Start Doing Better in Your Acupuncture Clinic

Welcome . .

What I am offering:

1 – A mentoring process specifically directed at Sustainable Humanity.

2 – A step by step guided tour through the energy body – meridians and Q – using heartful hands, intention and love.

3 – A closed FB page to allow mentoring to happen with your hard pregnancy cases – so we save a baby one at a time.

(Goal – to have a more natural beginning and entry into being).



It is time!
The pendulum needs to swing back to what works.
Millennia of research from the world of mammals needs to rise back to the top.

Let’s revert to what flows!! Bring the Jing back into focus allows us to really make multi generational changes.

All from this dedicated Light workers’ multi modality transformative body perspective

I wish that there had been something like I am offering  .

I am handing over – a senior acupuncturist’s clinical gems.
Starting with a taster .

Pain in pregnancy

What it means and why it is a dire warning for the future.  Pain should not be.

Ingredients and flows . .
What before needling?
Yes –  we need the basic beginnings