Towards Living Ligaments I Yeppoon




Reminding you of the end of the last in person training


Having a wee tribe in learning is so important – and we need to do likely weekly catch-ups after this event.
In the meantime – towards the practical hands on – we have preparation.
From weekend on group chat . .

(To do yet – looking for the piece of paper now)

SKILLS along the way – I usually teach in Acup 101 – that skill set is now focused on needling.

We are moving the Qi – Foundational Thoughts (CLICK)

1 – Gua Sha (CLICK)

2 – All in Foundational Moves (review here – CLICK)

An extra – all the pelvic opening (CLICK) from WDCD

3 – Navel Cupping and why (CLICK) and secret to staying/being well – tune up your metabolism videos (CLICK)

‘Fire’ Cupping – do watch all the moves on Shannon – cupping, different Gua Sha, and some of the Foundationals PLUS – you see me doing some of what we are to do in L.L.I. – please refresh the cupping. (Called ‘fire cupping’ – not the navel). A really bad cough – and how to undo some of the congestion (CLICK).

NOTE – need artery clamps.

4 – Reconnecting (usually people are in the gut /adhesions – not so much having the emotional times you all did – that was such a great class – as you know each other – and I did the Gentle Self Discovery as a result – this means you may NOT have done the inner work – as too many pulls on your time.
Exploring Your Life Library – please do. And for your children. And your mother – is a very large project – that will unpick/untangle you further. I will be running  6 week FB online supportive group on this in a while – likely starts spring equinox.  MANUAL (all online links) is here (CLICK)

What to cover prior to the weekend 20-21-22 August.

We will be focusing on what holds the womb hostage – and if not there – what a mess is left – return to normal.

What the L.L.I. training is about (CLICK)

MANUALto look through so it is not so much as a surprise (CLICK) THIS IS TO LOOK AT  we cover it all in class. (AND what may come up . . ). We do all of this – and to get to there – must have caught up with the other moves – so I am not reteaching them. As this is all self paced – maybe immerse yourself as I am there busily treating/ teaching in a week’s time?

This page (CLICK) is a compilation of two classes of Living Ligaments I – we repeated as after doing it in Feb 2020 – we got shut down and that was that – all maybe have forgotten: plus 2 new students (both acupuncturists).

Before we get there – in tandem I am running what appears to be my version of how acupuncture (Qi Moving) could be taught – so everyone wins – especially the learner – as you get such amazing results – leave without a massive HECS debt, feel confident and love your work.

The pricklies page (CLICK)

Allow an hour a day leading in – to keep up. If you have not been already – this is not about being in a bonded group – yes it is – AND – this is the culmination of my life’s work – to ‘get’ it – you have to invest you in it. And make it yours  and be tested – by life – that is the trick now – we have such extra calls – as distractions – to meet.


See you on Thursday for the 9-12 class.

This is practical.

We also need bodies . .scars from the audience will be fine.