To be the hands-on part of the Baby Project.


To be here you have completed the LL component of the GW and are through the Selfing Challenge – we did sleeping then the actual selfing (January 2021)  – and now the emotional component (Spiritual bathing – loosely called).

Here is the Baby Project Manager – in here the couple will have access to me for 6 months as they go through – however /wherever they are.

  1. Getting Baby Ready
  2. Becoming pregnant
  3. Baby on board
  4. Parenting . .

What comes up

All questions answered.

You are the hands – I am the consultant – not the medicos as they watchfully wait – we fix.
I envisage these people to be deemed ‘hopeless’ – either they have ‘failed’ IVF  (hence they are worthy candidates as the Shared Journey is what Dr Mercier did what she did for- but only for the women). And when the sperm was way better than it is now.
The pregnancy – turning hopeless/’high risk’ about – and /or horrendous parenting challenges – yes I am up for this also.

BUT it is all about – Not Breaking The Baby – or the Baby – Mother bond – and prior to that – engaging dad so he is nominally ‘in charge’ /totally present – as someone has to be when she is a birthing mum – to protect her from all around her – and them trying to interfere. Holding this space is no longer a happy/sacred space. Medical is not respectful and not how life was to be ever.

See more here for The Baby Project Manager
I suggest that they answer the question – who will be helping them make the grandchildren?
Would the parents of the couple be contributing to IVF or any ART?
This is it – quality.
At least they would be more healthy. .

Baby Project Manager

What it says on the invoice . . .
Includes – 6 months of intensive online support from Heather (the Baby Project Manager)
Along with hands-on from others as needed,
Inclusive of this fee – all online courses, posters, eBooks and videos from Heather.
Plus as many Zooms as needed to walk you through these programmes
Living Well (getting Baby Ready)
Being Well – at least 3 months of good living in to ensure the baby nest and seeds are ready for planting
The Natural Pregnancy Guideso you know where you’re heading
The Natural Fertility Detective – if needed
The Natural Parenting Guide – on the second run of this programme.
(essential – Don’t Break the Baby – or the mother – baby bond.
How do we make sure?
Mammalian Maternity  .
As Nature designed.
Intention – to raise a sustainable future.
Grandmother’s wisdoms apply.
It is all about the children as yet unconceived and their children’s children.
We take the active conscious steps to ensure the continuity of the herd, in a supportive tribe.
By 6 months – end of first course – they ought to be pregnant – then we carry-on – another fee  . takes them out of pregnancy and into parenting. IF not pregnant – we want to know – why not???? We go into the detective process – why not?
All books/courses will be finalised as we go along – so then you can use it all – with reference to me if it is “too hard”.
As part of their fee I walk YOU the hands on person through what to do . .
Below is part one for Tracey – we will do the prospective dad.
Please all watch as you get my head process – how do I solve these ‘hard’ cases?
We will go through all pregnancy issues as thus. .
They are paying for your training a bit – plus you will all on this be also on a monthly membership
When I get this in motion .
PLUS – the affiliate programme – you selling on the courses for a cut.
PLUS – you being gradually trained to takeover the classes – starting with Pelvic Opening.I am still on writing the manuals – so is not a steady one job then onto the next for me.
Also will be taking on more students – so especially we can be training the acup people up at the same time.
Please store this info somewhere – and possibly print out the entire resource (CLICK).
I did this up when I had to support someone losing a pregnancy at 13 weeks . .

Using the Arvigo form . .

Here is me breaking down ONE couple’s history. I am not interested in what her ‘numbers’ are. I am not sure we even have them as she is ‘only’ 27. That is a great time to make sure we FIX her sacrum as it is now calcifying – and extensive castor oil with warmth.

This is why we do the Mercier work as part of the Living Ligaments – and what we look at in depth more in LL II.

Arvigo intake form here P 249 intake form

We will cover Chris’s story next . . (How he got to here – in this state).

Chris – how did he get to there?

I pushed the stop button by mistake – so we have round 2

Sperm at 5% looking normal – with testes temp of 35 C and the BBT of lower than 3.7/8C – it is almost there is that due to the hot balle? There is enough to be dealing with .. to get both of them in shape. Becoming Baby Ready – where there we start with making babies – if his temp and sperm report is way better – and her temps are normal and have been for 3 months with ‘normal ‘BBT’ – then – likely first time – sex – baby happens.  .
Then they go into the Natural Pregnancy Guide.
If the easy bub after 3 months is elusive – and they are still doing all – we go to Natural Fertility Detective.
After that – the Natural Parenting Guide.

Building a baby – the sensible approach (CLICK)

The stages we work through

The programmes to be done up

Download here:    You have been gifted a body  Rhythms of Life     What makes you a Person

What you need to do if you have anyone who may apply .
Mostly – they are past desperate    You are the hands-on and support.

I as the problem solver/solutions are all found in following Nature. . .

TURN it all back to EASY

Mammalian maternity