Condensation into matter. What are we here – for – question to be answered later.
Beginning of prickly tools (Thursday Yeppoon 2021)
Reminder – pricklies works on Qi and energy bodies – the physical is told what to do by . .
Going through the condensation of energy into form . .
See the poster below . .
And the inclusion/exclusion criteria – and what this means when in the middle circle – see ETHICS here . . Playing the FIX IT game . . .
WHAT ARE YOU HERE FOR? Maybe stop and ponder. .
Start – mother protects us as we arrive as a droplet of Light = and are made within her.
Butterfly and wee birds out of egg – NEED to fight for the life flows – and blood to waken and do their jobs. .

Why do a ‘dating’ scan when pregnant? All is wrecking the energy that is so finely balanced..

Teaching model
This applies well in all explanations of what we are made from – the top circle – Shen – and soul matters
TOP CIRCLE – More on beings of Light here (CLICK)
MIDDLE CIRCLE – the social being and all the rules that constrain us – and allow us to be part of a group/gang/tribe.
BOTTOM CIRCLE – the body and the form we inhabit – that itself has a duality – the energy electrics and the structure = the tangible physicality – mechanics are run by the electrics . .

Energy/vibration – not so much the physical .
Q – What are YOU here for?
How did we start?
What are we?

The closer to the beginning (conception) the more vulnerable.

What is HEALTH?
What are we here for???
Template physical – and the soul intent?
Physical (bottom) and energy (middle) and spirit (top circle)
The physical will decay . . if good is not winning – if homeostasis is not working – death will happen.. .
When are we most affected by outside influences?
The closer we are to the beginning of life in a body . . .

The grid – is not only channels/circuitry/meridians. . but also Light bodies, chakras, nadis.
When I was a student in a dedicated pulse class in 1994 – the pulse model of Dr Shen was vastly different to any I had encountered before – and worked so brilliantly – as does all the work from this wonderful master . . his work I could not prove wring . . over the time I was exposed and then use din my life – from 1980. See all written in the Pregnancy Map as your next text book. WDCD is the beginning of your switch into energy format. .