
After first Selfing led in co teaching – you hands-on

Me directing and gradually letting you go.
With manuals . .

Note that I have ‘agreements’ posted on the door to my right??

Why I went into belly work (CLICK).
What I wrote as my learnings in the Self Care Arvigo rounds – 6 in 9 months (I was traveling and in Arvigo training in the midst of my push to focus on this work). What I add in to the courses I teach 2016 (CLICK)

Arvigo Self Care manual topics . .

  • Goal and objectives
  • History and lineage of Arvigo Therapy
  • Ix Chel – the goddess
  • Homeostasis and hemodynamics & five systems of flow
  • The Female reproductive system
  • The menstrual cycle
  • The wondering womb
  • Supporting Fertiliy
  • Menopause
  • Male Reproductive system
  • The diagram
  • The digestive system
  • Reichian theory/body armouring
  • Chakras
  • Self Care
  • Spiritual herbal bathing
  • Vaginal steams
  • Heating with castor oil packs
  • Use of faja
  • Rainforest remedies
  • Further reading
  • Scope of practice
  • Course evaluation

End of June 2021

Also look at this – after Living Ligaments II we did marketing/teaching from 1:1 to 1:many

Found from teaching training end 2018 (CLICK)







What was emailed to the first group of teachers.

Something we can’t NOT do . .
US next – maybe – hence we are moving as fast as we can from (minor/imner) slavery – of our own of beliefs – through to sovereignty and on into service.
We MUST lead by example . .
This means – when you get tripped up by life – journal it and process.
That hour in the morning of YOURS  and the end of the day.
Make it happen. .
Become more conscious.
Once the habits below are engrained we go into the mediation – the Antakarana part – you could go through all Stanton Stevens has done prior to this – see the pages from the links here https://heatherbrucehealing.com/healthy-living/meditation/beings-of-light/
Why this work?
All of what I do is based on and through this – soul star, activation of the central channel and leaving the glamorous behind.
Work based from of Alice Bailey
When I have completing this foundational stage we will move onto Gentle Self Discovery – What is holding ‘self’ stuck.
We are playing on the edges with the physical – as we need to be grounded.
We are in form and the more concrete parts of this can be less immutable.
With gentling
And perseverance.
My suggestion in this case is to see this as a gift to clear out – that Declutter process – see below – have you been doing this part of the course?
The more practical but – may have gotten your attention
Saboteurs are like wee road blocks . .
Are you sure?

Testing happens at all stages to ensure that you are leaving no residue – that will later be landmines . . ‘Sticky bits’ indeed. If they are there, they will be activated.

Do you really want to pretend it is not there?
Teaching in small groups – will activate. . as we all need to be past where we are leading.

Stuck Liver Qi  shows us so very well with coffee needed in the morning –

Answer to this?
Mentoring in the future
We may bring in others who have been touched deeply by doing this work with me in the past . Welcome Yvonne.  . .

Some of us are totally untethered by these times – and thus we are gathered here as a tribe – as we feel called and more complete with an alternative to the ‘reality’ that is being foisted upon those who are being compliant – and some of us are NOT that good at being told what to do by others.

What are YOU here for? Needs answering.
As I am wont to say of trainings – what was the point in going through all of that – if we do not pass the learnings on – use it?
Our own PhD’s – as women will have always brought stuff up for others.
The past is the mother of the present. . .
The male model MAY be forcing and in control.
Here we find our inner self arise.
Gentling self to light up the way .
Rising to the challenge – of being more of self – coming soon . .
This current focus of YOUR self development through taking up the reins in your own life and being the change you wish to see in others.
So they can see where to go next themselves – and let us ripple out
‘Infect’ with light

is enLighten . .

You will
Be tested – do welcome your little gremlins.
Lead them also to the Light.
When do I (you) the teacher get paid?
When I let you loose – likely next one – as after me leading you in two of these and you watching what we did in Selfing #1, #2, #3 – if not on it yourself – you will be ‘near enough’.
I am being held by the students coming in (hence YOU are not paying directly for the personal uplift).
You are to be paid in $$ – after your second go around – $330 per each student – me $220 – as we gather the way to staff the admin side of this . .we will eventually be  a well oiled machine – with heart and soul . .
First training you are hands-on  – you discover you know so much more than you thought
All about clearing “Why me”? out of the way.
And focusing on what we can do . .
In these times – it’s sure GOOD ENOUGH . .
If not you – who?
Welcome.  .
Let the fun begin
My nomadic teaching venture programme we will unleash soon . .
Brisbane – Yeppoon – Cairns.

What we cover

It depends. . . this is a guide – and the INTENTION is to awaken the hostage holding onto being a womb warrior.

To get to here we are aware of our ‘I can’t’s and Do It Anyway . .

  • Goals and intentions
  • Origin of the work – lineage
  • We are all of the Light – 7 ‘L’s’
  • Reframing what a body/ a ‘life’ is





Trainee teachers expressing how they found the session and what they got out to fit.

Snippets . . times approximate

  • 1.30 Belinda first –
  • 6 – Vanessa
  • 10.50Hilary – found hidden confidence (of course she could)
  • 13.50 – meet them where they are
  • 17 – Knitting (fast, easy)
  • 17.20 – Build it and they will come. .
  •  18 Lisa – ask for what you need – Field of Dreams
  • 18.20 – my important learnings from Arvigo Self Care
  • 22.45 – scenarios they gave us – and I lived in
  • 31 – THIS IS A VOCATION – not an academic exercise.
  • 34.30Hilary, Belinda and inserting GV 1
  • 40.45 – Teaching pelvic opening – we have to to all – as we do the Move Your Qi moves.
  • 43.30 – PSYCHIC ATTACK most likely – clarity and all tools for this needed – you in top circle not relating as ‘you’


  • 45.30 – Hand over – ask my teacher – when you get  a curly question . .
  • 46.30 – I do not often know what is coming next either – got a n idea of what we are to over – where to go.
    Is why we have the manual . . .
    (Freeing Yourself)
  • 47.30Vanessa being my assistant
  • 51Lisa being Samar’s assistant
  • 53 – Vanessa telling us about the role of the assistant – Lia being so strong and gently supportive. We have to be as elders from Cuzemel.
  • 55 – Please say – “I don’t know” – it is a very strong statement – all will respect you . .

What next?

Discovery – that is ‘trauma’ – means STUCK – unresolved and stored ‘for later’ – no space left.

Life residue. . . see Life Rescue (CLICK) to start with

Ethics (CLICK) – have you watched – please do so. There are 5 in the series.

Gentle STUCK Relief . .

Part 1 (CLICK)


Teachers – awakening Self (CLICK)

After June selfing – Belinda and Maja and H