When we use hand moves

A well used/worn body . .

Many incidents and frank attacks.
(Well past ‘boys will be boys’) this is life also incarcerated.Boys!!!

This is the guy who drilled his middle finger into a screw and had to reverse the drill to get it out.
I mentioned this a few months ago – fixed in one go – that is multi modality First Aid.

What did I do?
After the 20 minutes when I was not told about it (Duncan yelled out ‘Heather’! and I spent the next hour fixing him.

(We did not need him off the job).
Water,  Vit D (60,000iu) Vit C (5 gram in an hour) put Lugol’s on it – not bleeding went into bone.
Vibrational essences. Got the negative ion strips, bandaged up with them so I could Reiki.
Prior to this – opposite toe got needled (Mirror X)  (incredibly painful – thigh not as bad as his drilled into finger bone) .
The same finger opp hand – also needled.
Co 4.
Yin Tang.
THEN Reiki – and he had no pain after the toe needles inserted.
He was past amazed
(As I was as there was no infection).
Also – he mentioned his neck (really bad past injury), so I popped in Korean hand points, GB 34, the Gb extra one I use by the St 34 (Xi Cleft), Liv 8 and some point percussion – see the Foundational Moves course . .


This is a big story – I have bits of it here as he remembered in maybe chronological order – as I was working in undoing the trauma as he sat up with the back needles in – very bad neck injury as he fell off a roof recently . ..

A life sent being beaten up.

  • 7 Knocked out at playing ‘bullrush’).
  • 9 – Stomped on accidentally in rugby – walked on his face and lost two teeth then.
  • 11 – Rode into a tree and smashed his two front teeth (he has almost none in his mouth now) at 51. .
    They were lying flat and they were reorientated at the dentists -and not blackened – the one that is left . . Same incident, ripped his cheek right open and broke his collarbone.
  • Not sure when – flipped over and landed on a gutter – thus the scar we see me needling at the bottom of the page prior to the glut gouging. he was on the rugby field two days later and could not walk .
  • 13 – Fighting at school – the coward’s punch as he was groggily getting up from being knocked down.
  • 18 – Rolled ankle first time – 6 altogether always the left- CRACK!
  • 18 – Drunk/asleep to fighting outside – split head open on right side – above ear. knocked out.
  • 22-23 – Knocked out intentionally – 3 onto him.
  • AGE??? 5 onto him – and stomped on repeatedly, kicked in kidneys. .  Face kicked in – more teeth gone. (Prison 2 1/2 years )
  • 29 – Stabbed by a guy – bum – at work – the boning knife supposedly slipped and gouged him.

Also at work – abattoir – a boner – the bone saw nearly took his lower leg off.

Myriad other issues – innumerable rugby and other life incidents.

Here he did many other injuries (7 weeks) – and laughed them off (I guess – crying isn’t a guy thing??)

Also has saved three people from drowning and was a witness to fight where the guy stabbed SEVEN times whilst down is still alive as he was administering First Aid and cops left hi to it till paramedics took over. (The stabber was imprisoned).

Brent is a very bright guy.
These people who come upon me are great teachers.
 I am in awe of what so many have survived through.

2nd time I had intervened.

Me rescuing the day’s work – he was seeing stars – I felt called to go outside – he did not look so good (he left his youngest son’s mum in the middle of this job – him 51, her 36, bub 16 months – 5th child 3 women).
did not know  just knew me trying to work looking up affects me and he was on the piling job  under the house – so at his break time – I made it happen – I sat him down and he got Korean hand needles where very sore, plus the GB 34 and then Si 3  . .
And twiddled (I do not usually) .
Also much magnesium on his skin and some water – all good – and his vision improved.
Does not take a lot to change him with all of the above to work through to be here as a person .

Last day on job Part 1 – Part 2 in a month’s time. . .

PV. Acc Recall- ankles, teeth (had had root canals – all gone – knocked out) and Bao Mai.

Kiiko’s shock point and bil Liv 2 – GV 15 – Kiiko again.
Chest gouge, lymphatic upper.
Gb 34, R immune point, Yin Tang R Co 4.
Left to ‘stew’ a while.

Usual Stuck Belly Blood – then sitting up protocol.




Listening to a typical guy’s story – whilst needling how the scar happened.  .(Sorry – muted sound)


Handy Moves For Acupuncturists /Foundational Moves covers this all well.
(Within the Transformative Healing package)