What to do


Part of the last 2 weeks of working on YOU

Selfing reminder:

Then we start on how to assist the others in their STUCK


Natural health detective – sleuths – Discovery Process

IGNORE THEIR LABEL – never helpful – only for the ones who no longer promise to Do No Harm

Seriously – they have protocol to direct you to a course of action/treatment that shores up not return to perfect – but a business model with a bottom line.


What is holding back healing?
Triage NOT diagnosis.

5 Flows – are they flowing?
5 ‘T’s  – what is online and likely?

What? – Their lack of flows leads to what issue?
Why? – Why now they want help?
When? – Did they notice normal was not their’s?

How? – Did they handle life pre and post this and when did they decide this was a problem – and what done so far?

You yourself – must be clear.
Set the scene

Have all at the ready – for whatever shows up

MUST yourself be hydrated, fed, exercised and ready for life

(First hour of the day is yours).



Intensive and close together – as the body needs to get out of STUCK
‘Stuff’ will come up. For both of you.

My helpers

if you are not undergoing an active Qi clearing process – sign up for one.
Meditation and self cultivation.
Time is now to serve – are YOU ready?


Ahead .  . at least in clarity – is our mission