To be JABBED or not – and what if you have?


First – DO NO Harm – is lost – MIA

Instead we haev lllbeing used as ‘guinea pigs’
At least if it we neede d- (not a constructed ’emergency; as all I suggeste dwe didi two years ago had been followed.


Do not need pharma – and other

Jab – injection – of an experimental genatic manipulation – patents as a medical device’.
Mark of the beast should you finish the footage of the bar code that you now carry.
Not sure

Glutathione accelerator

Pyroluria and MTFR – may be resolved ..

Transmission  not ‘shedding’- check it out yourself –
OIl of Thieves – clean out heir nose befr ethey drop it everywhere.

Nasal toilette  .each end of the day – and hourly if feeling a bit ill.

Oil of Thieves itself in a diffuser – get an account with me – Weill go ‘under Bindi’

‘Good Guy’ – and get an air purifier – does the job for moxa smoke – and may have a negative ion generator.
Me in Cairns.  . genital herpes – when there is Heat and Damp – there WILL be smells – I do get a warning . .

Yungaburra – old friend returns . .still not joining the dots – and then the bleeding patient – the old guy.

Yeppoon and then the shock of hitting the cow – and got shingles in my eye . .

Boosters? Oh dear  . if it is in the first the 8 week’s later one to almost completely shut your immune system down – hence the old cancers/autoimmune issues will flair up . . And then the real trouble – the ‘boosters’.

If you are not aware of this -start seeing more than what you are supposed to.


Me on P.V. – and my eye muscles start aching then hurting  and the upper right corner of eye – feels distended as though the eye is being sent into the inner canthus . .and fuller as well as most unhappy. Pricklies info – Liver governs vision as it controls muscles – and as it worsened . ..thought as windscreen aftermath . .
No shingles. . .in eye.

Chinese herbs – AV/AT – 3 every hour is the dose – Blood borne – Re Gen  2 x3 – sometimes 4/5 daily as I was not in the steroid cream and the strong antivirals. .


Was already doing 2 tsp liposomals Vit C – 50,000 iu Vit D sometimes, negative ion pads, AV/AT every hour   .eventually pharma saved the day. Then lycine and olive leaf. And 2 x doses of Glutathione. Reiki, pricklies and lying down – and coping.


How did I work out what I had? All teh symotoms wee rnOT eye elate d- all around teh trigeminal nerve – and was feeling as it would – tingling, dull aching above ear and teeth an dnose and cheek bne and above eye – NOT acute glaucoma – as one GO thought – and finally – drugs to the rescue . .


Grateful I knew enough to ensure that I could help myself .

Baby cataracts in both eyes – drop of castor oil before bed. And inner Chinese herbs – and pricklies. . ears ..

Large container AV/AT – and take 2 x 2 if you want preventatively  is what was designed for SARS -1.

Epsom salt and MSM in the bath would have stymied this.
Also – eucalyptus – oil on a steaming bowl, towel over head ..
Me – off ACE inhibitors after 18 years – I got a different version- I got stuck blood plus all the nasal/throat. .

Epiglottis – and now constant battle with golden staph – in nose – came back wearing a mask occassionally – when with shingles. Not now.

Medcial murder – did not haev to be – all GPs’/hospiatlas weer directed to NOT treat – till almost dead . .

re Gen – 2 x 2 – adn it works – I codl feel it ‘ri=unning out; n between extensvely time dout doses – tak ea lot mpre  oftn.

Ga;; Bladder – posw=dered mis=x. 263264/265 – that fixe dit. I have adde din more 6 – Gentiana – do catch up witheth Prickles – as this will et you into what the first uear acup studnts coudl do wth – t is practical and orderly.

ABB – anti biobotanical -s 3 is  adose – 3 for a few hours – then 3 x 2 hry
if – as well as , instead of, or when they have ot worked. .

ABB – as well as zinc .Vit C and D . .

Glutathione accelerator (CLICK)
Oil of Thieves (CLICK)

Life Recipe (CLICK)

What to do?
Sovereignty – choice’?
Yes – I k  having ‘lost’ all that was   almost – I retain my sovereignty.
Not mine to gift to others either . . Not to be bought.
Some have – and totally understandable – if you say  lie often enough .

You start to wear then down strategy – it is going to plan.

If you see no wa forwars (and teh GP’s ar eNOT allow dto speak out – spare  athihght fo rthem  and the y are not allwoed t wrte exemptions, teeat accordinto – NOT watchful waiting an dthen give you a drug that IS expensive ($1,000’s not singl e$$) that almost gaura=tees dia=satste r- an sam ewith respirators  I goto experience COVID when it wa sAlpha.
irst patent – recently returned Aisna chap who has been so sicj =k soce hi sreturn -saw him x3 consequen-tve days.
Patient 2 – My husband – I ‘gave ‘ to him  I was taking AV/AT – he coudl not as is allergic
Patient 3 – me – different variation as I have congestive herat failure an dthus sturck me strangely – but ye=ars late r- my nos and sense of smell are not right. Also my lung capacity is still reduced. I have thankfo=ully lpst eh odd throat that ersisite dfo rmontsh.
I am naturally immune – though the serology test lies on that score.
Initially I was not \’allowed’ (as the GP said to have it .


Graphene oxide – and what next – DO NOT TAKE THE J&J jab) Deletion of the DNA replication genes –  maybe watch this (CLICK)