Not flowing . .
Do you feel this?
Bodies have to . . circulate.
The good to where life happens and the wastes away. .

Pain is where it is blocked.
Arterial blood
Venous blood
When any gets impinged, not only is there wonky functioning, but pain .
And numbing it – not fixing it – will not alleviate.
You may have heard me, or another acupuncturist talk of Liver Qi.
Then STUCK Liver Qi . .
What is it?
What gums up the works and leaves your body gasping for life.
Stagnating, festering – is not compatible with life.
In these times of change being wrought upon us . .
Lock downs
Weather’ bombs’ to name a few . .
Maybe . .
We feel discombobulated?
Not flowing as intended?
How a well body works

Using the East Asian model/acupuncture – having taught this for decades, and used it to assist when all else seems hopeless) . . We can see that the regions governed by the Liver Qi (energy) cover all aspects of a body. Almost everything.
When it all works – you do not know you have a body . . it is perfectly balanced and flows effortlessly – as do your emotions.

OR . . . . . . .
You can get stuck.
(‘Stress/tension and eventual depression)
You can see all the gut and gyne, the women’s bits, the muscles and tendons – and of course the sense of self – are all tied up into how well we are flowing. The Liver meridians (channels) also deal with the inner body – and when blocked as we get irritated, irked, feel stymied in life – and the more STUCK – the areas that NEED free passage – of Qi , blood and lymph – all start breaking down.
Depending in your own strengths and weaknesses.
And – the more stuck, the worse it gets – the ore depressed the flows, the more STUCK you are.
Emotionally – procrastinations abound. .
Add to that what is being forced upon all now. . .
Not able to work, to travel, to be yourself (the one you were till 2020 . . . hit) unless, etc. .
in the past?
In what we want?
In the reactivity mode?
What this does – is make it all so much worse. .

Depends – on the state of the moon – if a woman bleeding – as the Liver Blood fills her fetal palace – and she flows well. .
Or not if things that upset her are not addressed. Often from all of her life – as these mount up, not going away. . .
This can (and does) flow into all her life – and body crying out for help MAY be shut down as the bits are attended to – not her life residue, how she feels about what has happened and what she is NOT’ allowed’ now to do.

STUCK BLOOD – any pain of fixed location . .
(you can put your finger on it).
Currently – this means if you were coerced to do . . .
And on top of that – you are not the same,
And you have been told to go home and not worry
‘Just anxiety . .
You are NOT happy and worried sick
Flows not flowing as the ingredients of the jab are to STICK you up further . .
PLUS you have attitude with it . .
We have to get the flows flowing again . .
If not – the various gut, head, circulatory, gyne and life issues (plus awake between 1-3 am and awakening feeling ‘hung over’/no good till at least 1 cup of coffee – or/and the ‘need’ for either strenuous exercise to feel good – or chocolate or whatever that frees you up . .long term – more trouble.
Hope it will all go away (it has not yet) or

What to do?
At least let go . .
Has happened. .
And now what?

I am still about – now online. .
Where is HEATHER?
Far North Qld . .
BUT – you have your own hands –
Time to step up
See the beginning of the new life – What Causes Health? (A new perspective – not illness- wellness)
Soothing or own belly
Peri-steaming – delicious – very night maybe – undo all your STUCK and tension
See how to here (CLICK)