What to do – when faced with . . . .


A timely thought – we are here for this.

Early 1994 – at the end of an obstetrics master class – what to do if ‘normal’ does not happen?

My process of rescuing a dying newborn . .

Accept no limitations – Did not give up
Systematically worked on what was the priority – Initially:

  • To keep her alive.
  • To keep me in a state to breastfeed.
  • To undo what had happened
  • To restore what was possible.
  • To deal with what came up.

This meant listening my own drum – as few had any notion of what was possible – when we do.
What do you do if confronted with a patent who finds themselves in similar shoes?


Then we have pain . .
From birth likely

What could we do?
A lot . .

  • Flows Have To Flow
  • Structure Determines Function
  • Body Remembers Everything That Has Ever Happened To It.
  • Energy Follows Thought
  • Body Heals Itself – when it can


Pain – start there.
What relieves?
What aggrievates?

STUCK – start with more water more salt and topical magnesium  and a lot of Vit D 3.
And we begin – belly moves. .