Where are we headed?

An-bout YOU

PAradig shft – was initially Self Car e(similar to SC Arivf-gi- was iniiaelly HP of T ,Lve yur body e=btte rnad OFUndational MOves.

Then I reaise dthe Self C_Disocvery class was needed also I really wante dacup to do the Arvigo – so coudl not get more than 4 ponts calle d’otehr; an dthey got 8 fo rmy retreat into self. .
And – this was usually ‘how was puberty f ryou?’
I di dthis as it was easier than gvingthem tehe womb and teh blue door medictaion . . .
And when we a=e have eframe dthis – teh three circles etc – as we b-neede dto GRO Wthorught his- which may not have been intent on all of this byut gojngnto te P.C.T /cls s- so they learned the moves. .

Which wa sOK whlst teh web site was so useful – but not after they redid their site..
MOst importnat thing – to respect themelve s- Livig In IT – an dcan n=be given off late r- as it is

How did we get set up?
All got Nonsaied – it was our script . .
An dnow we can feel as avictim – or grow form that.

If we los eteh juf-dgenet get ridfo that ‘good’ and ‘bad’.
When we meet this again in Self S+Disocvery – indo teh story – whatis it and why ar eyou hanging in still?
Then if you do teh pogramme as arigid thing – will not work . .
Ar epeoepel patyong attentin?
AS woth Priccess Diana dying, Baik = bombing et. .
Are we acknowledging this?
We all have adifferent starting poyt.

When sign up formr Selfing – ar to undego great chnage.
What was Arivgo Self Car etehn Selfing adn elf FIRST – after challeneg an go int self dsicoveruy – onu-jne?
Or in a group?
Things keep tra-iggering us – ths GentlnG Trai=au aRelief – adn then teh re is Ethics and Tools – and we can do this easily .

Making Friends with the Mother Within.
Making Peace With the Children You Did not Have
Why didi I come here now? Soul purpose .

After the Challenge – it is quickly discovere d- have bnot timeto look afte rse fas per the Challenge – adn Sheryyl and not good enoug to do this – we do need to clear us to clear enough
Stop this
Ask yourself
WHat do I need to clear to move out fo teh stuck spot.
And Living In IT – Honouring OurSleves. .
Anatakarana medic=taion . . .
And afte rteh three lots and all that brings up – we all will have LESS BAGGAGE. .

WHta is different about this work?
About NOW – moving off wher ewe were as new is coming.
Moving Blockage sto Helaing . .
eLoti=us – teh P/P will gradulaly be avaialble . .
Toenhance your learning . .

WHta and why . .
Why soing Selng course?
Why teh Cham,llenege- we nee dto gdo this as well . .

Moods of the river
And the painted skies.
Loss 0 that is what that challeneg brought up.
Not only teh week by week add ins – and as well- own perosnal chalenege.
Ask the qust=esion – what de siteman to e to not be . . . .
The gift of a Question – hat does it mean to me?
What di dI get out fo this listening to this.

AS we all haev interesting stories . .and what do we do instead.
Maja hcooses not to attend by -ut be with the new man.Ma-elissa has her own dramw- adn Maja has it allbackfre. .
We are all in aplay – ad teh actors who come in . .
We ned to WAKE up . .
Thissinot judging – is reflrcting . .
TESTS they keep showing up.
Epeirential wokshops in te past – and nw – we have unconditonality – and workshop and lie is eth same outside.

WHo Am I? retreatwent into th Bing n . .
I did one as a silent retreat – to godeeperin myself.
WRONG WORD _ I mean to not Ayewaska but the yoga one
My gift to myself with Aura Some=a bottes and all- as I was actvely workinteh process. . .
Being was next and then one calle dSOul- and I can see that I am working this provces sthrogh ..

Steaming ad soothing belly and unpack . .
HAD to get people out of their story – as we all get stick there. .
And me also – in this never ending drama of being human

We can’t open the participant up to get so upset . .
Get content and need support after that.

May need to rescue the rescuer?
Why d it again?
We really need to do it in person . .

If we ar enot gojngto do this -wat is goijngto happen?
We go through a lfel=time of resiting what HAS to e done anywya . .
or we do it is fast track – not aa lot fo peoel who are ready or wnat to do this.

So – what do peole aciaully want?
That s teh issue

