Happy breasts reflect a flowing life
This is the barometer . .
Is our body truly healthy?
Are we smiling when in fact we are VERY distressed?
Are there subterranean rumblings?

Breasts form part of our reproductive scenery. They hold the space for clothes to drape from. They also are a measure of our health. They reflect our body’s ability to be adaptable. Breasts are designed to feed babies. They are NOT to have pain, no changes in periods,

Liver Qi keeps the body freely flowing – and when get ‘stressed’ on any level
We will have BREAST issues if not happy.
When younger – we will have period ones also.
Whether it is tenderness before a period, heat and pain in this time or/and
Fibrocystic changes – dense areas, cysts, nodules, tumours even.
This is NOT supposed to be. It shows you that the Liver Qi when not flowing well.
This will also cause problems in any or all of the areas you see to the right.
How to undo this?
Do not accept what is happening –
Good nutrition means great Blood energy and the body just works on automatic.
Ensure perfect breast health – use plenty of iodine as breast and ovarian tissue uses vast amounts of both this and magnesium.
Iodine is so important – and can easily shift the troubles you may be experiencing . .
And the magnesium – so many can easily flow again . . .
NO FEAR – maybe if you feel there is a need to take testing and scanning – maybe FIX the problem- not hope you will not be one in EIGHT who go through that C journey -Breast cancer was the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia in 2018. It is estimated that it will remain the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in 2022. Cancer solutions
Your body heals itself. .
Shall we let it?
If you wish to know more – there are handy instant downloading self help courses on offer HERE