Welcome to the New Year

Happy 2023!

May it be a wondrous time of change for you.

What cna I offer?
Help when needed –
Not hands on – unless you come to me. .
So much more information – all still on my sites.

Online courses
They get added to all the time – here is the newest offer.
Men’s Healing – Practical.

2020 – I disappeared it would have seemed – along with the life we thought we had.

You may wonder – what happened to Heather? As with all of us – a lot. .

The few years that were.
Upheaval. Change All of us Me . .
2020 – was to be the year – I designated it to be the Year of the Man.
I had spent decades being seen as a women’s specialist – yet few saw how many men were enhanced though my work.
the men’s work – finally I have the Men’s Healing Practical (CLICK)- this is for the loving hands of a spouse mainly – as the traumas visiting men mount up. How to get their body/mind working easily again? Our loving hands. . . Circumcision often started their gradual body/emotional shut down. The life residue they carry – is so often ignored. YET they are to be a woman’s protector – who looks after him when a miscarriage stillbirth/death of baby happens? They sit on it. From E.D. to infertility (male) to prostate dramas – it is all addressed in there.
Men’s Healing Practical is how to gently undo what is STUCK – a session filmed of me working with my eldest son in 2019 in clinic. Leads in to the online Foundational Moves that all can do at home – and is on a man as that way we miss the breast issues and modesty – equally useful in everyone. Was also to be my teaching year – when all came to me – rather than me traveling about . .That did not happen. I fled you could say. 2021 – Now 2 venues down – house sold in NZ and we are merging all into one. What was my healing retreat/teaching venue/love of my life wee cottage – had fit as much as I had. We invested all we had in redoing the shed – and hired a cabin to sit in the garden to carry the excess papers/books/my life’s work. Getting the online teaching and assisting all who found me. .
All was NOT stable – I was in ‘about to hit the fan’ mode. Thinking that we had life nearly ‘back to normal’ I flew to Qld to help one of my students who had wrecked her body flying off an eBike. . To supposedly then travel around Australia to get all who had been on the online courses to be under my hands to finalise their training. Spending winter in a warmer clime was the intention . . .

BUT state after state played the prison game. And we were locked out of home. How to keep a house and garden and all inside it – SAFE? Imagine walking out of home for a holiday Never coming back. We threw all we had at keeping it in a pristine state from afar. – from here – til the country was ‘allowed’ to move about – so a house sale took months longer – lawns out of control – weeds also – here we are. So grateful that we ‘house sat’ Duncan’s cousin’s house in Gympie – as they were locked in to W.A. unintentionally – escaping winter led them into trouble also. August – Car vs cow incident Followed by shingles in eye. (Not recommended) (I will write up the series It Happened To Me And What I Did About It when a stray minute emerges. Seems that I am my own rescuer often through this life.
End October – FOUND at the end of the traveling around Qld for months – a home. House to buy. Conditionally – after ours was sold – 4 month’s later we moved in.

2022 Mid January – Stair incident Watched the Gympie floods happen. February – moved to FNQ March/April – Making sense of a new life with – NO ‘stuff’ in a very dry climate. Ticks . . . me with TBI/PTSD Internet issues (can’t work without) for 6 months in total. May – container of (all that was left of our lives) goods arrived. Moving forwards July – back ‘on the bike’ – literally and also – to S.A. to be hands on. Traveling again – me to NZ to finalise our lives there for 3 days (too sacred to stay longer – what was SHE who must be obeyed to do with us/me next?). Treating and teaching in SEQ. Several Bne trips later. . much online teaching . .

2023 Service . . To stay the course.
To all of us
We all have similar tales. Taken to the edge . .
Non attachment
Happy to be.

Maybe you – or someone you live – is in trouble – needs a different option?
Self help that is where I shine . .
Can I offer you a way out?
Of where ere you are stuck?

Reach out – as you used to . .
When I was the Bne resident ‘too hard basket’ / problem solver.
I still am. When all hope is lost – call Heather
Let me know and we will see how we can make cages .