Trainings offered

Heather’s Gentling Way


Are your flows flowing?

Happy wombspace – happy life

Pelvic Opening – other focused

This covers the physical moves from ‘What Dads Can Do’ kit. It is possible to do entirely online as the package was designed for anyone to work through it themselves at home. Stuck Liver Qi Release, Sacral Moxa Fan and sacral/butt gouging and others.
As a hands on workshop we work on each other (small group) to get the pressure right.

And to see and feel the difference in different body types and the effects on all. Astounding!

Foundational Moves – other focused.

As above plus the work from Reset Your Metabolism (online course) – cupping cold from the navel, taking out cold with other tools – Gua Sha and cupping in general, plus lymphatic drainage and the use of chest and flank gouging. as seen in the pre course pre requisite – Foundational Moves – self paced and instantly available on receipt of course payment.

Gentling Way Self Care – experiential see below

Pre requisite –  the work from Self Soothing – Belly Calming and Perineal Steaming (online courses)

Gentling Trauma Relief 

Experiential – onsite (occasionally as a prelude to Healing the Wounded Healer)

– or as an online self paced course

Here we uncover what drives us.

Programmes – held often tightly to us in our stories.

Expectations solidified into a cage of beliefs that hold us/our body captive.

Undoing the Story, Tools and Gentling Trauma Relief past workshop on audio.

Needed to go into the Living Ligaments trajectory

And such a gift – being clearer as to life and what we perceive it to be.

Self-Care Training – Experiential – Focus – self exploration


Gift yourself a new beginning.

In two parts – the online prerequisite and the experiential – where we sit in an intimate sacred women’s circle.

This 2.5-day workshop provides deeper life awareness from the world wide wise women’s traditions incorporated into Heather’s Gentling Way. We begin living as an energy being, tangled up in a web of experiences and stored life residue. We uncover how this impacts upon the physical structure (that itself then determines function).

We delve into how we got ourselves so shut down, what this looks and feels like, and the gentle ways we can use our own hands on ourselves, in our everyday life, to release what has been holding our life flows back.

Stuck no more! Let It Go!

We explore the energy instructions that give the physical body its script. We uncover the workings of the ‘Three Heater’ system – our food factory – and how our life flows need to flow to get the best of our bodies.
From here – how we can  alter these to maximize life enjoyment.

From here, we uncover the myriad causes and results of misplaced viscera and distressed lives. Naturally flowing into change – thus healing. Simple and time honoured self-care techniques to gentle this back to perfection. Also included are ways we can help ourselves with what surrounds us – plants/herbs, nutrition – on many levels, spiritual and emotional support that connects us with the worlds beyond.

Allowing us all to begin our own healing journey into easy living.

Prerequisites: Anyone may register for this class. No prior training or experience (except life)  is required.

ONLINE components

Instant download to experience change in your own being

Delivered on pre payment – at least of the deposit.
(Contact Heather for payment plan)

Self Soothing – Belly Calming
Perineal Steaming

  • Your prior acquaintance with this material is essential.
  • Content can be very different to what you have been exposed to.
  • Possibly even challenging in its simplicity and depth.
  • We do go over your Q and A in the workshop.

What next?

Completion of Self Care Training prepares you for Reconnecting Your Heart and Wombspace

Next Gentling Way Self Care workshop – see Course schedule

Gentling Way Trauma Relief:

Is offered occasionally
Usually online – as Gentling Trauma Relief

Prerequisites: Anyone can take at any time.

Covers (besides undoing your story, and tools)

Beginnings of the Maya spiritual healing beliefs,

Tibetan Buddhist spiritual healing &

Heather’s three circles reframing via the Anatakarana work.

See more on this here.

No prior training or experience (except life and your commitment to change) is required.

Next Gentling Way Trauma Relief workshop – see Course schedule

Reconnecting Your Heart and Wombspace

Prerequisites: Anyone may register for this class.

No prior training or experience (except life) is required.

ONLINE components – (as well as the above).

Instant download to experience change in your own being

Delivered on pre payment – at least of the deposit.
(Contact Heather for payment plan)

Reset Your Metabolism

Foundational Moves

 Optional – Love YourSelf Better


  • Your prior acquaintance with this material is essential.
  • Content can be very different to what you have been exposed to.
  • Possibly even challenging in its simplicity and depth.
  • We do go over your Q and A in the workshop.
  • I assume at least your ‘nodding acquaintance’ with the concepts and moves within these.

