We are here – cross roads



This is NOT a comfy spot – me to to write this and to let it go – and likely you to read.

I remind you that you can unsubscribe and we are likely no longer crossing paths.

I have always been in service – to right wrongs. Even now. I look at life differently. Often this is what is needed as what is seen to be ‘everyone knows’ is lacking. As now. In the past – I was called upon when all else failed. Generally, working with you, I discovered what went awry. Together – you following advice – and me working directly on your circuitry – we corrected this. As simple as taking out what was not supposed to be there – whether it were shock, cold stored in your tissues, or scars/life residue with or without physical signs –  that had blocked normal flows. Much like a gadget – we are build to work a certain way. When a wheel is wonky, when the owner’s manual is transgressed – maybe not.
Warnings. Messengers from the body. Feelings ignored. Inner knowings turned off. Too busy? Still now?

Pain is usually enough to warrant attention.
Eventual breakdown.

In times past – we asked those who knew as they had been around longer. The ones to be listened to – were replaced by shortcuts – new ways, easy solutions.  We could ignore the body in trouble and numb it – block it out. Some are now wondering – is this the way forwards??

Instead carers who hopefully are following what their parents and tribal elders instilled in them – so innately we knew what was to do and not to do . .

Time caught up with the biological programme.  Many of us are now stopping to evaluate.   When talking of ‘health’ – maybe we first need a working definition, I developed a new currcicula for a new acupuncture college in Brisbane in 1980/821. Normal – where was it? What was it? I first needed a way to go back to. I had been concurrently studying naturopathy – and all that served a well body better. Thus I had many traditional cultures to tap into.

Those who are grateful I am still ‘on deck’ . . . please engage your hearts and minds

Hearing all about two words that till now maybe you had no idea about?
Myo and peri carditis. Breaking it up into bits –  Myo – muscle – peri – of the hearts’ protector (in East Asian Medicine) and actual envelope around the heart practically – itis – inflammation.

Are you as you were designed to be?

Or – full of troubles? Drugged up and walking wounded?
THUS – like this car – not as designed. Will not run as intended until this is corrected. This is too much like common sense. ‘It can’t be that simple’ you say. Yep – over 45 years of me deeply questioning accepted ‘truth’. I know that bodies need such simple things – here is my life recipe again (CLICK)

Who wins?

In the past – the ones left standing.

YOU were you to listen to the inner voices that try to warn you.

Who is pulling strings? When we consider the past white man’s hunger for all that was not under his feet – colonisation.

All humans play the power game. The meek do NOT inherit. They are wiped out. Enslaved.  – always was one bunch/mob/gang/tribe overrunning the territory of the other’s.

Do you even see it? Have you been herded like sheep in a paddock by the sheep dogs rounding you up? Stragglers found hiding? Who wins? Not them if YOU understand . . Now it is YOU – coming for your souls – and sovereignty. Slowly needing you to here you can be picked off/knocked into compliance.  A mask (So you are muzzled) was first – regardless of common sense – of the waste – or of lives. And it continues. One jab to be safe for grannie. Two jabs so you can go out of the country. Three jabs so we are all ‘safe’ . .and anyone in disagreement – is Less Than . Lepers all over again.

Bent – out of shape?

Or adapted to survive?

That is the question.

Survival of the fittest – or the compliant?

Are you – a survivor?

Some of us have eyes wide open

I read all the ‘sci fi’ novels – dystopian futures – in my youth and all my life. We are there now. I have not sent much out as I am sure the difference between where we called ‘life’ and ‘reality’ and what is now constantly changing as the loose tightens is apparent to all. Many newly emboldened with the surity that they have done the ‘right thing for the team’, feel that the loudness, the intense fear/indoctrination campaign is valid and needed and will always side with the majority.
This is humanity.
The mob rule – led like lemmings.
Through ignorance, fear wins.

