Villitis of Unknown Etiology

Likely why there is IUFGR’ and low baby weight/ recurrent loss of pregnancies/dead babies.
What with the latest epidemic of fetal deaths – we may need to look to the sacral flows as part of the Free Your Qi/pelvic opening
At this time – we may need to start thinking .
The clotted blood spikiness is about to raise the spectre of not that many new people born.
See more here for the medicalised version
Also here
NOTE they have no idea why it happens and what to do about it – just report it.
Placental failure essentially . .
Start with the basics found in the
Easy Pregnancy Resources kit.
Start as you mean to finish – with the best possible – mum , dad and the resultant fruit of their union – farmers know to do so . .
Time we did also .
We an change so much . .
Here is an example of what people are dealing with . .
And were they to become pregnant?
Oh dear me!!!
AN EXAMPLE – not likely to be pregnant
But what about women of bleeding age – now manufacturing the dangerous part of the manufactured change the world event?
I drank the juice. I work in the medical field and it was mandated. Two days after getting the juice I started suffering from chest pains. I went to my physician and he said it was nothing. A week later I ended up in ER with pneumonia and myocarditis. I suffered bradycardia and my resting heart rate went down to 21. They had to call a code. Still they wouldn’t correlate it with the juice and sent me home with a bag full of meds. I was so fatigued. Cold sweats. A month later I had a red hot spot on my calf. I had a vacation scheduled to Alaska and still flew. Hiked lots and climbed six flights to our room every night. A week later I flew home and the red spot was bigger. I went into the doctor and had an ultrasound. It was a deep vain thrombosis. My physician prescribed blood thinners and sent me home. I went to the hospital the next day with chest pain and I had suffered an embolism. The hospital again sent me home. Said I was on blood thinners so was ok. The next morning I woke up in severe chest pain. My husband called the paramedics. I suffered another embolism. I so wish I had fought drinking the juice. My life hasn’t been the same.
Given the medical researchers seem not interested in knowing why – but is selling something – the interest/funds needed to discover such issues as why the placenta is failing were not forthcoming before this travesty against humans, it seems unlikely that the CAUSE of the failing reproductive capacity – epidemic of miscarriages (esp ‘late’ ones – pregnancy failures I would call them – and stillbirths – can be directed attributed to the baby making factories being taken out – possibly by design.NOW?
:The answers as always are
Ingredients needed to run a body being present and bio available
AND getting circulation in and out as designed to be.
I am working with someone (a year on) who after her 3rd C section is here by her own healing graces – after a prem baby with placental accreata AND previa . .and now no womb but her and baby alive. I am sure it all would have been prevented had she done this work – and castor oil is essential regardless of what you read online. . Topical as part of the process – is all in the workshop – and is designed for everyone to do . . Gentling – and go on in time to undoing the ‘trauma’/STUCK that we all get to have.
My initial introduction 41 years ago was a woman who was in her 8th pregnancy – having still no live child – as she lost ALL of the others at 28/29 weeks. This one was a C section at 39 weeks – as her spiritual guidance /Reiki person found me and we worked on her together – Ki 9 is such a magic point (part of my Pricklies Emergency Rescues package) – and all my written work explains how we need to use the 8 Extras as the regulators of the 12 . .
The second was a 13th pregnancy – with 5 live babies . . Vastly increased nutritional supplementation (me also being a ‘naturopath’) and my Moving Blockages work . . And her doing all that was expected – she had a redemptive home water birth healed all around her also . .
Pregnancy is the time we renovate ourselves – or wreck us by being ‘superwoman’ getting everything done – forgetting that Nature does NOT set a pregnant woman up to kill her – her life may though. We need to start prior to pregnancy and undo all that is what I call ‘high risk’ – And past C section unhealed is a large one. See what Dr John F Shen (one of my masters) said here (CLICK). .