Self Care Package


Your body  your life. Only you can  look after yourself . .

In these odd times – it is maybe your chance to reset who you think that you are, what you are here to do – and what you do do.

In pain?
Living with unresolved shock/distress?
Possibly it is time to fix this . .
The body remembers everything that has ever happened to it.
The life residue in your tissues may have captured trauma that is holding back the true flows that you could be living with. (be it whilst still being made inside your mum – or at any time after this).

Bodies heal themselves.
We may sometimes have to give up what is creating the dramas. .

If /when you are up for the challenge – take on the role of your own healer.

Why? (CLICK)

You may have trialed  different therapies, many people whose job entails helping you – yet – you are the only one who lives with the consequences – and maybe – possibly now – it is time for YOU to take charge?

In the words of the Chinese media classics – Yang Sheng – Nourishing Life  – Self Cultivation

Every one of my packages starts here –  with us – and our own self care

Without our belly being happy – our food factory/energy source – being able to support itself – thus us – we are in a mess – there are so many ways for this to happen. You may have already found that adding in a change of food/supplements and so on is not usually as useful as seeing which one of the many ways we are upsetting ourselves.

NOTE – choice of food eaten is only one line on this poster

Answering the question – ‘What do I eat?”

Also explaining why in this modern world –  when it appears that you do ‘everything right’ – you seem not much better.

Find out why that this is NOT the right question – what happens when it is in your body? is the issue.
To undo all the stresses of being you – we start with , . .
Undoing . . .

Three components: (Please click each to learn more)

  • The Healing Power of Touch (CLICK)
  • (Your own hands to liberate your own life force/Qi)
  • Love Your Body Better (CLICK)
  • (Learn why and how you can instantly start self repair
  • Foundational Moves (CLICK)
  • Working with another – magically shift the blockages to healing
    This holds all the touch therapies that I have successfully been teaching for the past 35 years to students and patients alike. All are used in conjunction with needling if  you are an acupuncturist. This is also a standalone possibility for anyone.
  • These are advanced as I have used my in-depth knowledge of channels/meridians to enhance all I do.
  • Central issue – to move the Qi we must move the lymph. You will find a lot of non standard ‘massage’ moves.
  • These work – they undo the PAIN that all seem to be living with now

The Foundational Moves component of these are secrets from my life’s work.


Self Care is very different to SELFING and has no common content.
Intention – yes is the same . . . If you have completed one – the other is a companion. So very different. Both are needed.

If you are keen to undo what as happened . . .

After the Self Care course – surrender .  . .

The next step is Self Discovery (CLICK).

Undoing your story .. . unlocking why you may feel so stuck, when you try so hard to change . ..heal .. ..

Taking this further – maybe you wish to learn how to use heartful hands?

Self Care is also a pre requisite for all who want to go onto anything else I do – especially the touch therapies and moves in Living Ligaments – the culmination of all I have been researching in the past 4 decades . .

Love Your SELF Better!

Declutter, reset and restore – optimal wellness