The Secret to Being Well: Tune Up Your Metabolism videos


The eBook that I set out is not connected to the footage – here it is whilst you are reading it . .
The ‘addresses’ of where I find the to insert in the document are on this page for my ease = clicking them will not get you the video.
Actual eBook that is the course (2016) on this techniques, why and how is below. Also – allied (in same course)

Iodine – ingredient for life (CLICK) – Topical use

Moxa Usage (CLICK to download)

The Secret to Being Well- Tuning Up Your Metabolism (Removing the Cold)-5 (CLICK to download)

Gua Sha (  top of page 10

Why we must pull the cold out – page 10


Page 26


Trial on your leg)

With coin ( page 10



Page 34 – on self


Actually putting cup on – page 34


( page 34
Ginger on the moxa

Steaming link not current (page 34)

Page 46 (repeat)

Page 37, 39., 40 links – do not work. (Maybe do not need?)

Cause of disease page 42

Links not working page 43



Page 49


Page 57 – constitutional energy ?Jing?)

Page 58 – iodine eBook


Cupping a post baby belly page 87

Adding ice is NOT going to help (CLICK)