I am in Australia – and throughout this interesting traveling time I am only in Queensland – going up and down the coast – till mid August – offering trainings in this way of being.
Gold Coast and Yeppoon and back again (Gold Coast).
Trainings offered (CLICK)
Schedule (CLICK)
Contact me (0452 407 667) with your expression of interest.
Here we acknowledge that are a soul living in a body.
Experiencing being human likely creates mines of stored (unresolved) expression.
Your physical body is a vessel. Lived in. An expression of life flows – mission on earth even. It is dictated to by what is stored there. Shock, unresolved life knocks, shadows of emotional responses, expectations unfulfilled, habitual reactions: all ready for release – when you move past what is holding them in. Touch therapy – and the laying on of hands has been used forever in all traditional cultures, combined with a deep appreciation of inner guidance and readiness for growth.
In the Gentling Way, we allow the release of whatever has been holding the tissues and the body hostage. Distress and structural rigidity whispers, calls attention to and eventually screams out ‘help!’ Postural and apparently ‘aging’ changes that you may (or maybe not) be aware of may shift as you release what messages they held as gifts..
Shall we shed/undo blockages to healing?
Clearing what holds the body STUCK.
Gentle visceral alignment
Ensuring optimal lymph flows (damp/phlegm and dysfunction leading to eventual cancers happens if not)
Objective: Release stuck – it is stored/holding the tissues hostage to allow the Qi to freely flow through the body
(Will not happen until deemed ‘safe enough’ to let it go).
All my courses were
1 – Online
2 – practical/hands – on – experientials
3 – support after
Since March 2020, we have a different life.
- 1 – resources and info upon payment – start immediately.
- 2 – Zoom (if not in NZ and able to be with me – or with teachers at the beginning phases)
- 3 – afterwards support – online – in closed chats.
Australia NOW (July- August 2021)
Every one starts at the beginning. in ‘patient’/questing student space. Even if we think that we have covered this before – we all are in different spaces when we find information – and often we hear what was hidden in plain sight before.
Self Soothing online selfing
A gentle, effective simplified version of what you can do with your own belly – and why. You will feel vastly different – with any of the moves. Gentle is the key word – releasing stored (stuck)/trauma from cells.
Includes Perineal Steaming
Aromatic herbs with heat – usually steam – to allow the release and discharge of old tissue, allowing healing within a woman’s body.
Most cultures throughout history have had their own practical ways of assisting healing using plants grown locally.
Includes What Causes Health – how a body is designed to work – with the basics – as in baking a cake – you need the ingredients, the method – but also the ‘container’ – a kitchen, electricity connected probably – the assumed’s – we cover these as so often they are really what holds our key.
DISCOVERY Gentling Trauma Relief (out of STUCK)
(Towards self mastery)
Exploring who you are /how you got to be you – answering the question – ‘How did I get to here?’/undoing The Story (that has up until now possibly defined you), we go on a journey of discovery – your earliest (and before) life here – what influenced you to become who you know yourself to be. Maybe also you do this for your children and your mother – so you really see how you fit into the pattern.
Tools – for ‘undoing yourself’ – Enlightening – Many different questionnaires to show you your progress through life and how you can shift/transform with such apparently small changes
Life Rescue – a taste of many different ways you can explore where you are and wish to be.
The body remembers everything that has ever happened to it.
(Time to sort through what is needed for the next life phase). Especially as all body work has the potential to let go why it has been stuck. Usually that ‘stuck’ has a story – and here we are now ready to undo this.
Foundational Moves
A walk through a standard Heather hands-on session: minus needles. Prior to the Maya/Arvigo excursion added in from 2014.
Covers the standard non-needling – using tools – navel cupping, moxa (on salt, ginger in navel) plus the sacral moxa fan), Gua Sha and point percussion, Gua Sha, lymphatic drainage and the use of chest and flank gouging -all the lymph and Qi moving that signifies blockages moved.
Reset your Metabolism
Self help for all – body temperature – needs raising to allow health to flourish.Focusing on cupping cold from the navel, rescuing the Yang Qi with moxa on salt on ginger on the navel, plus topical Iodine usage, moxa in many forms and perineal steaming.
• Visually easy to understand comprehensive step-by-step guides through all these healing ways
• 4 large pdf multi media presentations – hours of enlightening and simply put into practice home remedies presented in multiple ways for all learning styles.
BEING – self discovery

Emotional Resolution and Clearance (Gentling Way Trauma Relief)
Tissues remember everything that has ever happened. (Our past is encoded in our body). Whilst we feel we may have moved on – often not so. Likely . . .maybe
‘The Story’ can be reframed.
That one that rules – that is like a cage to break free from.
Tools to assist this are found in this Self Discovery kit.
Undoing Your Life Library – What is stuck within?
Let us, using a variety of spiritual healing from other cultures – show it the Light.
Gentling Trauma Relief is both a 3 part online course which can also run in tandem as a 2 day experiential workshop. This holds spiritual healing to allow the past emotional reactivity to be relieved through reframing “Life” to date.
- Undoing The Story (YOUR life library)
- Tools to assist
- Gentling Trauma Relief
This was a practical weekend this is over 2 days, either prior to Healing the Wounded Healer and/or as a prerequisite for this. The online component must be competed prior to attending.
In Service
Reconnecting Heart and Wombspace (Bao – Dai Mai)/Recovering Our Food Factory
Flows must flow.
The heart to wombspace connection – is it intact? Can we heal? What to let go?
The concept of the Three Heaters from acupuncture is a feature – how DOES the body support life?
Emotional guarding and the accumulation of (as yet) undone experiences may have created visceral distortions. Structure (that itself governs function) stuck. We discover and encourage release, returning to perfect – the intentional blueprint.
Living Ligaments I – Womb Woes to Womb Wonders
YEPPOON July 2021 and GOLD COAST August 2021
Living Ligaments II – Prolapses to Prostates
We leave time between attending LL I and LL II to allow the integration and sense of flow and your own connection to this work. Support in the form of online video segments on the specific pages, online manuals, and Zoom connections with FB closed access group will give you confidence to review constantly at your own pace.
Pelvic Opening – teaching others
In this 3 hour training we learn how to open to flows
This covers the physical moves from ‘What Dads Can Do’ kit.
Stuck Liver Qi Release, Sacral Moxa Fan and sacral/butt gouging and others.
- As a hands on workshop we work on each other (small group) to get the pressure right.
- Experience the variety of working with different body types.
- See/feel the effects on all assembled
At the end of this course – the participants will be confident and proficient at the pelvic opening level
MAKING IT UP AS WE GO ALONG – life is dynamic +++
To come – maybe we offer online:
(Run by one of my students after they get their wings having been part of a teaching class – me on Zoom, them – hands-on).
Selfing (over 6 weeks – 2 hours at a time) Foundational Moves (unsure as yet)
Taking the Easy Road to Birthing (A one-day hands-on workshop). Includes Pelvic Opening but a deeper immersion.