Using ‘common sense’


Towards sustainable futures

Problem that initiated my putting this page up?
How to encourage a starving herself young girl to get real.
Also – as I have worked extensively with the very ill in this community for the past 15 years – I have gems to bring forth to the world – life is so simple – we need to get the basics right – and life takes care of itself- no micromanaging needed.

She would normally by now be at least a mum of 2. BUT she is not able to function – let alone do the work expected of an unmarried woman. Up at 3 am to do laundry, or food and then clean – all day in servitude.

She does not like getting bladder infections, it hurting to pee, having no energy (though she is sleeping her life away) and WETTING THE BED – every night – plus sundry issues – can’t poo and feels sick so she doesn’t eat – and is freezing cold –  . . she is fixated on her chubby 7 year old sister – being fat – the bright younger sibling tells her she would rather be well.

Bigger problem – in that cult – she need to be married off or spend the rest of her life serving others – especially her sister’s and brother’s broods as they all have at least 10 each – is all they are here for arguably.

What has she got in  her inner bank account to gift on to others?
What is she likely to be doing in 20 years time – regardless of her childbearing possibilities?

I brought this up with her parents when I saw her bed-wetting at 12 years old.This is what she lives – every woman has a tribe hanging off her. Her own mum is slow – at 43 only pregnant with her 11th. Her mum’s oldest sister – had 14 by age 42.

Often a family of 13 has a mum only 40. More always coming .. .
BUT – quality??? So many of them wet the bed – and though not usually to mid 20’s – many past puberty.

My way may not be your sway – but – what can you learn from this case?

Do we resonate – maybe what I do and say can get past your own filters – as we all learn differently.
Maybe, like me – you have discovered that what you were doing happily – especially in these times is not working as it was.
Maybe you have found that.

People are so much more damaged than they were – this is very true for the past 5 years – imagine as it is for me seeing people from 1979 onwards . . I have been teaching since 1981. TCM had only just started being the dominant way. I left what I had been doing  and went into this herbalised acupuncture version – retaining my reliance on the meridians that supervise, regulate, and maintain the flow of Qi and Blood in the main meridians – hence anything I do clinically will deviate from what you may already ‘know’.

 I have always used my hands.
And what WAS common sense.

Here I present  a common problem in clinic – young woman starving herself. How to get past her beliefs?

A working model

Maybe scribble on a piece of paper . .
(That is how we learn – putting it into our own ways of knowing).

Example from clinic – eating almost nothing – and having slender form. Why? Not running the woman’s script in her tribe – she is supposed to be like her mum pregnant presently with 11th child – making babies indefinitely. With what? When she can’t even . .  .

From the bottom – elder’s wisdoms – what all cultures knew.
Survival depended upon the collected knowings being shared and often having a shaman, wise medicine wo/man attending to when what was common knowledge (why they had initations, and why they had tribal gatherings) was not working. The green oval stands in for the energy instructions- as acupuncturists we ‘know’ different things – I suggest here – we go back to these two.

Anatomy and physiology in the biomedical/mechanical will only get you so far.
Especially in working out how to help people ‘get ‘ better.
They will need to change – and that is the programming – we all have.
Also – we need to attend to the ‘food factory’ – all fueling can ony work if it is respected. And back to the programming what will people do /accept.

The physical structure – determines the functionality of the unit. That star? Stands in for your soul purpose in being here.
The golden thread? Your Anatakarana – anchoring you here.

The fundamentals of life – as taught to us in our homes at our mother’s knee. Before mothering was outsourced.  Prior to bio-medicine selling everyone the idea that chemicals, not food:  that factories, not gardens – provided all we needed to Live Well.

This information and my way of teaching may not suit all. It may not look as you may have been taught/expect to see – as this is practical. Grounded in decades of my being a holistic multi modality transformative energy body mechanic – always rooted in touch.
An in working out WHY the body is not healing itself – something is blocking healing – let us go find it.

How can we serve the people who come for help?
Maybe by switching paradigms.

From ‘science’ based – to elder’s wisdoms.

Easy to get within a set of beliefs – use different model of life

By undoing the beliefs (very strongly held) we may be able to get some traction for change.

What we are made from – Jing

Food – how do we get great bubs? Healthy pregnancies?

Hyperemesis – easy to fix – stop breaking the body. COLD needs taking out. Can’t make a great baby if the mum’s gut can’t support her (hence she is vomiting all the pregnancy) and the bub is made from whatever is left over.

Imagine – 6 weeks pregnant – 4 months old and a toddler just walking – plus one not 3 years old – and this is standard.

When is it usual to wean? In societies without electricity – maybe 4 or 5 years old – less periods. .

Here I showcase what has made my sessions so successful.
I think differently.
Using my ‘Moving Blockages’ style – we investigate why we may not be getting the results we would expect in ‘doing the moves’ or ‘following what the text/teacher said’, or by doing what is written – this condition – these points (if you are an acupuncturist) and in fact if you have ‘diagnosed’ a person being in this or that box. this is the way forwards . .

I am here to say – not really – we need to undo why the body is not bouncing back – healing itself.
I am using the example of the religious cult I see the women in deep maternal troubles

I mention two young girls – one who is not yet making copies of herself and one is is about to have her 8th C section in ??11 years.

Connective tissue and fluids

Common sense – Qi has to flow. Cold there? Need the inner fire to be able to work as designed. AVOID COLD

Maybe see my Reset Your Metabolism course – or start the Move Your Qi challenge. .

We MUST move their damp – lymph.

The young girl is in a mess . .

Yang Qi and Jing and Blood – all essential to understand – she was NOT made properly – her mum had extraordinarily bad hyperemesis – and all her brothers have awful – and crumbing teeth – until I came on the scene before her mum’s 7th pregnancy.

Reminder . . .

One of my usual cases

Background – how did she get to there? Look back to her mum – not well and messed with by weekly injections – against ? allergies om her own early life – so not able to provide what she needed for her daughters – all of whom have devasting connective tissue an digestive and general health woes.

Bandl’s ring – An exaggerated retraction ring seen as an oblique ridge above the symphasis pubis between the upper and lower uterine segments, a sign of advanced, obstructed labour.

This sign denotes a marked difference in thickness between the tonically-retracted upper uterine segment and thinner lower segment, which is at risk of rupture.

And it may – emergency C section required.
PLUS – vastly enhanced maternal nutrition immediately after birth so the milk supply is useful, mum stays sane (Blood energy needed to be stunning) and the likelihood of this happening again is reduced. Vit D3 levels – needs to be past the apparently ‘normal’ upper limits that are arbitrarily set.

Clearing out what happened

Adhesion breaking, bridging the scar (my way)  and sacral moxa fan – and nutrients. .

Me also being a former Arvigo Self Care teacher – I had incorporated all the belly moves.

Elder’s ways – modern problems solved


Castor oilread more here (CLICK)
It works!!!!


What is the Move Your Qi challenge?

A beginning ..  .

Me walking you through some of my foundational moves.

Anyone – whether they are a practitioner of anything – or a person wandering around in a body – can feel so much more alive.