We live in the body – though we are MORE than this

We need to be all stored away in the right place
1 – Why do I do it this way?
It works.
Completely transforming lives.
Often what has held this back needs gently tapping into – releasing, and dissolving – here is how . .
2 – Have I been exposed to this sort of work before?
Unlikely as it is a culmination of decades of my personal quest to answer why do people suffer – we all have different lenses we see life through. As a senior acupuncture course designer my filters are broad and ever changing as my ow personal life lead me into strange spots.
3 – Can I use it immediately in life/practice?
Yes. Likely you will be a very much clearer person on leaving the course – to enjoy you being you differently.
4 – Can I go further into this work?
Both Gentling Trauma Relief and Reconnecting Heart and Wombspace are pre requisites for the physical moves in Living Ligaments I and beyond – where we have the opportunity of radically changing a person – and how they are from then on .
What do others say who have been through this work?
‘Heather creates a safe, open and heart centered workshop space. Her workshops are a good environment for the wise woman (those present and rising), the mystic, the healer or the seeker to convene and for those wanting to deepen and strengthen their connection to the world and healing arts. I’ve gained greater trust, confidence and self worth in my own skill sets as a clinician, and am allowing myself to find my own rhythm and unique style, as Heather has role modeled this thoroughly for all that come to her. I’m deeply grateful for her courage to be who she is and to have created such a unique and safe space for learning, growth, and healing. My participation in Heather’s courses has shown up in my own practice as my work is lasting longer more consistently with my clients and working with iodine has changed everything in my life in many positive ways.– Elisabeth, Georgia USA
‘With a long history of teaching and researching Heather has the authority to back up what she explores in the experiential workshops. She filled in the gaps that I have been seeking. Even my posture is more balanced than it has been in years – my internal organs have been put back into the right place. I’ve taken away practical skills to enhance what I already have as a practitioner and healer. I would recommend this experience to anyone seeking more knowledge than they think they have, those that want to take a self healing break to reflect on where they are in their lives and where they want to be. ” Mychelle, Melbourne
What a ‘patient’ said as she observed what we were doing
‘Having observed Heather teaching, it is obvious that she is deeply committed to the transformation and empowerment of her students. Heather exercises great care to ensure each student receives as much as they can. Nuggets of wisdom are passed on from decades of experience of healing work, that are simply unavailable else where’. Carolyn, Brisbane
1 – Reconnecting Heart and Wombspace – comes next if you are traveling through the Gentling Way trajectory
Day 1 – How we live well in this body – allowing Qi/ lymph to support life
Day 2 – Undoing ‘Stuck Belly Blood’ – undoing what has been stored within – including releasing C section /abdo scars
(Including – childbirth PELVIC education – body surrender – this is real opening to birth).
It is life changing as you instantly get to feel how simple you can alter yourself. And your life.
What will this give me?
More tools that WORK
What IS Living Ligaments?
Undoing the womb held hostage. A system of body/soul release – We LIVE in our bodies. We study life. I have combined my extensive life’s work over so many lineages and modalities into one. Living Ligaments has specific moves in sequence determined by the body on the day. We start not by finding out ‘what hurts’ – by recognising that bodies are being held prisoner as a character structure. Emotions caught up and not expressed how Qi and all other systems of flow hostage. We must know ourselves and what has been stored for release before we play in and with the patterns of others. Eventually branching out into the wider world, we explore ‘What Does It Mean?’ Constantly.

We look at We can wonder – what have we also hidden away? The specific moves in sequence are still determined by the body: we must look to what we ourselves have hidden away to begin the process of shedding light on the possible work needed by another. Beginning the process of shedding light on the possible work needed by another.
Undo Self – and go into Self Discovery through Initially we Reconnecting Bao and Dai Mai/gut magic
Become aware and release the patterns of trauma, allowing viscera to work as designed. We undo why they are often in a different configuration – thus they cannot work as expected to. You may already have done this . .. (Lyttleton, NZ, Brisbane. Melbourne, Sydney, Atarau, Rangiora NZ, Yeppoon, Cairns, Australia). These (plus online components) lead you on into Living Ligaments.
You may ask . . What will this give me?
Ability really make a difference – damp/phlegm/IBS/Krohn’s/GERD/ gut distress
Gentle Discovery – Freeing Yourself and Reconnecting Heart and Wombspace are needed as pre requisites for the physical moves in Living Ligaments I and beyond.