Some of us are likely to NEVER conform
In times past – that was those learning acupuncture training. Not now. I have watched the devolution of thinking, or critical debate and of checking against whether it ‘works’ in real life/practically or not – over the past 45 years in my chosen profession.

In the past – some people questioned. You may be one of those. I remind you that it was normal in a past generations to call the doctors ‘quacks’. It was normal to ignore their advice as it was usually irrelevant to the lives of the recipients. And the more sturdy past people – they had their grannies in their ears – and the ‘old wives’ tales – were what was used when push came to shove. Pharma was not yet in stranglehold mode.

“Co morbidities’ meant that you were a victim of comfy compliance – medical – being totally in the thrall of the ones who sell death avoidance. Telling you all you needed to do was take a pill. Never mind what you fuel our body with. Or your soul. Carry on with the lifestyle that led you to where nature is not happy.

The folly of ignoring nature is being brought to all of us. There is enough out there outside of what you are being fed – to find out that the game and how all are being played. The crossroads is your choice. We may all wear the consequences. What if Heather is right? I do wish not to be. As a messenger  I am aware that it is easy to ‘play’ me.

A recent newsletter amassed many who considered I ‘had blood on my hands’ were I to have followers’.

I work WITH nature. Not against her.
It has been my vocation to assist those who seek help in apparently tight situations, I can only now stand back and watch – the tide may turn. The flood of public outcry and of mob rule seems to be shifting. Crossroads.  .
What is YOUR passion?
Do you wish to live in apartheid? Governed by fear?
OR. . DO you trust your body and nature and life itself?

Did you know??


YOU are so much more than what you think – those programmes that were/are being inserted??

To deep?
Time to awaken. . .

 TOP – the one that came here to be


MIDDLE – Is encased in a human tribal template

You fit in – you do not

inclusion/ exclusion

BOTTOM – with in a mammalian wrapper to be able to ‘live’ on this plane. In this place.

Seen differently – we are not here to be in balance (left), but to strive against our own mission and resistances – programmed by ‘life’ (to get us to where we can not continue (middle) and where with much inner searching – we may arrive at the service destination. Or not (Right)..

A potted version of what may make different sense to you. It is a great teaching model when you are up against what next . . and need some light to guide you out. Help – not always obvious when what you thought was the ground is missing.

Viruses are irrelevant to robust bodies and we are stronger. What is not is the weak ones who have gone soft – easy – and now not able to adapt.  .

That is all.

Those who haev been given a song book to song from are. They boughtehj story. Tha=ey are in deep trauma/hypnotised -and wil foolwo teh leadder.
We must hide safely at home they say . .
We must waut fo r amagic jab they say

We must repeat those interventions


Never mind teh cost

First Do No Harm is dead
As are so many babies never to breathe, as mum bough the idea that being jabbed in pregnancy, or being jabbed and breastfeeding (milk is made from blood), being jabbed soon whilst still maturing (5 years and up) – soon to be from the start of independent life it looks like. Regardless of your own strengths and weaknesses. Not repoerte d- adn only what is ‘allowed’ as teh sci fi world descends as acloud. Fo rosme o – t-welcome as they do not nee dto cgo to the ir own edges. O+For otehrs- appalling as clarity leaves.

You may spend 30 minutes and listen to a past expert coroner’s officer to the Court speaks (CLICK)

Someone said
Someone (Likely many) wrote.

Not based on life. . or what was real to the ones receiving the academic waffle – as they were in the real, not constructed world. You are now well aware of which way I bend. With the results. Doe sit work? Can I prove it wrong? If not – not must be right.
In the past – people came to me with hopeless’ and I found ways to live well – and we all found that accepted generally was a front.
Never more so than now.
However – if you are up against – a ‘choice’ pela be aware that withoyt teh facts  it si led thorugh vetse dinterested=s.
FActs do not chage
I will not go throgh any of what has been thorwn at teh world. Itcan be seen as  agame a dteh players are not aware of the rules. Thus – we are here.
A crossroads.

