The making of Ollie

The process  of undoing



Beginning of the second Zoom

What we cover . .

1.50 – Problem pregnancies. .

2.20 – not all babies get damaged.

3.20 – Will not find this anywhere else.

3.45 – At 13 months  my daughter started to walk – from being a blob at 13 months. .

5.50 – Is fixable.

What you need – helpers. . .
Need food to happen (you are pregnant and making a better pregnancy and  . .
Bored –

Institutes for the achievement of Human Potential (Was in Healesville)
Friends of Brain Injured Children  and this is n not likely to help as I sacked Ian Hunter

Do not go there though- I am mentioning as you need to know what else is about . .

as not knowing enough after 3 months on his programme – I think he is not much use with babies – better maybe with children who have been in car accidents/ drownings etc.

Friends of Brain Injured Children . .

Ian Hunter  . apparently is still coming up to Bne.

PDF of his book – I have put this here so you can red- he is not who I think you need to see.
Your choice – I am big on suggestions as it is your/Ollie’s life ..

This way you MAY get access to some of the patterning tables etc . .
His site . . .  where he started . ..

8 .00 – people in Kathryn’s class at Healesville.

9.00 – Nicole’s progress and my learnings from her.

Other parent’s stories. .


Sound no good – then we were paused and lost a whole lot . .



What to do

What to do continued

 H and Sam a week later

To watch  .
A page that I am doing up at the moment
Have you seen all of this?
The Law
I do not like that.
Need one as in my photo
15 x 4 minute patterns with no less than 20 minutes in between
can use ironing board when kid is little – as we sometimes did visiting – or a kitchen counter . .
but need a patterning table for home
Useless .  . (she keeps toeing the party line)
Does say when not enough time, masking is always the priority
(I always got it all done – unless she was ill- unlikely).

Metamorphic technique – please read this – a simple way to make a lot better. .


Glenn Doman’s work



Another parent’s story

Yet another

Someone reporting on this.
They were going well till I read this – rubbish – laughing WILL NOT do the same thing as masking . .


Detractors – there are a lot – here is one

I know it works.  .so do all who work it as asked – all and every day.
Do it and then see if you want to stop – as all of this works. . all of it.

Need to buy this – as your new ‘bible’




Up to lack of Vit D3 . .



Interesting 1966