp Sp 4, Sp 9 – and then there is Shen clearing (CLICK)
Intention – GV 20, 4 gentlemen, Yin Tang, Tai Yang
Si 3, Bl 62, (need 8 extras – see here (CLICK) – way past where you need to be if just starting – but necessary so as I over give – is all on the one spot.
Seriously – LYMPH clearing is needed. (CLICK) I am adding in some of the moves work as a reminder – and for some – an introduction into the fact that the Pricklies are ‘tacked onto’ the extensive work with me a lot have already encountered.
Traumatic Brain Injury – T.B.I. (CLICK)
I will do a whole book on all that has happened to me as I don t get what others have after – as I mitigate – holistic. .
What H did . .
And why . .
‘Face planting’ in the past
Thyroid rescues
How we all coped in our early mum years
Vast importance of Acc Recall straight after incidents
Start – who has had a head injury? (no one on the call).
2.45 – Yunnan Bao Yao . . need it in your own 1st Aid kit. I had this and magnesium and needles and Aura Soma – I suspect that my top circle took over looking after me.
4.30 – GV 26 – I did not . . though CO 4 got needled as did (I think) Liv 2
4.50 – Pain? Body priority ..things arrive in the order of catastrophe . . Now I get to ?? brain injury?
7.40 – Shock of being in emergency in hospital
8 – Looking after others still
10.20 – Triage – SHOCK? COLD?
12 – H looking after H SHEN (CLICK)
13 – ?? was it a heart problem?
13.45 – H on rock pool.. .anyone else failing episode
15 – Fell back onto the back of my head – BLOOD DEPLETION (CLICK) will do it . .loss of consciousness
16 – H’s first child birth trauma – physical – fixed self started there. .
17.30 – SUPPORT – mothers need it.
19.30 – 2 face plants – after going off the A.C.E. inhibitors . . the rock, then the floor incident – no breakages . .
21.30 – Stair incident with Kathryn and hitting head/neck/back/wrist then hit to heart area.
25.30 – Master Point of Du Mai – Si 3 . . .
27 – STUCK – P.T.S.D. (Pronounced Teew Na) Tui Na – (CLICK)
30 – Yvonne came in .
31.30 – Thyroid stopped working after limping along til then.
32.50– In early pregnancy – take more of what is needed – thyroid . .
33.30 – Healthworld – Crotico B5 B 6 – do not make – was adrenal support – nutrition.
34.40 – Yvonne – obs usually increase T4 at 24/26 weeks – we need at least to paint with Lugol’s (CLICK)
37 – Quesha – help at home when she was a new mum?
39 – Linda – Clexane given even if the baby born easily – to prevent blood clots .
42 – Used to have Maternal and Child Welfare nurse.
(Who we went in to see when needed. A little like the NZ Karatane nurse).
48.30 – Acknowledgement – something else may be going wrong . .
49 – The newly damaged Heather – Yvonne saw . .
50 – Acc Recall (CLICK) – unveiling of the face . . Retrieve Shen – I forgot to use Sp 3.
51 – Physical changes the following day – I was RIGID – stuck again . everything.
To be covered before next week – so you get to ask me questions arising (past class)
What we are doing and classifications (CLICK)