And lived in their lives – embodying nature’s dictate – survival of the fittest.

Before we get too involved – shall we lighten up?

So gently beautiful


Crossroads .  ..

We are being called – to choose to be counted. My mother would say – separating out the sheep from the goats.  . Some of us have always been seen as outliers – and not fitting in. Some of us get there by having to change when nothing else works – whether it is a cancer or other tricky ‘diagnosis’, whether it is a PTSD event that keeps giving, whether it is a brutal reminder of mortality in some way – the edge finds us. Beckons us to act.

It is your choice to listen or leave. were outliers – this is why I have achieved all I have in this life, and why we are having this conversation. You sought my help – likely you were ether directed to me, or found that my work worked. I ask different questions and do not accept limitation.
Most are not like this. I remind you if this is bringing up ‘stuff’ and you are reacting  maybe it is time to reevaluate self and whether or not acting as being molded to is appropriate. The masses are not usually manipulated/lead through altruism and the Highest Good.
If you find this too difficult to read, please back out, find the email and unsubscribe. Life is a challenge and we need not so much to be comfortable, but not cause any more division than has already visited us We also may need to understand that ‘come to the edge’ apples.
We grow when not we do.

Recently we had a visitor – one of my husband’s past long distance cycling buddies. He is now a shadow of who he was. So scared. Is this the future? He was told by his doctor that if he got coivd – he had a 98% chance of dying. Instead of laughing it off (HOW WOULD HE KNOW?? – IS HE NEXT TO GOD??) – he totally this was true – and how ? All that media indoctrination/blanket coverage – and his inability to TURN IT OFF.

Where are ‘facts’?
Has anyone thought of asking Heather? Who HAS had the illness – and wrote about it years ago? Whose life work is in ‘hopeless’ – when medical people have given up – surely we are there now. What about enhancing health? All these questions – and we blindly do what we are told? Hand over sovereignty?

Would can give such guarantees? As he had not healed (now 40% lung capacity apparently) from a bat illness he got in his job. Not undoing the damage – as of course the medical people do not work WITH the body so it CAN heal itself. . . He freaked out. Can’t wait for his 3rd jab. Not seeing what he could do about improving his health  bodies heal when given the right ingredients and the blockages moved on. THAT IS WHAT YOU LIKELY CAME TO SEE ME FOR  IN CLINIC

When all hope is gone – ask nature. .
And maybe find someone who asks different questions.

To refresh your memory – I had SARS-2  (‘Covid) at the very start. How? Someone walked off the plane from China. He was directed to me – and came in as he was not getting better. He needed daily sessions with me (3) and then – I took it upstairs, and Duncan – who was so well prior – got it.
I thought that he would die. I had ever see someone fall over that fast.

Remember – this Alpha. The original – RNA is not able to NOT mutate – and the viral issues die out – get ever weaker – except in the Frankensteinian way the boffins aid to wreck nature are going . .
If you are at all religious – you know this is not what was intended and that what is written is playing out all around you.
For it was when the Western countries lehalise dabou-rtion/killing babies to birth.
We are going through the Greek alogbet – and as viruses mutate – they usulaly get wee=k=aker. “Dueto the nefarious cut throat no holds barre dlif=ves we are leding – nature is overtirned.
in this Alternate Reality (plpeas ego bakc to eth jaiol you c-gytwith tis adn unsibscribe if this is rattling you.
I expect at least 80% (maybe less in this self selected population – you ateast thihght o ask for a diffret answer at some point to be in receipt of this).

should be ucojmfe=ratble by now – as this is real. NOT MADE UP.

Whta hed trip is runing ur thinkkng?
We all die.
Bakc to teh story . .
I then got my version fo this.
I seem to be at teh jforefront of everythn9ng  s I can work out how to help otehrs.
Hence in Oct/Nov 2019 you got my take on this. And teh VitD3, C, zinc and A 9initially i t was thhgto be a bad lung condition – simpl e- add in or eingredients o help teh body have wa=hat otneeds to heal . ..

