Tale of four births . . .

Perineal stories


Although there are 18 years apart, it is all my body.

1 – Forceps, massive episiotomy

2 – Natural – intact perineum

3 – Keilland’s rotational forceps – intact perineum

4 – C section – intact perineum
However – C scar had many stories rolled into one.

Byron Bay hospital with Dr David Miller – who went onto become everyone’s darling home birthing doc. Not in my case . .showing off his newly found plastic surgery skills. 3/4 an hour – one stitch . . no pain relief and warm salt baths to sit in, gingerly blot dry, then infra red lamp to allow healing. Anestehtic to do the deed? Pudenedal block – you do not want one of these – worse than the labour – no pain relief for this.
Shame of this was – vegan mum. Even after 3 years, the peri was not happy inviting guests. Even now – nearly 50 years later – a source of regret.
What I did not know
1 – Body needs ingredients to heal easier.
2 – Avoid all hospitals as birth is not within their scope of practice. Fee for service arrangement – the more that they do, the more $$ changes hands .
3 – Need to get up and be so compliant/way more defiant. Only I would have known how to birth that baby – Nature tells us as we go along.
4 – Intact perineum is essential for even sneezing . .

Why episiotomy?
Not given the space to birth the way we are designed. Lying in bed in between surged is not that.
Doc thought 90 minutes pushing in supported squat – thus not gravity – was enough and cut back to anus. Initially with BLUNT scissors, and then forceps him out. Why? No need past he was in charge.

Boothville, Brisbane – small and peaceful in an older 2 storey house. Eventual easy birth – after 90 minutes again of pushing – baby almost same size. He came out. I realised I had to make it hurt more – as much as I could – then it would all be over. As it was. . .No hassles with peri – but I went straight from the hospital to the chiro who undid the extreme swollen feeling I had ‘down below’ as I had been expected to birth squatting and some of us are not built for this. . .Magic relief.

Easiest position for me pushing? Seems improbable – lying on left side lateral. Until I saw this whilst writing this page – I was quite sure he was born in the comfy position. But here we go again – supported squat – so much easier on my side, only pushing, not holding all my weight (3 stone extra more than usual) .

That is what I remember – the relief of feeling baby coming down – prior to that could feel STUCK.
Someone was holding my leg up and all I had to do was push. Obviously lying on the bed was the way it happened – so doc had control . .

Note – baby within me was lying on my left side, and did the face to my colon catching the bacteria needed to digest, turning to birth shoulders

There is a real need for someone to be photographing mums (for later) are not there at the ‘business end.

Boothville, lovely hand picked by me obstetrician.
Baby in all sorts of woe – so after 90 minutes of STUCK in pushing, was discovered to be OP facial presentation). Although she was my largest at 8 1/2 lbs and the largest forceps, and also a man’s hands in there – no tears, rips, grazes, splits or cuts – or bruises. Why these ones? Needed to go into womb, turn baby, then hold as I pushed her out.

Perineum perfect – stretched so far and no troubles . .

Christchurch Women’s Hospital. C section.
Perineum OK BUT – worst experience as the healing!

Can’t get up and do stuff – got all that healing to do – and this time, as a single mum – and massively brain injured daughter to chase after.

Healing after?
So needed. . .

What to do?
Start with perineal steaming – a few days after birthing is fine.
Self care requires a different mind set – self first – see more here

Or – if you want to know about what to do with your scar – here is a great starting point.

One woman’s journey with an unhealed perineum . .

What did I send her home with?
Even better now as the precis posters/charts of all sorts of dramas. How to help yourself as she did – after birthing
Easy Pregnancy Resources‘ – more for the earlier months

Scars/adhesions from whatever cause/however long ago.

SUGGESTION – maybe look to perineal steaming and also scar relieving

Maybe ask What If Something Goes Right? (a free taster to see if you wish to be part of the self help challenge

Later pregnancy?
Easy Pregnancy Solutions – all of this – more for the later stages with the eBooks for birthing preparation and

Not planning n going back for more – but need a hand with healing?
Your own are a great start . . belly soothing to calm you – so you CAN chill, digest well to heal, and sleep deeply
Nutrients – maybe splash out and get informed?
Massive programme here – all self paced – Nourishing YOU is about the ingredients we need to be well in a body, and what they do . .
And how a well body processes food to fuel and run itself – essentially -what is under the hood – the engine of us.

In a nutshell . .
Being Woman ($US 17)
Undoing Your Scars ($US 27)
Perineal steaming ($US 97)
Soothing (your belly/your hands) ($US 97 or $20 extra with steaming)

What If Something Goes Right? (FREE)
Undoing Your Scars ($US 27)
Easy Pregnancy Resources ($US 97)
Easy Pregnancy Solutions ($US 147)
Nourishing YOU ($US 127)