What we cover

  • –Protection and construction of a safe space for this work to happen
  • – What it means to ‘hold space’.
  • – Gain a clear understanding of the body’s energy and solid flows.
  • – 5 Flows – especially lymph.
  • – Discover what blocks life force. (8 Extras reservoir theory)
  • – Including – Poly Vagal Theory, Reichian armour bands, Accident Recall
  • – Rework the entire Three Heater theory into practical hands-on repair of visceral displacement, vacuity (diastasis/prolapses) and leaky gut (Ileo-cecal value correction.)
  • – Experience different levels of releasing what is caught up as life residue/scars
  • – Practice gently relieving body resistance, allowing the clearing what has up till now prevented true healing.

Next Reconnecting Heart and Wombspace workshop – see Course schedule

What next?

Completion of Reconnecting Your Heart and Wombspaceprepares you for Living Ligaments I

Living Ligaments I – Womb Woes to Womb Wonders

Prerequisites: Self Care and/or Reconnecting Heart and Wombspace.

ONLINE components– All from the above PLUS

Gentling Trauma Relief/Self Discovery

This 3-day experiential workshop is designed for those who have completed the online and experiential components as above. Service directed, this is for those who work hands-on with others. and who wish to advance their education theory and bodywork practice to provide heartful hands on shifts in the stored trauma to release that which holds the structure hostage.

This work is profound and very gentle.

We encourage the gradual undoing of the Reichian armour bands in slow combination of vibration and physical means.  After creating a safe space, ourselves being clear enough to hold the space, we work with intention, breathing,  and hand movements. Releasing lymph, thus the ligaments.

An understanding of the energy considerations – channels – energy and lymph – allows us to explore what holds structural alignment stuck in a non optimal position – and thus how to undo this to allow the perfect blueprint to be uncovered.

Open to those – who wish to use their hands in loving service and who have covered all pre requisites.

Additional – ideally you have signed up for the entire package. (Transformational Healing)
This allows you to fully understand the instructions that run your being – embodied via the aura, chakras and the intricate wiring that allows life to blossom easily.

Next Living Ligaments I workshop – see Course schedule

Living Ligaments II – Prolapses to Prostates

From here (left) to easy living again (below) .  . .

Advanced Work

  • Review of what has lead us to here in clinical practice
  • Q and A.
  • We delve deeper into sacral and coccygeal distress that impacts into visceral displacement, diastis in more detail, prolapsing and lack of structural integrity in all forms – leading into hernias, incontinence and tricky lives in general.
  • The male uterus – the prostate blues.

Prerequisites: Living Ligaments I.

ONLINE components – additional to all work covered so far

Instant download to experience change in your own being

Delivered on pre payment – at least of the deposit.

(Contact Heather for payment plan)

Love Your Man Better

Men’s Healing Practical

This 3 day workshop reviews and refines techniques from previous workshops allowing you to further develop and integrate these advanced bodywork techniques into real clinical application. Prior to attending class, students must submit the required number of case studies and have completed all online trainings.
We work on others – not only from the class in addition to gently correcting each other’s bent bodies.
Under guidance, The LL II is in my clinic as we pick up people we have been working on as the years go by.

Next Living Ligaments II workshop – see Course schedule

Living Ligaments III – Opening the Baby Gate – His and Her’s

When and where ?

To be advised – at end of the year.
This is a master class.

Only on completion of the online packages and experientials for the hands-on – all I have lead you to here.

You MUST have completed online pre requisites – self mastery and the Transformational Healing package

5 days experiential – and is likely to be in retreat.

This is also where you get to be then affiliates and teachers – if you choose to go further.
The online membership sites will be activated –  you are then part of the

Memebership sites?
Oh yes . .
Not face to face working – unless putting potential people on intensives at this point.

You also are doing Intensives– to actually get to the bottom of why life and nature are at odds.

The Natural Life Guide

The Natural Fertility Detective

The Natural Fertility Guide
The Natural Pregnancy Guide and
The Natural Parenting Guide

All following nature.

An entire career trajectory