As I have congetsive heart failur e- and have had since a 1999 ‘flu’? someting caught teh thrd time to-it went aorun d bne and thus my clinci – as that was where all arrive dwhne nothng els ee-wirkd – and herbs were alwats =ys my back up.
My own helth has nbeen mage dby me as the eical system hads out uill sand says – this is forevre – no quetsion of undoing what creayined. Henc eyou in eth past likely have com eto me – or my p=knowlegde base.
When all else faul – shall w follow what nature has fo ryus?
Quaint I know.
Always owrks.

I got so ill – ad then lost sens of smell etc. funny dry tickle in the throat – and needing (still) often ahottie on my chest – the Stuck L+Blood that I w=ar=ler=ready sha d worsened.  .I am so much more well thna I woudl have been 0 agan 0 as I was in a great state (relative) t begin with  and knew hat told . Shut clinic diwn and got us bith back to or eof =r less cunctikne-al. The decision to NOT go to A and E when I was so concerned about Duncan was in part as I knew that as YOUR rescuer in such times – it was  a distraction – they would have no idea what to do – and it would be so much more stressful.
We have mmty 0as bdues do – ours won.
And yet  here we are – being told that we are not playing the game.
We know this.
We when look after our own lives and affairs are very aware.
Here is a piece written from over the Tasman . .soon to be this divided nation also.


Maybe listen to a past police coroner assistant? 644 deaths so far (not even a years’ worth of figures) in Australia – from this jab.


Past newsletters – my info is all the same . . July 2019 (CLICK)

