This is posted a year later – I am still in recovery.
As a natural health care professional – who has always ‘thought around corners’ this incident has reshaped my life.
As well as my face . . and what I had planned for 2022 . .
Much like 20202 – really – WHO is in charge??
I will have at the end of this post – what to do should this happen to you.
I strongly suggest that you sign in for my Pricklies – First Aid online course.
Even IF you are an acupuncturist.
I carry always an alternative way of looking at ‘life’. this is a different version of First Aid instead of sometime – and as well as – the standard model of ‘care’. I was to wait at least 7 hours for an ambulance in mid Jan 2am in Brisbane city – to go less than 10 Km – due to the sudden and unwarranted need for assistance all others (jab induced) – mine was a ‘fall’ .
There’s – orchestrated more Then ramped for how long?
I could have walked to the hospital faster than that wait. .
I will cover step wise what I did to enhance my own path back to some semblance of self in the second part of this post.
So you can have an idea of what you may one day be called to do for someone else – hopefully not, as I, yourself.

This is may be after reading through this post – or go onto it.
This is a bit alarming . .
I went over/down face first
No idea. . to this day
NOT sleep walking, not TIA. .

I was obviously conscious ENOUGH – and as the director of my life- I was thinking forwards till now – a year later..
The negative ion strips – I had 9 of them on my upper body every night
Initially – the Reiki could only work on one site – as to it was my left wrist most in need – besides the split /hanging-by-a-thread upper lip.
Aura Soma to calm the energy and Co 4 . .
Yin Tang also.
Liv 2 – as I was VERY ANNOYED
Magnesum plastered everywhere.
We wn=ent bakc to Brn=en (were living 2 hours away) to get more Yunnan BAo Yao plaster sto put on my body and capsiles to undo teh STuck Blood (trauma). When I sy=toppe dtakinthem 6 week slate r- I took a few week sto notine that my head ws not right – s starte dup again. That was teh PTSD/TBI and teh concue=ssion – Itook a year to relaise is still running m e- bit lessening.
Later on that day – I had things to do – teaching students 3 days after this incident . . .
So yes – that was me driving
The pads? I used so many – the negative ion strips did help
Before the magic Accident Recall that the students did for/on me – is utterly life changing – when an acute injury!!