Some of us feel like this. And see the world as going somewhat crazy.
Sporadically in these changing times – as I work out where ‘up ‘ is, And how I can be of service – as this is why I am here – I put a newsletter out.
Where we all find ourselves.
Unsure and following what seems to be the way.
Or – is there a deep inner knowing?
A cry from the depths of your soul.
What to do?

I said in the last missive that I would do one of these weekly. Intentions – they are not often broken by me – but these last few weeks have been more felt as challenges than some others. You may feel the same. How much can we handle? Ever more it would seem . . There is ‘surely not’as a response. Back to complacency.
Having been to a gentle Gympie gathering 2 weekends ago, and the Sunny Coast March, I can say . . The police were exemplary. The feeling all around me was of bonded humans who had a common cause – wish for a better life for themselves and their future grandchildren. I also
What a joy to be in pre lock down time – when I COULD be with them when/if I chose – now they are in NZ and we are not.
Being at a rally/march – at least in Qld where the police were part of the human race with us) felt almost like being at Woodford Folk Festival. Happy. Free. The best place to parent a child of any age between Christmas and New Year – a safe village being in peace.
Now? Imagine. China coming here us. NZ first. Colonisation. Winning a war with no bullets. We are NOT all contaminated biological units.
My mission is to awaken the Light Workers who up until now thought this would all blow over.
Could be comfy and hide. It has not/will not. You may well have bought The Story – you were doing this jab to be of service to others. Shall we forget that biology is not altruistic?
If you wish to have ‘co morbidities’ – your choice – to stay STUCK in illness. Why ? Limited thinking will not save you now. Go ahead – swallow pills; be managed and hand responsibility. Your choice – you can follow the ones who are
Flexnor Report sellers (CLICK).
I call them the ‘we don’t know’ brigade. Ask how it happened that YOU have .. ..whatever. They do not know. They may hazard a guess. Is all. Label what you have. Medicate. Cut it out. Burn it off. Drug your body. Body will attempt to let you in on reality. Its voice will get louder and more insistent – till you drop. You can not keep doing what is not working – and expect a different result. You could also choose to heed warnings.
It is a story .. not in any way truthful biologically? What is being sold – it does not ‘work’ as a vaccine – if /is not been safe/the Alpha strain) If they did manage to do the impossible – and produce what never has before – without death of all the animals . . as we are now watching all who are/were x2 jabbed be handing out presents to all others who were – mutations.That is what a virus does. Instead we could back up and trust what is there within. All the tools needed.
If you live in love and hope and faith . .

Not try to survive – not hiding away in fear.
We are here to thrive
After the last newsletter – I was castigated severely by a few who, tasked with apparently working as natural heath care providers felt that I as getting ‘blood on my hands’ by NOT following as we are told. Like good little people . .
However . .
Some of us are outliers. We still think for our selves. As I have always. Hence you are on this list of recipients of this newsletter.
I am here to say – your body is magic
If you are full of woe – maybe this has some answers for you
My free
Life RESCUE online course (CLICK).
May be a bit deep.
BUT – I have been in some tricky spots in my time here and what has allowed me to stay on the planet, an in service, may also resonate with some of you.
Words for Today – by a kiwi, no longer teaching (he was correspondence.
HOW does his jab position work there?)
The very erudite soul John Hopkinson speaks.
‘Vakseen’ is a word that makes you feel protected.
‘Boosta’ is a word that comforts you, that helps you believe your protection is strengthened.
But all you know for sure is that you’ve received an injection, or two, or three.
Everything else is a leap of faith. Faith contained in words, like poison in a vial.
‘Passport’ is a word that feels like a warm recognition of your virtue for ‘doing the right thing’, a talisman to resurrect the life you loved, a magic thing worth having.
But all you know for sure is that freedom didn’t used to be conditional on a needle.
Welcome to your trap.
When it is sprung,
You will come to know the power of words.
Why did I/he not say vaccine – because it is patented as a medical device.
It is not and was never intended to work as a standard vaccine.
The definition has been changed/word repurposed.
As has ‘vaccinated’ – now means 14 days after 2nd ‘shot’ – and in Israel and Ireland and likely soon here – to mean after which every booster needed next. Who is using the ‘health’ services’ ? Those who are being told that they are ‘anxious’. I would be too with some of what is about. No responsibility – and more to come.
Shall we not trust what has worked till now?
You must have at some point, to be on this newsletter.
Bodies heal themselves.
We and trees, and even fish in the sea – would not be here if we could not repair.
I will send out another early next week – with a list of what to do/take should you find yourself lessened /altered as the jab is designed to do. Great distraction. Will befall all. Some of us are holding true as the control group.
In the next one – soon – I will send you to what you do to help YOUR own body sort itself out. I caught SARS – 2 in my clinic at this time 2 years ago. He came in 3x in 3 days – as he had weird illness and was not responde0ing normally I took it upstairs and shared it with Duncan. I cancelled clinic whilst we were sorting this out. I then succumbed after I had sorted both of these patients – 1 and patient 2 – to become patient 3. The young Asian lad off the plane from visiting family – was better with my ministrations and use of herbals. As we are.
Why worry?
Live well . .