(Copied post)
I popped into the library today, just to use the bathroom.
On my way out i asked the librarian what will happen after tomorrow….will i need a passport?
Yes, she said.
Seeing the look on my face, she quickly added “we will look after you….you can do click and collect”.
I had a moment where i felt genuinely sorry for her. She didn’t choose this system and is just spouting the edict from on high, and no doubt will be on the receiving end of abuse from time to time, from angry humans devoid of passports.
On Friday morning the sun will rise on a fundamentally changed, deeply divided New Zealand.
We will awaken to living history.
The first day in the history of modern day New Zealand that hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders will be effectively “locked out” of normal life, because they have not received a Covid jab and downloaded the key to the kingdom.
What follows is, i hope, a mind broadening reflection for all of the double jabbed feeling angry with the un-jabbed; and for all the business owners about to lock out a not insignificant portion of their trade.
Who are these people who seemingly refuse to comply?
They are branded “anti vaxxers”, a throw away label of derision and scorn. If you drill down a little deeper, the complexities and nuances may be surprising or shocking for you.
Here are just a few of the many reasons this now marginalised slice of your community will not be….
eating in your cafe,
browsing in your library,
watching a movie in your cinema,
dancing at your festival,
parent helping at your school trip,
swimming in your public pool,
living in your sheltered housing,
rescuing you in the ocean waves,
finding you when you get lost in the bush,
walking across the school field to pick up their child from your school,
standing in the rates line at your council office,
laughing at the monkeys at your zoo,
visiting their elderly parent in your lifestyle village,
trying on clothes in your favourite dress shop….and much, much more.
Let me introduce you to just a few of these New Zealanders now locked out and shunned by Government, friends, neighbours, colleagues, employers, and every business that demands a passport to access their services.
First meet the archetypal “anti vaxxer” …the stereotypic one you mistakenly believe represents every New Zealander who has declined their covid jab.
This person has never had a vaccine in their life. They are against each and every vax that ever there was, and why should the covid jab be any different. Yes these people exist.
They are a tiny minority of the New Zealanders you wont be meeting in any of the above places.
Next let me introduce you to your family member, friend or employee who had every child hood vax; more needles to travel to far off exotic lands; and even pops into the pharmacy for their flu jab at the start of winter each year. Its just this one vax that (after much reading, studying, and deliberation) has been deemed a no go.
This person (above) may be one of the many medical personnel who have recently been terminated for refusing the covid jab. They could be a nurse, doctor, surgeon, anaesthetist , psychologist, forensic psychiatrist, orthopaedic surgeon, pathologist, midwife, paramedic (and more) who have decided that their mistrust of THIS vax demands they lose their job, potentially their home, and certainly their mental health, instead of rolling up their sleeve. (these chosen illustrative professions represent real life New Zealanders i have personally met)
Next i would like to introduce you to the keen pro vaccine (and pro covid vaccine) Kiwis, who were enthusiastically jabbed months ago, and counted it as a high point in their life. Freedom day. The day they believed they could almost return to pre covid years with peace of mind and certainty.
For these Kiwi’s the gift of a covid vaccine, turned into a living hell. They took their first jab and life changed…but not in the way they hoped for.
They may have collapsed at the vax hub, and been hurriedly carried away in an ambulance, as their system shut down in terrifying and life threatening anaphylaxis.
Others made it through the day itself just fine, and gradually in the days that followed, their body began to betray them. For many it will have been the cardiac adverse reactions (frighteningly common) that took them to an ER or placed them on a ward.
Myocarditis, Pericarditis, life threatening blood pressure spikes, heart attacks, strokes, paralysis, Bells Palsy, Shingles, Appendicitis, a Hemorrhage, blood clots and more (each of these adverse reaction categories are recorded in the Medsafe database here: https://www.medsafe.govt.nz/…/vaccine-report-overview.asp
Some have been left permanently injured. Others have slowly recovered but remain traumatised and terrified at the prospect of the second jab.
In “ordinary times” such a post vaccine event would automatically have precluded any subsequent doses. These appear to be extraordinary times…and all of these vaccine injured are simply informed that they MUST have the second jab or lose their job, their vaccine passport and access to their usual lives.
Still others of those Kiwis you may be frowning upon, have experienced the trauma of losing their loved one after the covid vaccine.
But only one person has died, i hear you say. Tell that to the bereaved. Tell that to the family of the 103 post covid vaccine deaths reported to Medsafe (who will take up to two years to decide if they were indeed a result of the vaccine).
These bereaved are too terrified to have their first, or maybe their second jab, after burying their fiancee, husband, wife, daughter, son, mother or father.
As the months pass by the group so eloquently (but inappropriately) labelled “anti vaxxers” by both media and politicians alike, will gradually grow in number…
The passport only unlocks the kingdom for 6 months.
If you made it through your first dose uneventfully but ended up in hospital after the second, 2 weeks before your passport expires you have a choice to make. Risk it all over again to take your booster and renew your passport or jump to the other side of the Berlin Wall, and opt for picnics instead of haute cuisine.
If you are tempted to spurn, reject, abuse, criticise, and think “you got what you deserve”, to all of those you know who remain unvaxed…
Please spare just a moment to think of this post, and to realise that you really have no idea why the person before you is passport-less and locked out.
We all have a choice to make….
You can choose kindness and compassion towards your un-jabbed loved ones, realising that fate gets to choose whether you join their side of the great divide, for refusing any one of the endless six monthly stream of booster shots coming your way. (In UK boosters have now been moved to 3 monthly for everyone over the age of 18).
(Medsafe acknowledge a likely 5% of actual adverse reactions are ever reported to them.
The Citizens Database is a voluntary community initiative recording deaths of New Zealanders temporally related to the receipt of a Covid 19 vaccine; and also serious post vaccine adverse reactions.
The deaths on the database while temporally related have not been confirmed as definitively caused by the vaccine. Many of them are in healthy young people with no pre existing health problems. Many of them are sudden and unexpected deaths occurring within days to a couple of weeks of receipt of a first or second dose of covid vaccine’.
Longer version