We are in for a ride!
This is the beginning – please start here 
Qi – is live – dynamic
From the bottom – elder’s wisdoms – what all cultures knew. Survival depended upon the collected knowings being shared and often having a shaman, wise medicine wo/man attending to when what was common knowledge (why they had initiations, and why they had tribal gatherings) was not working. The green oval stands in for the energy instructions- as acupuncturists we ‘know’ different things – I suggest here – we go back to these two.
Anatomy and physiology in the biomedical/mechanical will only get you so far. Especially in working out how to help people ‘get ‘ better. They will need to change – and that is the programming – we all have.
Also – we need to attend to the ‘food factory’ – all fueling can only work if it is respected. And back to the programming – what will people do /accept.
The physical structure – determines the functionality of the unit. That star? Stands in for your soul purpose in being here.
The golden thread? Your Anatakarana – anchoring you here.
The fundamentals of life – as taught to us in our homes at our mother’s knee. Before mothering was outsourced. Prior to bio-medicine selling everyone the idea that chemicals, not food: that factories, not gardens – provided all we needed to Live Well.
This information and my way of teaching may not suit all. It may not look as you may have been taught/expect to see – as this is practical. Grounded in decades of my being a holistic multi modality transformative energy body mechanic – always rooted in touch.
I often ask the question “Who is “I”?
Me containing this:
1 – Housekeeping
2 – Freeing yourself – selfing
3 – Can it flow? (Life is movement)
4 – Explaining circles
5 – Why selfing?
6 –
7 – Discovery – how we go through this course of study
8 – Fundamentals
9 – Overview
What to expect? Always the unexpected
This is about wombs
How is this different?
We go back to nature – and provide the obvious . . . great nutrition and circulation.
We are more than flesh and blood – Let us start with QIi. .
Has to flow.. . what stops it causing discomfort and pain . .
Q – Is birthing even supposed to hurt?
Qi – the electrics that run the physical.
As an acupuncturist mentor/teacher course designer for over 40 years – and as someone who was taught body work/adhesion breaking/womb repositioning in her student days – my finding the Maya and other cultural traditions has allowed me to merge the age old into the now.
Where did it come from?
My own maternity/personal/practical.clinical/teaching experiences.
PLUS – working with a community who had all women using no contraception/insisting that regardless of health status they birthed continually. My turning extreme high risk into easy home water births is legend there. The combination of my multi modality ways ensured apparent miracles. Where all obstetric routes were tried and found wanting.
As a clinician who is mega practical – this is presented in a ‘it all works’ way. Following what nature needs. They were NOT living well.
To effect change, I did have to point out the bovine breeding units were in better shape than their human breeding units.
Innovative (common sense) ways to radically change their diet and life habits – hence the outcomes for all – especially healthier babies.
It was not enough – I needed more. I found it in the past – oral traditions of women centred care.
My deep dive into Arvigo work – 2014-2016.
Incorporated with the Mercier body of work (found gratefully in October 2016)
Merged in with my own decades of Qi/ body aligning. Moving Blockages to form
Living Ligaments – the Gentling Way.
From 2018 – offered internationally and with me only teaching – until the world changed.
Trajectory includes
We now are mainly online – and with extensive filming in all prior classes – we can do so much.
Though ideally we work on YOUR body as embodying this is best.
Womb wisdom. Aligned – you are also.
When out of centre – you are like a wheel with its hub awry.
My 2005 manual and footage (massage and birthing What Dads can Do) is one of your texts.
It is in eBook format here.
Woman Tides is anothe
(The original was written for the midwives in Amsterdam in 2007 when I was teaching here).