Women who did – Sister Kenny


Women seem to ask the questions – after a certain age – we get in with it. .
I deviated . .
I started with Sister Kenny – and ended up with Dr Humphries, and Hilary Butler. And all I assume people know – and they surely do not. Vit C (CLICK) – go work it out for yourself – too simple – and we all need to know.

In these interesting times – shall we reflect?
What life is like when we have to ‘make do’?
PLEASE visit this site (CLICK)


Inflammation of the grey matter of the central nervous system. How get this? Oral transmission – and in 95-98% of people – no problem – IF the person has a strong body (nutrients). What can help?
Vit C – not patentable (CLICK)..

 And how to win in the turn of century (CLICK) – prior to pharma

Movie  of Sister Kenny’s life (CLICK)

Dr Humphries on smoke, mirrors and how to fool all (CLICK)  Please watch this . . . stem cells left in baby – and all we could do – to keep baby safe – as Dr Humphries have done – see here. (CLICK) Hilary Butler, Dr Humphries and breast feeding (CLICK)


Salk versus Sabin (CLICK)  ‘Cutter incident (CLICK)   Still happening (Africa – CLICK)

This is a medical fail . . .“By the 19th day of treatment there was a ‘complete return of sensory and motor function,’ and no long-term impairment ever resulted. Vitamin C not only completely cured this case of polio, it completely reversed what would undoubtedly have been a devastating, crippling result for the remainder of this girl’s life.” VIT C!! (CLICK)

All I have in Vit C is an eyeopener (CLICK). . Dr Archie Kalokerinos (CLICK)

What we all lives with in the 70’s – as responsible parents – maybe now (CLICK)

Sally Falloon and her work (CLICK)

Food – it is there to nourish and live by.