2021 – week 2


Intentional contents ..  .

Covering – where to – what next?

Distractions – going deeper
Maternity action – onto pelvic opening and
Resolving High Risk Pregnancy – we will do (to come)
C section sequelae – answers why we do this work
(See this page)

11th January 

What we covered

We are laughing as I forgot to unpause the session

  • .20 – Belinda and stopping sighing . . . (Stuck Liver Qi)
  • (Georgie is on this page) Thank you Caryl. . 
  • What I did template – please print out for all you do . .
  • 3.30 – Tracey catching up – report on patients – and clear out a WHOLE skip!!
  • 5.10 – Gall Bladder cleanse herbs – clearing damp and heat and Liver ‘stuff’.
  • 5.30 Guilliane Barre syndrome. Vaccination correlation
  • 7.40NO Do No Harm any longer
  • 11.30 – Deb arrived
  • I will start with turning a high risk pregnancy into normal – as there seems to be no one modeling normal mammalian maternity.
  • 13.10 – see the cases here . .
  • 14 – Caryl arrived Thread moxa on heel – ANXIETY
  • 16 –  Mantrum of Unification – we are more than the middle circle . .
  • 16.20 – please be wary/careful
  • 18 – Not sure how long on FB and also need to collect all that is on Vimeo
  • 19 – (Georgie is on this page)    Revision of cupping/moxa and all
  • 20 – Melissa  catching up
  • 22 – working with Darren – esp O.S.L.
  • 24.50 – Caryl catch up
  • 26 – Look after yourselves – we need to ‘belong’
  • 28.50 – Hilary needling the end of tailbone point with Belinda. . anyone can – Do IT!! GV 1 page
  • 31.50 – Elke and GV 1 as a student
  • 32 – my own first GV1 and ## coccyx – history of living this work.
  • 35 – GV placement – Evelyn’s own tailbone and birth story.
  • 37.40– dry needling (Deborah)
  • 41.30 – Rothenberg – remembering the Syrian refugees








REVISION . . . (the O.S.L.- as taught in Jan 2018 -prior  to my L.A. and San Diego teachings).)

Old demos – Victoria (pre pubescent) and her mum (Jan 2018)

BEGINNINGS  – as we have new entrants – here is where I suggest they (and you as revision) start.

Too many distractions.
Set your intention
Get it done

Call it STUCK.
We free stuck . .
Thus – what to do in my case?
And ours – all of us need to discipline in these changing times.
What with whenever the ‘controllers’ feel like – locking down and threatening violence /loss of sovereignty – it is easy to give up. Those around us may be.
In the middle of chaos – calm.

WHY are you here?
Mission – YOURS needs investigating . .

We start here – selfing

We need to get accountable for each week

What are YOU doing?
Please put thought into this – we get nothing done feeling overwhelmed or waiting for perfect.
We have 2 new people . .
(Welcome Nathalie and Katie – both for Yeppoon/Townsville) Deborah found one who found the other – as in both were called by the mention of what we are doing . . . before this is a torrent YOU all need to get ready to become mentors, as I have modeled all year . .
And we ripple out – hope – connection – and there actually are so many candles who as flames need to feel  . .
I am after those who will step up and lead – one at a time is fine.
pelvic opening classes are the first priority – after the moves being completed – and the last LL II class for a while.

(I will go through this later on  ..
Am in the pregnancy project at the mo)

See what I am adding in on the messenger chat.
(Presently it s holding process – as I get ready to go into the Kajabi community)
We went to Canty for the day, yesterday also a Greymouth break, today also – as I am practicing balance. .
I hope you are also.Now I go on a trip up to the Fox River markets – to give myself an airing . .
You – CATCH UP  . .
Pelvic opening and reset your metabolism are first off.
Going towards – what problem are we solving?
47% C section rate in Wellington is the beginning – that gift that keeps on giving
We free (the) stuck . .