2021 – online course starters

Foundational Moves

To begin – an overview of all my practical hands on additions in needling  prior to 2014

MOVES – what, where. when, how, why (CLICK)

Lymphatic drainage

    • What it is A way to easily move what can clog up the system
    • Origin –  ?? I learned in the acupuncture class in 1977 – from the lecturer who was also a chiropractor.
    • Why it is Damp – from an acupuncture model – what is obstructing flows – wastes – not moved on – create havoc.
    • How to do it Using the pads of your fingers – not the tips, warm hands, gently move down and towards the sides of the body – under the ribs, starting in the mid line – and from the pubic bone OUT to the sides – also across the chest to the intervertebral spaces – always shallow to begin with and gradually getting deeper slower the better.
      Always start gently, slowly and watching the persons’s face, taking cues from whether it is too distressing or relaxing.
    • What it may feel like – under your hands/fingers Sometimes toothpaste. Occasionally somewhat thick – and even lumpy. Gently does it
    • When to useOn everyone – at the beginning (very gently as a checking move and as you go onto more clearing – often ending with this.
    • When not to useAlways needed. If someone is concerned as they have been told/learned that lymphatic massage is inappropriate – go back to basics – flows MUST flow. By allowing blockage, you are fostering dis ease and the rubbish MUST move through.
  • What to do to set it up to win –  Always offer water (tepid ideally) to sip as you go. Ensure that they are comfy (soft belly, by elevating the knees – pillows used whether lying on their back, or on their fronts whilst you work on them.
  • I remind you that this has been lifted from my 2005 work – Massage What Dads Can Do.
    All of this work is appropriate for all at any age or stage of life/disease.We are encouraging flows to return to normal – homeostasis.

Move Damp/Phlegm – fluids – congestion starts with wastes stuck


Manual – All moves (page on each) (CLICK) what is in course


Often missed – for chest, shoulder, flexibility and general breathing improvement.

 Flank gouging (CLICK)


Men – all ages – and monthly once over 30 is best. As part of couple’s being ‘handy’

Prostatic Drainage (CLICK)

From here we add in. . .
All the belly work from my extensive career working moving blockages to healing –  packaged as weaving it into Living Ligaments.